Monday, March 17, 2025

Government Praised for decision to extend the student loan scheme to private Universities


The Zambia National Students Union has commended President Edgar Lungu and Minister of Higher Education Brian Mushimba for the decision to extend the student loan scheme to private Universities.

Union Vice President Steven Kanyakula is gratified that President Lungu’s administration is considering moving towards the direction where every student enrolled at any higher learning can apply for student loans.

Mr Kanyakula said the spirit by which Government had done away with bursary scheme to a loan scheme was to allow for financing of education through loans.

He said the bursary scheme was extensively abused and became a conduit for those with influence in society to have their children access education free of charge at the expense of majority poor.

Mr Kanyakula said the student loan scheme is designed to allow every young citizen, irrespective of social status and whether in public or private universities, in a college or trades institute to access a loan which is recoverable upon graduation and when the recipient gets employed.

He said this is a very innovative approach as it allows for a student loan scheme to be student revolving fund and also ensures that all those who get the loans to pay back and contribute to the welfare of our education system unlike in the past were people would just access free education and then run away to other countries.

Mr Kanyakula has since asked the Minister of Higher Education to quickly implement the measures which will allow more citizens in private institutions to access the loans.

He expressed hope that this pronouncement will go beyond just the rhetoric associated with politicians.

Mr Kanyakula said ZANASU stands ready to support this administration when it implements this policy which will not only actualize the law but will make education affordable to students who go to private universities.


  1. Good development all around. The humble but fiercely hardworking president has delivered again. I have been busy dealing with the kafue crisis and I can report that we have everything under control. We are indeed a very proactive government. Muzakamba ma haters ku diaspora muzalema. Kz

    • blogging always with an eye looking behind shoulder, he is always talking about some third party somewhere, his issue is now people in the diaspora, very petty always

  2. This is just hot air. Only praise when you see it happen. With debts dubla dubla, do you see this happening? I am PF but one on the objective side. The idea is good but please count the many rhetoric ideas that are floated daily and amounting to nothing. Samba waiona

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