Sunday, September 29, 2024

Lusambo attacks on the Human Rights commission is an attack on the President – MMD Youths


Opposition New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) Youths have said that Lusaka Province Minister Hon. Bowman Lusambo’s attack on the Human Rights Commission is an indirect attack on the Republican President Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

In a statement MMD National Youth Treasurer Mr. Salt Mubita said respect for Human Rights are in the Zambia Constitution.

“Zambia is a signatory to major UN and regional treaties protecting human rights. By this, Zambia has an obligation to respect, protect and fulfill the human rights of all citizens. The Bill of Rights embodied in Part III of the current Zambian Constitution provides for the protection of fundamental rights and freedom”, Mr. Mubita said.

Mr. Mubita further said that his party is disappointed with law enforcement use of capital punishment against Covid 19 prevention.

“We, the New Hope MMD Youths are disturbed by the conduct of law enforcement officers and a named Senior Government Official who are violating the human rights of individuals failing to comply with the guidelines of the Covid 19. As much as we support the Presidential directives against the Covid 19, we are of the view that corporal punishment which constitues of torture and other inhuman or degrading treatment of punishment is prohibited under Article 15 of the Constition of Zambia and under International and Regional Human rights law to which Zambia is a party. It must also be noted that under article 193 (2) e), the Constitution mandates the Zambia Police to always uphold the bill of rights, at no point does the constition justify the Corporal punishment by them. Furthermore, the constition is supreme and no law can go against it not even the Minister’s orders, Mr. Mubita said.

Mr. Mubita further said that S.I No. 22 of 2020 does not promote use of capital punishment.

“The Statutory Instrument No. 22 of 2020 is very clear on the guidelines of those who fail to comply, shall be liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding two thousand and five hundred penalties equivalent to K750 or a Six Months imprisonment or both. There is no where where it talks about Capital punishment”, Mr. Mubita said.

Mr. Mubita further said that the attack by Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo on the Human Rights Commission is an indirect attack on the RepublicanPresident.

“As much as we would like to congratulate LUSAKA Province Minister Hon. Bowman Lusambo over his active role in the fight against Covid 19, we would further like to advise him that respect for Human rights are an integral part of the Demoncratic Governance. His promotion of corporal punishment to offenders and his attack on the Human Rights commission over their condemnation of his use of corporal punishment on people abrogating restrictions on the Covid 19 are very unfortunate. His attacks on them are not only an attack on the Republican Constitution but also an indirect attack on the Republican President Edgar chagwa Lungu as the commissioners of the HRC are appointed by the President”, Mr. Mubita said.


  1. Lusambo has costed PF more than 1million votes in past 2 weeks.
    There is no MP seat for PF in Lusaka province, it over!!
    Lusambo should just commit suicide!! It is easier for him.

  2. The coronavirus is such a minuscule thing but masses to destroy your system. You must not attempt to beat it out of anyone. This is not the fairy tale act of beating demons out of individuals alleged to be possessed. This is informed by science and so respectfully educate, persuade and guide your people. Do not use force. The world has changed. Intellect is now king and key. Brains, not brawn guys.

    • Maybe he thought its an NGO, he doesn’t know that the human rights commission is statutory body. I just like what that gentleman from human rights commission said, police are trained to enforce the law according to the constitution and they go for operations they have a commander who is mandated by law to make sure they follow led down rules,police are not supposed to commandeered by a civilian.

  3. Former MMD die hard youth coordinator, how did he end up in PF and as minister? Not for his thuggery surely my President Lungu?

  4. What can dull lungu do ? He is probably drinking his kidneys out stressed in state house unable to govern. While criminals like lusambo take charge. There is a power vacuum in that hopeless country. If it had oil the Us would be there by now

  5. Too much rule book for Lusambo and PF to understand …….

    These are common stone throwing thugs and election riggers…

    Just leave them to stew in their mess for now and enjoy the show, condolences for the common Zambian who did not vote PF for living through this horror show, and big up to those who were dancing dunnuna and voting PF , enjoy your fruits

  6. Bowman is nothing but a narcissistic nincompoop;a neighbourhood thug inexplicably promoted to such an important post. Zambia deserves a better calibre of minister.Doesnt he realise that he is spreading the virus by not staying at home?

  7. Does this bowman understand what Covid-19 is and how it is spread? I am sure he thinks covid-19 is beer. Moreover the SI on covid-19 issued by president ECL does not forbid the consumption of alcohol. It called for the closure of bars and forbade public gatherings of 50 plus people in churches, wedding ceremonies or funerals. There is nothing unlawful with six friends coming together under a tree to enjoy cold beers bought from a supermarket or bottle store while observing the so called social distance. Bowman and his gang of ill-informed cops should be arrested for assaulting innocent citizens.

  8. @KZ those are important points pointed by the people of Zambia you are calling dunderheads, your level of thinking is usually judged by your quick responses on everything without understanding points.
    Useless man unless it was upnd then you have all the time to open your mouth.
    Take your time man.

  9. HELLO, there is COVID-19 tearing up the earth’s population and you cite Human Rights Act in support of people putting others at risk of death?

    Enjoy your perpetual tenure in Opposition.

  10. So an entire minister for a province cannot interpret a simple SI that’s probably a few paragraphs long ? Shameful. If the SI is inadequate, kindly amend it and specify corporal punishment in it. Ironically it’s those countries without meaningful bailout packages advocating for police brutality. Why ?

  11. Lusambo’s behaviour is a clear sign of how in this country ruling party politicians and cadres alike infringe on people’s constitutional rights with impunity.
    There is a reason we have personal liberties enshrined in the constitution, and having of a politician say fcuk your constitutional rights and follow the presidential directives shows that the politician implying such is an imbec!le, however good that politician is trying to do.

  12. Bowman continue whipping them. What Human rights? Are you saying there are no Human Rights in countries where people are being whipped for abrogating the orders given by health professionals? Why should few people put the country at risk by breaking rules meant to save lives. If the Human Rights organization is serious they should have been advocating for people to observe the rules as these same people are contributing to the escalation of Covid-19. people have a right to life and so why should a few individuals break the law meant to protect life under the guise of having rights? Whip them more and infact they are not whipping those observing the law but law breakers.

  13. Some people never learn, how do you blatantly abrogate the law in the name of human rights? If you say upon conviction, would it be alright for the insolent offenders to be incarcerated in the wake of Covid-19 in a bid to respect human rights? Lusambo is patriotic and okay, let the malicious transgressors continue crying woof!!!!

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