Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Government to help Zambians caught up in COVID-19 Lock down in Foreign Countries


Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Malanji says government through its foreign missions has intensified the registration of Zambians in the diaspora to see how best they can be helped in view of the lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Mr. Malanji has told journalists that all Zambians that have been caught up in some countries due to the lockdown should immediately register with their respective Zambian missions.

He said the Zambian foreign missions have been directed to help Zambians who might require medical attention in countries under lockdown.

Mr. Malanji further said Zambians, who might have visited countries under lockdown will be helped by foreign missions to facilitate their passage back home.

He was, however, quick to mention that in some countries it might be difficult to facilitate passage of Zambians back home because some flights have been suspended due to the COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Mr. Malanji has disclosed that there is NO Zambian that has been caught up in the harassment of Africans in Guangzhou.

The Foreign Affairs Minister said all Zambians in Guangzhou and China as a whole have lived within the confines of the law.

Mr. Malanji said in line with presidential directives all Zambians are advised not to travel to COVID-19 high-risk countries, adding that all those coming from high-risk countries will have to be quarantined for 14 days regardless of their status.


  1. You lamentably failed to help Zambians in China three months ago you can even help Zambians at home…please behave yourselves .if you have nothing to do.

  2. Don’t why you thinking of America and UK.
    Focus on countries with nonsense like China, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia. In short the PF allies.

  3. Let those who want to be saved, be saved. The arrogant for nothing punks like tarino put all their faith in their colonial masters who have lamentably failed to control this virus. Just in UK average of 800 deaths a day, and that is a good day for them imagine. It is a sad state of affairs. I now even have friends abroad who are contacting me for loans. Don’t ever look down on others just because you are in another man’s land. Kz

  4. lol…. just imagine these time wasters!? Zambians at home in Chimwemwe, Matero, Kanyama, Garden, Kwacha, Buchi, Misisi compounds the list is endless need your help before you go wasting tax payers money by galavanting to china or elsewhere for shopping in the name of helping Zambians stranded in foreign countries

  5. This knee jack PF government full of hypocrites, whom can they help in the diaspora!? There many zambians abroad who have died in highly hit places, what did the PF government do? They are busy hallucinating!

  6. Chaps like tarino,madiru system and dont kubebe ,should take this oppotunite and legister, why been moden slaves in corona virus hot zone countries? Indeed this is a caring govt

  7. This is a sick joke! That’s what happens when you have a Malawian for president and an Angolan for Foreign Affairs Minister. These Neanderthals are at sea, wholly clueless. Watch PaBwato PF lead the Zambia titanic right into an iceberg, all you rats will be in the water soon clinging to any sort of raft for dear life!

  8. I advise people around ministers Malanji and Ng’andu, they both tasted positive for Coronavirus but in true Sata Carcinoma cancer style decided to hide it in partial quarantine. They have subsequently infected other people and this will be a matter of malicious culpable homicide after 2021.

  9. I would not trust the PF administration who use all sorts of tricks to rig elections. Why should a government failing to help own poor citizens suddenly be interested in registering Zambians living in foreign countries with a view to help bring them back to Zambia? So Zambian embassies abroad dont have data of own citizens living in foreign countries? Those who will register will just increase the chances of PF using their data to rig the 2021 elections. Stop fooling people!!. First explain in clear terms why Zambian missions dont have data on Zambians living in countries where these missions are based. Did these Zambian missions have to wait for Coronavirus to start being concerned about their citizens in foreign countries? Any serious person would smell a rat in this new…

  10. Roy don’t worry about us. We are doing very well. Worry about yourself there in diaspora where you are dying like flies. It is closely safer to be in Zambia than that virus infested country you are in. How many deaths are recorded there vs here? You will die you silly plonker. Wake up

  11. Ba Malanji just sit down, there are people in Zambia starving and you cant feed them yet you want to help Zambians abroad?

  12. Just a way of diverting GRZ (Tax Payer) money to help their many children studying abroad. The rat is stinking.

  13. My friend our children are based in Zambia. I only trust zambian institutions to educate my kids. Why would I risk getting them educated abroad only to turn out brainwashed slaves like tarino and his mates in diaspora.

  14. Iwe Kainyo Zulu, leave me alone mufana iwe, me I’m not your size! You cannot subject Zambia to your mbeba standards by exposing us all to such high risk. Only time will tell but for all your foolish acts, you will sooner be shot dead ka suntwe yebo. We are all sick and tired of all these Chipata corrupt snobs running this country.

  15. We all know where you leave and where you children go to school, when we make a move, kunya ka mambala number 1 iwe! Ka stupid malyamungo iwe!

  16. Roy how pathetic do you have to be to threaten by kids. What have they got to do with any of this ? I am against violence but if you ever tried touching any of my kids, you will know what a revolver sounds like to your head.

  17. Roy mudenda I know you could be upset you with chipata people has you say. But not all of us support stupidity at higher level. Kaizer Zulu my brother to be honest if I were you I never would just keep quiet.

    Really am based in South Africa living here with no proper documents it hurts me when I see how Zambia has bee turned into.

    Don’t threaten mudenda of a revovour how it sounds bra. Here we here gun shots everyday. Mind you are a public figure why should you speak like that.?

    Let’s just find a way forward. Honestly kaizer Zulu don’t take Zambians for a fool. Please reverse your statements of a revovour. 2021 is around the corner and you are busy dicampaining yourself!!

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