Sunday, September 29, 2024

My community is highly populated and requires safe and clean drinking water, Chief tells Nkandu Luo


Chief Kanyama of the Lunda people in Mwinilunga district has bemoaned the water and sanitation challenges being experienced in Kanyama community in his chiefdom. The traditional leader said his subjects in Kanyama community are forced to walk long distances to access water.

The traditional leader said this when Minister of Fisheries and Livestock Nkandu Luo paid a courtesy call on him at his palace. He said through his representative, Paul Kamwana, that Kanyama community is highly populated hence it requires safe and clean drinking water. He added that the water table around Kanyama community is very low, a situation that makes most boreholes in the area dry up easily.

Chief Kanyama said due to lack of water, the newly built Kanyama secondary school does not operate as a boarding despite it having the required boarding facilities. He has therefore appealed to government to provide the community with piped water which he said can be pumped and supplied from the nearby Lunga river.

And Jireh Matabishi, a teacher at Kanyama boarding secondary school, said the water blues only ease up during the rain season. Meanwhile, chief Kanyama has called on government to consider working on the road leading to his chiefdom.

He said failure to work on the road will negatively affect the 2020 crop marketing season in his chiefdom where a bumper harvest is expected. Meanwhile, Prof. Luo promised to deliver the chief’s requests to relevant government institutions.

She said she witnessed challenges such as the bad state of the road leading to the chiefdom on her way to the palace. She said it is President Edgar Lungu’s desire to have all his ministers on the ground so that they can provide first-hand information to him on developmental requirements in the country.

The minister said this helps the President to allocate resources to needy areas of development in the nation. Prof. Luo was in the district to check on projects under her ministry.


  1. In most urban residential locations, people live next to stinking pit latrines. Drinking water is contaminated with sh!t and all sorts of filth. Shameless politicians keep stealing the funds meant to improve people’s lives. Poor citizens are now psychically beaten like animals on the streets despite coronavirus, lack of food, clean water, and proper housing. Peaceful village life is the best right now. Zambian city dwellers are on dununa reverse mode

  2. Your cries have been heard. As a listening government this will be tabled before senior leadership. But we also ask traditional leaders to become more business minded by finding opportunities to work with the private sector to bring development to your respective areas. Government is not there to spoon feed anyone

  3. I thought as a veteran medical practitioner she should have been in the league Of Dr Chitalu Chilufya trying to fight the corona pandemic but is busy with other things. Don’t get me wrong . I’m not saying life should completely come to a standstill

  4. Dear Chief if your population is too big….its time to tell your people to slow down om baby making. Your facilities cannot support a big population.

  5. Kandu Luo only shows up to her electorates during elections and disappears. Her constituency is mostly in urban area so what is her excuse.

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