Friday, March 7, 2025

No New COVID-19 Cases in Zambia as Kafue Lockdown is lifted


Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has announced that there are no new COVID-19 cases in Zambia in the last 24 hours.

Speaking at the 27th COVID-19 update Thursday afternoon, Dr. Chilufya said that COVID-19 cases cumulatively remains at 48 cases,2 deaths,30 recoveries with 16 admissions who are all stable.

Dr. Chilufya also said that the lockdown that was imposed on Kafue tow had been lifted and that operations and life in Kafue had returned to normal. Dr. Chilufya further said that 131 tests were done and all of them tested negative.

The Health Minister thanked all the Kafue residents for cooperating with authorities during yesterday’s operation and urged them to continue being vigilant in ensuring that they sustain all the preventive measures as directed by President Edgar Lungu and other health authorities.

“Responsibility at a personal level and to follow up the preventive measures is key and will help in reducing transmissions of new cases” he emphasized.

And Dr. Chilufya also announced that President Edgar Lungu has directed the mandatory wearing of masks in public places by every Zambian in an effort to curb new Coronavirus transmissions, adding that the directive entails that every Zambia will need to put on a mask every time they access public places as one of the effective ways to avoid person to person transmission and that all Zambians to adhere to the directive.


  1. The devil is a liar! Ba diaspora your evil prayers have not been answered. We thank our hard working men and women in uniform. Kz

  2. @KZ You really need to grow up and stop your ignorant diatribes. But we do know as well, that you have been planted on this blog just for that reason. More like a ‘comical Ali’.

    Most of us are on the right side of humanity – it’s actually the likes of you that are endangering the lives of Zambians. Right thinking contributors to this blog would do well to isolate this charlatan, by continuing with sensible discussions, criticisms and progressive suggestions for mother Zambia.

  3. Great news. Let’s hope it stays this way and the lockdown was not lifted too soon. All the best to the health workers and the residents!

    • Nine Chale, For me its the best news. Here in Australia as of this afternoon after the cabinet meeting including chief medical officers of every state say the corona virus is expected to be eradicated in three weeks without lifting any covid restrictions.

      Now why has Australia withdrawn masks even for medical personnel as they science has proven even the best masks the 3M are ineffective and cases are dropping. In my opinion they know here they have a problem and they do say they give a false sense of protection against fluid strikes, Is this why America is in trouble because it even started masks meant for European countries like Germany?

      I think the remedies of lusambo and social distancing including sensitization is what can work only. I hope cases don’t blow out after some…

    • minister imports them. ECL should be advised well as he as head has to rely of his Medical advise. Why would this country withdraw 600,000 masks. Hope they wont cause a problem in Zambia too.

  4. In the morning he said “about 30 suspected cases of COVID-19 were picked up from the mass testing in Kafue after the small transit town was put on total lockdown” now he states there are no cases …so how did he come to the suspicious that the covid-19?
    This man is not being truthful…if there journalists out there please how many test kits he has and how many machines this MOH has for testing. ..its high time you journalist take pride in your work and do a bit of investigative work as its our people that are going to suffer from this deceitfulness.

  5. We hear that in UK they have extended the lockdown for an additional 3 weeks. They will be in lockdown for months and yet the deaths are still astronomically high. Here all we need is one day in kafue with lusambo and it’s a done deal.we are a progressive action orientated government. Tarino and the haters in diaspora please tell your adopted governments there to contact us for advice and tips. Kz

  6. KZ, you can’t even feed yourself, the shirt and glasses you are wearing can not be made in Zambia and you expect our lovely governments here to contact corrupt t and bankrupted nations. The only contact to come from here is to change government to a civilised one.

  7. Harold Muna – LT is partly involved in this scheme as they perpetuate this moron’s antics …when you corner this simpleton he will crawl in his dark hole and slither out to impersonate you without shame, I mean you can put your brain to good use than trying to second guess what the President’s advisor or a blogger will say. I have no issue being impersonated as I know and most bloggers know where I stand on governance, corruption and leadership, my country …it just not fair crowding the thread with nonsense from one individual.
    These Vermin come and go when they are bored …we had Sharon before, then ‘N3z the coon’ now we have similar MO this UK based prat “Kz impersonator” with no respect for ethics everything goes …back in the day we had sober minded bloggers who would…

  8. Look at him he has got hold of UK news and I have not even yet come across it. If someone was based in Zambia he would be talking face masks but oh no the morn is based in UK.

  9. Tarino, you say “ In the morning he said about 30 suspected cases of COVID-19 were picked up.“ Tarino, what is problem with you. SUSPECTED CASES, a SUSPECT. So Tarinao you expected these cases to be confrmed cases. You had even started rejoicing over suspected cases.

  10. Feed myself ? I only eat home grown organic foods. Kaya uko ku europe ma processed foods ma McDonald’s. That is why you are getting cancers uko

  11. Just ignore this moron and focus on the article…let the fooooool clone bloggers names and urge with himself …he has no shame!!

  12. That’s great news but it appears we are still not conducting enough screening & testing as less than 200 tests were conducted. We still don’t know how many were screened but I guess it’s safe to assume it was from the most likely area based on the lifestyle of the deceased. We shall hope for the best as further screening/testing continues. God bless Zambia.

  13. Mutende – How do you suspect people to have covid-19? Use your head…Its not yet June in Zambia that everyone has a cold and a runny nose due to chilly weather…..anyway I end here because I dont want to end up communicating with this virus on here; populating the thread with zero to offer here.

  14. In my opinion l feel 131 tests coducted in kafue is too small a number compared to the population of that town.
    This was an opputunity to conduct more tests as there was an official lockdown in force and people were willingly complying to be tested.
    Is it that we have challenges with test kits.
    We see it on the television how other countries have scaled up on testing .

  15. @Kaizar…nice fake profile. You just want to bother people and annoy them by claiming this incompetent and corrupt government has any plan and they are doing a good job. You know that most people here know the truth about the imbiciles running this countrx and so they will respond to your tweet. We all know that the real Kaizar is too stupid to even write a whole sentence without mistakes.

  16. Zambians ,you are not taking COVID 19 serioulsy. You have allowed politicians like the crown Lusambo to make decisions for the nation. Let wait and see after 2 weeks.The numbers are slowly increasing. What social distancing is going to be practiced in the congested markets and bus stations? Lesa twafweniko twapapata.

  17. Targeted testing but ZERO cases found in the “COVID 19 HOTBED”!
    Shouldn’t we be rethinking about this nonsense!

  18. Cat power good to see that you are now thinking objectively. Your comment above makes some sense and is fair. As for the other diasporans who are angry at Zambia not recording many deaths, the likes of tarino and his fellow pea brains, all I can say is that the lord works in amazing ways. People can see through your comments and the hate your harbour for this country of ours. You even ask how I get hold of UK news before you. You think here in Zambia we don’t have access to international news? Uli chikopo if you are too slow to know what is happening in a country like England where people are dying like flies.

  19. I am shaking the status quo of this website. We did receive intel that this site had become a haven for hatred against the country. Particularly sponsored by opposition. So I have personally joined this site to prevent evil agents here from distorting the facts and truth. You are feeling my pressure and now you can only claim I am fake to discredit me. You say I cannot formulate a simple sentence in real life and yet I work in one of the most demanding roles for my country. You think just because you have a degree taught to you by your colonial masters then you better than me or anyone else. If you are as clever and I am dull then face me head on here. Argue your points. Not claiming that lusaka times is on my side. Be a man!

  20. I thought the standard advice from WHO standing away from someone for two metres not one metre as seen in the picture .

  21. What WHO my friend look at the countries that relied on WHO, they have lost thousands of lives. We only trust our own local specialists. So far we are doing just fine. Stick with your WHO uko kwine ku diaspora where you are dying like flies.

  22. Review the advce you are giving people because the standard advice from WHO is standing two metres apart not one metre as seen in the picture Above and beyond Biomedical scientists in Zambia should be testing imported masks because in Finland for instance Some of the importred masks have proved ineffective

  23. I know that some of you in diaspora are even trying to lowa me. Let me warn you, I have nine lives ine. You won’t manage me.

    • KZ ….If you are a scientist like Mumbi Phiri said and called you a few years ago ,you should be agreeing with me that it is actually two metres and not one metre social distancing . As a matter of fact the PF cloth face masks have zero effect when it comes to flattening the corona virus curve . It is therefore right in saying the PF cloth face masks being distributed to the poor people amounts to gross wilful neglect because your actions are going to kill people . Your actions are similar to when you went to Saudi Arabia to learn how to grow vegetables and came back with nothing ,allowances for yourselves and huge tax payers bills .
      Thank you to corona virus ,the jet is grounded and not creating more bills because you guys are worse than corona virus .Scientist KZ keep up with the…

  24. @Kaizer Zulu, you are simply an ***** full of self pomp and self praising. If you are not an imbecile president Edgar Lungu fired, then you would not be even hear talking like you represent the government of the republic of Zambia. Nigger, we could not even contain chorela, let alone AIDS, how the heck do you think we can contain COVID-19 that kills in hours or days.

  25. Does HH have a son called Tarino? So this Tarino was waiting for the news that all the 30 are positive. Son of the devil indeed!

  26. The shortest Lock-Down i ve ever heard. two days Lock-down & results come out on the very second. Hahahahah, Bushe kuli ya so? Unless its a “chi hua chang wu shu sha wa sho” fiction.

  27. Vote him out and the rest of the diasporan fulufutes, just because the countries that adopted you abroad have months of lockdown does not mean we have to follow your imperial masters. Let me ask you a question. So there in diaspora where you have lockdown for months, tell me how has that worked out for you? Because here in Zambia our death record is below 5 what about there? You continue wishing evil on your birth country and yet most of you there are working frontline and contracting the virus as minorities. Just before this virus in UK they had Brexit where they wanted to kick you all out. Now they clap for you as nurses because you needed. Once this is over they will again discard you like used condoms and blame you for everything. You are lost my friend. Wake up kunta

  28. @mayanda no zambian uses that ugly world niggar. I am sure you are in diaspora because that is what they call you when you walk the streets there.

  29. The late president Chiluba once told a BBC correspondent that Jesus was bigger than the constitution of Zambia. The same Jesus will help us overcome covid 19. All we have to do is do the right thing. politics and corruption must be kept out of this.

  30. Lockdown in Kafue Was for targeted testing. we knew who was patient zero in kafue and what was done was trace all the contacts of pt zero. If all are negative,the assumption is that pt zero has not transmitted. This is why contact tracing is critical in surveillance

  31. People, let us be serious for once. @KZ. What is the population of Kafue? How many tests where conducted on that population? Ask yourself, if it even make sense?

  32. Tarino you say cold and a runny nose are due to chilly weather. As you told me to use brain let me tell you. The period you experience much runny nose is the transitional period from warm weather to chilly one. This confirms to me that you do not stay in Zambia. Lusaka residents and those in surrounding areas have have started experiencing the chilly weather. The temperatures are ranging from 20 degree celsius to 27. Since you have access to internet find out the current temperatures for Lusaka

  33. Kafue Mass COVID-19 Testing Nets 30 Suspected New Cases. No New COVID-19 Cases in Zambia as Kafue Lockdown is lifted. Which one is which?

  34. Mutende – I dont stay in Zambia everyone who has been blogging on this forum for the last decade know that and I dont claim to unlike some … I live in the UK, to me those temperatures are mild summer temperatures here.
    Dont be misled by this moron who is up to no good on here, you dont suspect some one to have covid-19 unless they have told their symptoms…this is why I insist that Chilufya is sweeping dirt under the carpet.

  35. It’s a good move for everybody to ware a mask it will reduce person to person transmissions as long us it’s not a campaign strategy for putting PF symbols on the masks.

  36. It’s a good move for everybody to ware a mask it will reduce person to person transmissions as long as it’s not a campaign strategy for putting PF symbols on the masks.

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