Sunday, September 29, 2024

PF should to desist from linking UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema to everything that they can’t even substantiate-Lukuku


Republican Progressive Party President James Lukuku has advised the Patriotic Front to desist from linking UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema to everything that they can’t even substantiate.

Mr Lukuku says it is shameful that the PF are accusing Mr Hichilema of being behind everything including droughts and Climate change.

“The Dollar get to K19 ati it’s HH, Load shedding they blame HH, when Chinese bridges break down due to poor workmanship they say its President HH”, lamented Mr Lukuku.

He says he finds it very unfortunate that a statement he issued to offer credible advise to Paramount Chief Chitimukulu has been spread as having been endorsed by Mr Hichilema.

Mr Lukuku said the PF hatred and fear of Mr Hichilema is deeply saddening and said what he writes represent his thoughts and not Mr Hichilema.
On Thursday, PF Deputy Chairperson Mobilisation Geoffrey Mwamba has challenged the Opposition Alliance to distance themselves from the tribal accusations leveled against Paramount Chitimukulu by their spokesperson James Lukuku.

Mr Mwamba accused UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema of being behind the utterances by Mr Lukuku and has warned that Bembas will not allow anyone to attack their chief for addressing his subjects.

Speaking at a media briefing, Mr Mwamba said Paramount Chief Chitimukulu has the right to address his people and there was nothing wrong with him asking Bembas to vote like Tongas.

He wondered why sentiments which have in the past been expressed by UPND followers including himself when he was party Vice President have today become an issue after being uttered by a bamba chief.

Mr Mwamba said there was nothing tribal about what Paramount Chief Chitimukulu said.

And PF Media Director Sunday Chanda said the Paramount chief was justified to urge his subjects to emulate southerners in the quest to curb voter apathy.

Mr Chanda said did not advocate for a bamba president for anyone to accuse him of being tribal.


  1. If UPND had savvy PR team they would use this negative manufactured attacks to their advantage but the always seem to buckle under pressure.

  2. Whenever anyone invokes tribal sentiments, including the Chiefs, it becomes very tricky to navigate and clarify the intentions. In fact it is even worse for us royalists, I should know since I am “Uwakwisano” which simply means “one from the palace”. Any King, queen ,chief or subject who refers to tribe in order to drive a national point home is not a very wise person, period. That’s my advice.

  3. Lukuka how much were you given by upnd. You have your own party, please tell us your agenda for the zambian people. If your agenda closely suits the upnds then why not come out in open by closing your joke of a party and joining the upnd sothat we have one powerful opposition to beat in the next elections. Kz

  4. One thing they , the PF tried very was to pin treason and terrorist charges on HH ……

    This was a 2 part scheme , the first part was to link Hh and the UPND to dubious foreign fund to buy weapons and attack lungu ,

    The second part was to initiate a gassing pandemic on our citizens and then link the 2 schemes to Hh and the UPND, burying UPND forever before 2021.

    However the 2nd part backfired spectacularly and PF got the blame themselves …….they had to abandon part 1 with a nolle for the man they arrested .

    If that nolle guy who they arrested does not sue for wrongful arrest , we can only conclude he was part of the plan

  5. @KZ
    Never mind how much Lukuka was given by upnd, tell us how much Plunderers Federation under leadership of Endemically Corrupt Leader has siphoned from the People?

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