Thursday, March 6, 2025

Zambians applaud Lusambo for practical fight against Covid-19 as MCC questions absence of other Ministers


Many Zambians have taken to social media to praise efforts by Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo to fight COVID-19.

And a member of the PF’s Central Committee has questioned the absence of other Ministers as the country battles the COVID-19 outbreak.

Using platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, many Zambians have hailed Mr. Lusambo for being practical in his fight against COVID-19.

Some feel Mr. Lusambo along with Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya and Information Minister Dora Siliya are the only ones leading the fight against the pandemic.

A scroll on many Facebook posts and groups revealed that many Zambians feel Mr. Lusambo has demonstrated exceptional leadership during a crisis.

The Lusaka Province Minister has been seen leading numerous operations to discourage people from disregarding presidential directives on social distancing.

In some occasions, he has been out in the public sensitizing members of the public on safer hygiene practices and donating sanitizers and washing basins.

Mr Lusambo has also featured on numerous TV and radio programmes sensitizing the public on dangers of COVID-19 and recently led a team from the Ministry of Health to lock down Kafue District in an effort to mass test.

Grace Chima Kalaluka wrote on Facebook, “This man is doing a great job,it is for our own good health, this COVID is not joking, so if you hate him for your own personal/political reason,i would advise you to shut up for a while, let’s work together to fight this convid regardless of whichever political part u belong to and u can come back with yo hate or differences after the Corona thing… keep it up Bowman.”

And King Cox agreed, “Bowman Lusambo is working…..he is doing the right job because of that….not everyone can like him…but he’s a man any leader would want on his side.
Keep working Sir.”

Hon. Acchiles Chipalo described Lusambo as among the most hardworking ministers in the history of Zambia.

Njavwa Mutale, “He is great, risking his life for us, protecting the country.

Another Facebook user Portipher Chesu wrote, “There are three essential Ministers as at now, Bowman Lusambo, Dora Siliya and Chitalu Chilufya. These have worked during this period.”

Meanwhile, a senior member of the PF’s Central Committee has questioned the silence and absence of the majority of Ministers during the period of the crisis.

The member who opted to remain anonymous said this is the time that Cabinet should have come together and show a united stance against COVID-19.

“Why do we only have Bowman, Dora and Chilufya speaking? Does it mean we only have three Ministers? All of those people in Cabinet must stand up and be counted and help President Lungu in this fight,” he said.

“Where are the other Provincial Ministers? Are we saying only Lusaka should be fighting COVID-19? How is Eastern, Southern and Copperbelt, and other provinces preparing for an outbreak?”

He also condemned Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo’s attacks on Mr. Lusambo’s stance of whipping those disregarding presidential directives.

“Why should Minister Kampyongo go live on radio and start attacking a fellow Minister who is, in fact, working so hard? There must be a better way of reaching out to a fellow Minister than castigating them on the radio. The President must take action on Kampyongo’s behavior,” he said.


  1. I personally thanked Bowman. Physically on the ground its been him. nimbulu. I don’t care what kampongo said. Even him will see in the end. ECL should have given Covid power to Lusambo just for two months. Zambia would be the first in Africa to eradicate corona like is happening here three weeks more only 19 new cases mostly brought in sick from overseas and 350,000 tests done. Community transmission at 0.001 now. That what lusamabo wanted. hate him if you like but you will remember him

  2. But imwe naimwe with your Lusambo. That guy is supposed to be in jail this week for assault.
    Whatever he is doing is not sanctioned by court as community service punishment.

  3. I’m generally opposed to violence when enforcing the law but I have no problem if a few stubborn ones are whipped to save the entire population. Even the scripture warns us that our leaders do not bear the sword in vain – but to execute judgement upon the disobidient. So if you are a law-abiding, you have nothing to fear – not the virus and not Lusambo.

    Africa needs more pragmatic leaders. Those who practise what they preach. Unfortunately, most of them are only good at “word of mouth” and “launch and go”.

  4. Please BOWMAN get to Manda Hill and East Park Mall quickly. A lot of people here have disobeyed the presidential directive of wearing masks. You need to come and give these people a good beating. they are taking chances with our health.

  5. Wrong is wrong whether commended or not. The problem we have is thinking the majority is always right. Sometimes the majority can be wrong too like ones supporting whipping of unarmed citizens who offer no resistance.
    You can download the constitution and read the bill of rights yourself, instead of reading Facebook comments ba LT learn to be serious.

  6. Backward country indeed….a country where thug mentality and banditary is applauded….i just want to know which type of Zambians are encouraging lawlessness because what Lusambo is doing is breaking the law and doing for attention seeking and for the Cameras…..In a civilized society Lusambo should have been fired or resigned….in the USA just a simple wrong choice of words govt officials resign or are fired

  7. Don’t be deceived!
    Lusambo is not doing this because he cares. Don’t forget he is a self-confessed bootlicker desperately trying to make a name for himself and remain in good books with his Bwana. Knowing the simple mentality of Zambians, they are impressed and would carelessly conclude Lusambo is Presidential material … Kikikiki
    Zambians never learn from their past mistakes of choosing wrong leaders!
    Anyway, in Zambia, any stranger can be President so everyone has a fair chance!

  8. The ends never justify the means.
    There is a little thing called “the rule of law”. Put simply, all things must be done according to the law.
    1. It is against the law to assault people under the guise of “enforcing” corona virus measures
    2. By law, the police force is under the ministry of home affairs.
    That is the bedrock of a just society. Once you lose this principle, you are headed towards lawlessness.
    Also remember that other will come to power and do exactly the same thing to you, and you will be crying that people dont respect the law.
    Lusambo is an ignorant, violent, boorlicking thug. All he says is “edgar lungu”. That’s his only motive, justification for all his disgusting actions.

  9. Yes the zambians appreciate this. The only ones against this are those from opposition especially upnd and a few evil sadists in diaspora. This minority are not even zambians anymore because if we carried out a check at the embassy to see who has registered, none of them would appear. So we are not worried about them. Kz

  10. Nine chale why don’t you become a representative for diaspora communities so that you educate the few unpatriotic sadists you live with there. I mean look at the comment above from that imbecile calling Zambia the ape kingdom. He has been programmed by his white masters to hate himself and call his fellow Africans apes. Meanwhile they wonder when bananas are thrown at them. It is very sad case. A person who has lost their identity is as good as dead. Kz

  11. A lot of people write for the sake of being seen to have an idea of abcd…. But to deliberately oppose realistic actions as shown Bowman Lusambo is abuse of knowledge.
    Have you seen what is happening in Tanzania? A careless approach by Magufuli to allow churches to continue congregating, is helping spiral the pandemic. If whipping stubborn ones can help change our attitudes towards this outbreak, then be it.
    Zambia will not be the first to do so; many countries have taken to this draconian approach.
    Keep it up Lusambo. As for the other ministers’ inaction, they may just be ignorant about the disease.

  12. Koma ma Zambians ni kaya mwandini. You are being brutalized and you are OK with it? That guy never dreamed in his wildest dreams that he would have that position so he doesn’t even know what he is doing – I am sure he keeps looking at his appointing masters for validation each time he lands a whip. This is small wonder we are where we are mwe. Enough said. Ati he is the only one working – maweeee!!!!

  13. I totally agree with KZ, these diasporans are just vultures waiting and hoping Akainde wins so that they return from their guarding and toilet cleaning Jobs. I remember when I was in school in Atlanta US in 2000, a number of these vultures were preparing to return in the event Mazoka won. This is more of a reason they are so interested in what is happening in Zambia. They condemn everything whether its good or bad. I am sick and tired of these cantankerous chaps.

  14. What do you expect from the low IQ minister, he crosses the boundaries. He wants to be every where to be seen as working. He is showing Lungu that he is hard worker. But that’s a substandard minister.

  15. The actions of Lusambo hate or applause and love him, are clear indications of PF regime as a dysfunctional government.

    KZ insulting well meaning citizens will not insulate you as public enemy of Zambia. You or impostor, Zambians will not forget that you have harassed, beaten, maimed, humiliated, kidnapped, fired guns and shot Zambians and dehumanise Zambians. Zambians deserve justice and time is coming to get it. Cleansing yourself on this site will not wash up, records, living witnesses exist and testimonies will be in your face.

  16. Kamoyongo had the last word on whippings and that it is against the law! Ba LT and whomever and whatever you are selling on this topic is beyond me.
    Lastly, this is a front line fight for technocrats and not politicians.

  17. @KZ it is indeed disheartening to read some negative comments about Zambia. As for your suggestion, I can’t disclose much here for privacy concerns but I’m already contributing to Zambian unity in diaspora in my own little way. I would’nt want my life if I was to disown my identity as a Zambian.

  18. Any one who has lived or seen how an orderly and law abiding country functions cannot support what Bowman is doing! He moves with Policemen whose primary duty is law enforcement but he is promoting lawlessness by making Police (himself) decide what punishment to give to those breaking the law!! Why not arrest them and prosecute them! He can even appeal to relevant arms of Govt to set up a fast track court! He can only be supported by the uncouth! They say “Zeal with out knowledge is a run away horse”.In fact those Police Officers he is moving with are not even adequately protected as they wrestle with suspects. They are endangering themselves and their families to impress a person who wants to make this tragedy a popularity seeking opportunity! Why can’t he even coordinate his work…

  19. Why can’t he even coordinate his work with Councilors, Mayor, Ministry of Health Provincial Administration?

  20. leave Lusambo alone to work, all those just talking without doing anything must keep quiet and watch as usual… .

  21. Only in dictatorships are human rights abusers are celebrated.
    Furthermore,the “Christians for Lungu” very likely believe those inhuman actions are in line with biblical teachings.
    This is Zambia….Ask Pilato ,he will tell you.

  22. These people found drinking have families, what are they teaching their children about keeping safe during covid19. By hiding to drink, they know they are breaking the law. Even at home if you keep warning your children not to do certain things, but they continue, you whip them.

  23. Please stay home. Ba prezidentea balilanda kale. If I found you outside with having no rizon of being their, we will whip. Break rule means whipping. B Lusambo

  24. My job is kip pipo for Lusaka safe, clean and happy. If find broke the law, we whip them twachita an arrest. B Lusambo

  25. In my opinion, this goes to show that we have a serious leadership vacuum. In as much as honorable Lusambo’s fight against the virus is applauded, I don’t agree with the brutality he is using to go about it. I don’t remember him being appointed to the covid task force. There structures and protocols to follow. If I am a minister and I am not assigned a duty to help curb covid it would be over stepping my authority to do so without the presidents permission. Question we should be asking is weather the president authorised Mr Lusambo to whip citizens without consulting the minister of home affairs, the inspector general of police or the president himself. State house is quiet over this. WHY?

  26. Aaaah, only under the PF government will thuggery be commended as good governance. Some of these people Bowman is whipping are parents. The fact that he is doing this shows that the dignity of Zambians means nothing to him. There must be a better way to get people to adhere to the terms of the lockdown as laid out by ECL. This is just so wrong.

  27. No one on official duties should be wearing party ligalia saying “Umunthu Ni Lungu!” That itself tells volumes. He’s just bootlicking and claiming COVID allowances at the expense of Health workers on the front lines of the fight. Bootlickers are good at making others look ineffective in their quest to please their bosses. We see this in workplaces. For example, Bowman is desperately trying to show as if Kampyongo is not doing his job. We’ll see more of this crossing of swords among PF officials. It’s a dysfunctional lot!

  28. @Sungwe
    Which Atlanta did you go to and at what school…stop lying iwe pomwe….you have never been outside Zambia,,,,I know all Zambians in Atlanta from 1995 up to now….makaka you and Kaizar Zulu….soon you will be crying for Diasporans to help you with dollars and pounds when the1 dollar hits K30

  29. The patriot, dignity kwisa? Does you think people if they are dying like chicken because of corona it is dignity ? We are saving lifes here kabudo. If whip saves life better. I will whip all of them if save even 1 life for my people to live. We are whipping corona out. B Lusambo

  30. Mwine mushi, Hon Kampyongo na bank K Zulu, this her my brothers. I fight corona in my city lusaka and my brother they say the advise that feel is good for achieve the goal to aim for zero infections. We do very well since we start street checks. We continue with blessing from above his excellence. B Lusambo

  31. Mr. Lusambo, why issue threats? You clearly have no respect for a citizens freedom of speech or democratic right. Carry out your duties, but the whipping is over stepping boundaries. It will come to haunt you. Mark my words. You have an opportunity to win people’s respect here and probably elevate your political career. Stay aggressive, I applaud that but respect our human right not to be violated or abused.

  32. @Makaka and Pompwe bandit Lusambo impostor….the same moron pretending to be Kaizar Zulu….now he is also Lusambo…chule iwe….go eat your cheese munungu wahau

  33. Makaka Kaizar Zulu impositor… got Lusambo’s middle name wrong…..hahahaha tamugwila kawalala….its Bowman Chiloshi Lusambo… you telling me you dont even know your own name……Suntwe iwe

  34. Martin te threat . I am tell you that if breaking the directive you face stiff law. Whip then arrest.

  35. Remember the president him said that you wear musk and stay home. Him also say ati do social distanse

  36. Zambians are used to very low standards. There is nothing extra ordinary that Bowman, Dora and Chitalu are doing. It is part of their work and we are paying, if there is any praise to be given the salaries we are paying them as tax payers has already taken care of that. Testing of the population is still very limited, so the extent of the problem is still very limited, so don’t start heaping praises on people who don’t deserve praises for simply doing what they are paid for.

  37. Dora and Chitalu are simply announcing statistics, the work is done by health workers on the ground, I would rather praise the health workers. Anybody can announce stats including any level at the ministry. As for Bowman I don’t think he deserves any praise, jut leaving your home to go and inspect bars and go and observe a lock down in Kafue should be praised? Can people be serious for once?

  38. Job description for Lusaka province Minister

    Sit in the office and plan for the following,
    – Lusaka has no industries and hence people have no jobs
    – How do I upgrade Lusaka shanties to much more decent habitable places
    – Lusaka city council was vibrant and offering quality services to resident before Chiluba grabbed the houses and sold them, how can we restore this
    – Lusaka needs a major decongesting ring road touching ten miles on Great north road, Silverest on great east road, Chilanga on Kafue road and mwembeshi on Mongu road and not those toys being done in Lusaka which don’t take into account of population growth, major ring road granting entry and exit in Lusaka from anywhere
    – Put up a proper crime prevention plan in Lusaka, incentives for people reporting criminals…

  39. What is praise worth by simply announcing covid figures on TV? What is praise worth by jumping from one bar to another with free government fuel advising people to go home. I am PF but of course always objective. The guy being praised is even breaking the law by whipping people, no matter how dangerous covid may be, even if it can wipe out all of us, unfortunately there is still no provision for whipping in our laws, so can those praising blindly pretend to be intelligent for once. Dullness has no cure but try to pretend please. There is no praising here, we are paying them as tax payers

  40. 20 Kwacha to a dollar now during our MMD die hard days it was K6
    Mealie meal at K215 during our MMD die hard days it was K30
    Fuel K15 a litre now during our MMD die hard days it was K7 a litre
    Reserves now at 1.9months import cover during our MMD die hard days it was 5 months import cover
    Borehole tax now no such tax during our MMD die hard days
    Inflation now at 15% and during our MMD die hard days it was at 6%
    Junk status rating of Zambia now and B+ rating during MMD die hard days
    Given a choice I choose MMD die hard over PF die soft where your minister called tree branch is sitting

  41. My surprise is while Lusambo and Chitalu Chilufya are busy doing work to mitigate Covud-19, Nkaundu us busy exporting it by taking tours to Eastern and Nirth-Western provinces, in the name of inspecting projects! But President Lungu has told every citizen of Zambia to stay at home and minimize movements. What’s so special about Luo going on tours? President Lungu control your ministers!

    • Don’t be petty, leave Nkandu out of this, rush to the nearest police and report a chap whipping people. Also Lusaka times, can you correct your title of this story, 9 people post praises on face book, probably his family and you say Zambians praise Bowman. Zambia has 17 million people please. Kulibe nava praise apa

  42. Role call. Soon we begin to check all areas around lusaka. If found cozume beer then we arrest. I not say were we went but you see surprise at door. We will catch you. Good night lusaka my province. Lusambo

  43. The Honorable has been let loose. He is now interacting on the web. What is happening in PF… First KZ now BCL. I does see they are enganging with us pubicly. Thanks guys.

  44. Once in a Lifetime a Giant arises among the people. Bowman is using his personal passion to fight for what he cares for and that is his fellow Zambians. He has understood in his soul what is happening and the danger.

    God Bless him and protect him. I hope all Zambians keep him in their prayers.

  45. I have said it before and I will say it again BOWMAN LUSAMBO for running mate 2021 and President 2026. He was a kaponya on the streets of lusaka he undertands the language of the streets and it would make a good story, the only problem is ka Education ka liba ko tricky, I dont know if he can stand with world leaders and discuss issues.

    Lusambo is the Man of the moment,COVID-19 is serious issue people are dying like chicken here in Arizona USA,with all advanced medical care. There in Zambia,you are just reading or watching on TV,come here in Arizona say Human Rights when people are dying like this.You can not let people do what they think is right on the expenses of others.Human rights work on both sides not only one side.Respect the law human right will also respect you.Life is not bought,once you lose it,it’s gone politics out let safegaurd Zambia and it’s people all the time.

  47. Hon. Bowman Chilosha Lusambo,

  48. I take instructions from Lungu, I don’t report to Kampyongo – Lusambo
    LUSAKA Province Minister Bowman Lusambo says he does not report to Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo for him to take his advice on how to conduct himself in the COVID-19 night operations.
    And Lusambo, who is also Kabushi PF member of parliament, has told people who accuse him of abusing authority in his COVID-19 enforcement methods that he is using himself as the law.
    Last week, Kampyongo observed that police were using excessive force in handling defiant citizens and went further to say not even himself, as Home Affairs Minister, had the power to order police to whip citizens for breaching COVID-19 prevention measures.
    But in an interview, Lusambo said as head of government in Lusaka, he was not Kampyongo’s…

  49. Lusambo’s conduct political asphyxiating mischief, pantomime – Mpombo
    FORMER Defense Minister George Mpombo has condemned Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo’s style of leadership, saying planting fear in the minds of people is not fighting the COVID-19 pandemic but a set back.
    And Mpombo says it is baffling and mind boggling that the minister’s appointing authority has remained silent about this.
    In an interview, Mpombo appreciated Lusambo’s zeal to fight covid-19 but encouraged him to do so within the confines of the law.

    “It’s politically and morally unjustifiable for a government minister to behave in a manner of a loose political cannon and unleash an incredible pile of distractive political pandemonium and melodrama, all in the distorted view of fighting COVID-19. This…

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