Friday, March 14, 2025

Human Rights Commission concerned with increased number of Health Workers Testing Positive for COVID-19


The Human Rights Commission has said that it is concerned with the increasing number of health workers testing positive for Coronavirus.

HRC Spokesperson Mweelwa Muleya has since called for enhanced protection and also payment of risk allowance as they risk their lives to save lives.

Mr. Muleya said that the increasing number of medical personnel contracting COVID-19 during the course of duty is a reflection of inadequacies in their protection and unsafe working environment they are exposed to.

He told ZNBC News that there is a need to prioritize the protection of health workers from contracting COVID 19 and this is not only for their own health safety but that of their families and the patients they care for.

Mr. Muleya has also called for mandatory testing for COVID-19 of all patients that are admitted for any illness, particularly in high-risk districts to prevent health workers from contracting the virus from patients who may not be exhibiting any symptoms.

Meanwhile, Chilenje Level One Hospital Medical Superintendent Allan Musonda has said that health workers at the institution are still working after three of their colleagues tested positive for Coronavirus.

Dr. Musonda said this when he received a donation of assorted Personal Protective Empowerment (PPE) from Afro-shop.

Commenting on the wards that were closed at Chilenje hospital, Dr. Musonda said the wards were closed to allow for disinfection and cleaning.

He, however, said the wards are ready for reopening to the public and Chilenje Level One Hospital has embarked on a massive screening exercise targeting shopping malls and markets

And Kabwata Member of Parliament Given Lubinda has expressed sadness at the news of medical officers testing positive for COVID-19.

Describing the development at the Facility as extremely sad, Mr. Lubnda who is also Justice Minister emphasized the need to protect health workers against contracting COVID-19.

Mr. Lubinda noted that the fight against coronavirus will only be won if health workers are protected.

And Afro-shop Representative Luyando Wood said the organisation is delighted to give back to the community in the wake of the pandemic.


  1. We’ve less than a hundred confirmed cases yet more than 5 health personnel have tested positive! This is a serious matter. I expect a statement from the Zambia Medical Association. What are the submissions of their members? I know that Chitalu Chilufya likes bullying so health workers can’t speak openly. ZMA please give us an assurance that your members are safe

  2. Thank you HRC, you have a heart. We are with you 100%. How can a credible leadership think that they can fight COVID-19 without first protecting health workers? The first daily briefing and the first directive from powers that be should have been to protect these frontline staff even before closing the bars.

  3. How ? Your sporksperson was been against my fight to covid. Him said it was against human rights. Human life is more important than human rights. My approach have sarved your life.

    • Mr. Lusambo if you truly believe that human life is better than human rights. Then you will agree with me that we need to use effective, efficient and adequate measures in this fight. And not selective and inadequate measures. Plz advise the administration to close puplic transport to and from lsk and other hotspots. I understand revenue generation will be affected if this is done.but if life is to be prioritised over everything, then we must not also worry about how much tax will lose if public transport is closed. At least we will stop the spread

    • The fastest way this virus can spread to other districts is through public transport. Wearing masks can’t prevent against infected surfaces. People move in and out of these daily moving buses touching and seating on same seats. If we have to consider life more than anything, then we must also be ready to sacrifice a great deal of economic value just to contain this problem bcz being partial in our measures will result into more problems. What is more important generating tax revenue and spreading the disease or putting a stop to tax collection from public transport and save lives for a specific period of time? At least only those travelling for orders of necessity goods should be allowed to move. And there should be effective screening measures of these public transportation vehicles not…

  4. You could see the shame and guilt at yesterday’s daily briefing. I hope this will move their hard hearts.

  5. Covid go away. I am tired you guys. Those with kids will understand. I have new found respect for mothers who look after children . It is not easy job. Infact it is more tiring than when I am at office. Anyway back to the article, yes I agree with hon lusambo. The only way to effectively beat this virus is to put life before silly human rights. Even their pay masters in Europe have restricted freedom of movement and assembly. Bowman continue doing what you doing. Kz

  6. HRC and UPND are ill informed when it comes to covid-19. If you look at the world trends frontline workers are contracting the covid-19 even in so called developed country with the best protection. This disease is just deadly and we should just combat it as it is without blaming each other. GRZ is doing their best though I am not saying they can not do better. The so called most intelligent people in this country the UPND are the least informed when it comes to any matters. Please UPND read if you will not spend a 100 years being ruled by so called dull, uneducated chakolwas.

  7. @KCI not sure how well you are informed as well: When you talk about health workers contracting the virus in developed countries it is in situation where they are overwhelmed with numbers to an extent of turning stadia into hospitals and the complaint of adequate PPE is being made as well (listen to BBC about the UK). Zambia has less than 100 cases and already 5 health workers are sick, if this is extrapolated, how many will contract the virus if numbers get into thousands? We should also be getting worried about effectiveness of contact tracing, it is not effective because with very few imports of the virus, we now have cases in Matero and George compound….The best being done is not good enough. It is getting nasty guys

  8. @BULULU just pick a country like Spain and do the percentages of infected health workers. The percentage is just the same as Zambia. I am not justifying anything here but that is the truth on the ground. I agree with you on the part that we need to do better. Those that are wishing doom on Africa will be surprised that by the time Africa reaches a million infected, the would have known Jesus.

  9. Human Rights Commission speaking? Is this their role. Is there à human right abuse to die in the course of duty? Where is the Union to speak on behalf of its members on issues of occupation safety? Where is the medical council? Where is the nursing council?

    Human Rights Commission has been sleeping when human rights are abused and now they want to speak on issues that are far fetched from them. Let the right organisations speak

  10. HRC is fake institution hidding in the name of protecting human rights. Balcks are been harrased in Asian countries, where are they? When we first had cases of COVID_19 and where has BEEN so called HRC? What kind of an institution which waits for something unfortunate to happen only for it react? Now that we have our hard work health personnel, they want to act as if they are even irrelevant. I do not wish anyone to die because COVID_19 but institution like HRC have been always a danger to countries with peace. They are never balance I their dealings that’s why everywhere they are they first cause confusions then they start pretending as if they are doing something about it. After studing their operations for a long time, HRC has never meant well for Africa. In fact it pains them when…

  11. HRC is a fake institution hidding in the name of protecting human rights. Blacks are been harrased in Asian countries, where are they? When did we first had cases of COVID_19 and where has been the so called HRC? What kind of an institution which only waits for something unfortunate to happen only for it give a negative comment? Now that we have our hard work health personnel infected now they want to act as if they are even relevant. I do not wish anyone to die because COVID_19 but institutions like HRC have always been a danger to countries with peace. They are never balanced in their dealings that’s why everywhere they are they first cause confusions then they start pretending as if they are doing something about it. After studing their operations for a long time, HRC has never meant…

  12. I am sure they are wearing the same colonial sexist uniforms with short sleeves and knee high to treat covid-19 patient when nurses around the world now wear trousers

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