Sunday, September 29, 2024

Labour Ministry to Issue SI on when employers can be allowed to send workers on forced leave


Minister of Labour Joyce Simukoko says the Ministry intends to draft a statutory instrument that will prescribe circumstances under which employers can be allowed to send workers on forced leave.

Mrs Simukoko says the ministry also plans to invoke section two of the employment code act to suspend some provisions which might include suspension of the requirement to give notice for a redundancy.

She also said the invocation of section two of the Employment Code Act to suspend the requirement to pay redundancy benefit as lump sum and allow employers to come with a flexible payment plan.

Mrs Simukoko said this in at media briefing in Lusaka today.

She said this will be done once consultations are done through the Labour Consultative Council.

The Minister said Government is aware of the challenges that the COVID-19 have brought to various sectors and is monitoring the situation.

She however said the Ministry is extra vigilant to ensure that no employer abuses those provisions to victimize workers.

And Mrs Simukoko further said there is no need for blame games on the enactment of Employment Code Act number three of 2019 because the tripartite consultative labour council was there during the consultation process.

She said it is unfortunate that some stakeholders have opted to go to the media to air their grievances on the bill when the actively participated in its enactment.

Mrs Simukoko further said those with concerns should dialogue with the Ministry over the matter.


  1. Excellent work. This is will ensure uniformity and certainty. And also act as a deterrent to those wicked employers taking advantage of this virus. working minister

  2. How are u assisting businesses first of all? The situation is very bad economy wise, i owe a bank money they want there monthly repayment meanwhile people have been told not to move to avoid town, so my sales are low. The bank wants to sale my house. How is this PF govt helping me? Why not ask banks to hold-off on loan repayments for now

  3. This isn’t in the interest of the employee! Unless the reporter has misquoted the minister. I can’t believe that Joyce Simukoko has become so evil. This is one Bill 10 clause through the backdoor

  4. Its almost week three in semi lockdown in Zambia and this empty suit Joyce Simukoko decides to say something…another one on stealing a living from taxpayers

  5. You cannot force a business to operate which loss making. Better to keep companies afloat so that they can re-employ later. Rich countries are helping those that have lost job with unemployment benefits, food stamps etc. We are a third world country so we don’t have these safety nets. My suggestion is to just to ensure adequate redundancy packages for retrenchees.

  6. I feel very bad to see Joyce Nonde Simukoko failing to protect both employer and employee. This is the woman who was so vocal during Mwanawasa’s time, what went wrong? My research in some jurisdiction have come up with acceptable packages like subsidizing the salaries for local employees for next three months in all local companies which are non essential. Subsidized by government. Employers have to make declaration not to dismiss any local employees during that period whilst assessing the covid-19 pandemic during that period. That way it creates hope and trust to all stakeholders involved. Anyway we understand the economic situation of the country. Good lucky!

  7. Typical PF politics, a Joyce Nonde drafts a toxic law, aproved by cabinet. The she calls for consultations, then pass the draft into law and she claims all stakeholders were consulted and agreed.
    Well Joyce and PF dont think you are clever, the result is that you have killed emplyment for your so called propoor policies, just before 2021….tizaonako.

  8. Your Ministry is the most useless it does not have the employee at heart. Honestly how do you let these foreign companies have foreign people employed as accounts? All these so called investors keep employing their relatives from their own country at the expense of Zambians, hence they enjoy the profits and also a mass incoming of their relatives to take more money out of zambia.

  9. Look at them trying to make investors cover them for their incompetence and corruption……

    GRZ Should have enough money to pay workers in times like this when companies are not making any money and are forcing staff on unpaid leave…..

    At the same time they are telling forigne investores that Zambia is a favarable bussiness destination ????

  10. Madilu system – She is very comfortable now during Mwanawasa’s time such empty tins wouldnt even be appointed as Deputy PS hence she was barking on the sidelines its only Lazy Lungu who would use govt position to bribe these tins even if the person reads newspapers all day in the office. Joyce and Jean the Baptist are only good for campaigning in Markets and Villages!

  11. Junior jj, that law is good if it was toxic the union leaders could’nt have suppotted it, and the issue of sayin 2021 azalila its non starter, i dont think with dis corona elections will be held in sept 2021

  12. The same inconsistences from these same people that the mines had been complaining about for a long time, today this tomorrow that.

  13. When this is passed into law, Mr Bowman treebranch will be trotting from one company to another to go and inspect Joyces instructions with statements like in my province, who told you it is your province bwana,, nothing to do really. Sit and plan plan plan for Lusaka, how are you going to get the youths get jobs, there is always a way, if you sit and brain storm and plan, answers will come. If you are just jumping about in bars and looking for people, that is not your work, delegate and let people entrusted to do the field work do their work. You are disturbing them, infact they don’t even want you near by, only that they cant tell you, they tell us

  14. Typical PF politics, a Joyce Nonde drafts a toxic law, approved by cabinet. Then she calls for “consultations with stakeholders”, then pass the draft into law and she claims all stakeholders were consulted and agreed.
    Well Joyce dont think you are clever, the result is that you have killed employment and increased the number of street vendors and marketeers who will now need empowerment funds. Talk about PF propoor policies, just before 2021….is this minister really PF? ……Tizaonako.

  15. Madam Nonde Simukoko you have completely failed the people of Zambia. For me Bowman Lusambo is better than you

  16. She is there talking about drafting an SI unit when people are living in the now…Parliament is closed and you are there telling lies


  18. Madam Minister please don’t be used by these fake employers.Leave the current labour laws twapapata.these thieves want to abuse the law.the reason why people still support PF it’s bcoz of the current labor law.never listen to these daily nation crooks.That man has been paid to support employers.Please protect employees. Gratuity and pension are not negotiable.some Zambian bosses will abuse women and men.Please listen otherwise it’s the only law making PF popular.Companies will be innovative with the current labor laws.Just ignore daily nation newspaper .Madam we trust and love you.please protect us

  19. As someone who does not carry a payslip home, but work hard for myself , i feel very bad.. Its like we offended God alot to end up with such leadership without direction.

    Your friends are giving stimulate packing , This is beyond pain

  20. In times like these, governments all over the world are trying to help businesses remain viable with stimulus packages. That’s the only way jobs can be secured but alas…there she goes….busy finding ways of passing the back!

  21. Madam I know you’re not competent enough but please don’t temper with the employment act no. 3 of 2019. Let it become mandatory like earlier agreed. Some companies have bad policies which disadvantages Zambians. Gratuity given at 8% with a basic salary of K1200. They’re doging the new act cause they want to maximize their profits.

  22. Honorable Minister, thank you for you guidelines, but are aware that some companies have already effected the lay off of workers at will without following any laid down procedures. For example Bolloré African logistics whose head office on corner Lumumba and Malambo road has so far laid off about 30 workers across the country. Some of the workers have written a complaint letter to the labour commissioner for guidance and advice.
    Your office must have the ears to the ground otherwise multinational companies have no regard for your office and government. Urgently have them checked and ensure they engage workers in a lawful manner and avoid forcing the lay off. I thank you.

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