Sunday, September 8, 2024

Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority with Falsified medicines for COVID-19 being sold to the public


The Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority has noted with concern, reports in some sections of the media about people promoting and selling falsified medicines and allied substances recommended for use as preventive measures against Coronavirus such as alcohol- based hand sanitisers.

To this effect, the Authority has heightened Post Marketing Surveillance through inspections and monitoring of advertisements and promotion of medicines and allied substances related to COVID-19 on the Zambian market.

Furthermore, the Authority is following up with individuals and companies claiming to have products that can prevent, treat or cure COVID-19.

ZAMRA Senior Public Relations Officer Christabel Iliamupu says sampling and testing of products such as alcohol-based hand sanitisers on the market is on-going and products which fail to meet the set standard of quality, safety and efficacy shall be withdrawn from circulation.

Mrs Iliamupu said the Authority has also continued undertaking robust assessments of product labeling information and production documents for medicines and allied substances, and where necessary, provide guidance to manufacturers on the minimum requirements.

“Falsified medicines and allied substances are harmful and unsafe with a potential of seriously endangering one’s health. This is why we are working tirelessly to ensure that such products are not placed on the Zambian market’’, she said.

Mrs Iliamupu has further warned people engaging in production and sale of falsified medicines and allied substances to refrain from such vices or risk being prosecuted as provided for under the Medicines and Allied Substances Act No.3 of 2013.

She said ZAMRA remain committed and resolute in ensuring that only medicines and allied substances which meet the set standards of quality, safety and efficacy are placed on the Zambian market.


  1. Where is this Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority when Chilufya is falsifying or cooking to be specific covid-19 data?? He has employed his bootlickers everywhere

  2. Where is Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority when there are irregulatories with inventory at Medical Stores or procurement of inflated medicines?

  3. It is easy to clean up those PF products, easy. Just shut down that Lusaka.
    The all city is now littered with face masks. Shut down and clean, open on Saturday and Sunday only. Shut that city.

  4. We heard Madagascar has the herbal remedy for COVID 19 and what is the health Minister saying? Are they waiting foe WHO give a green light? Save lives!

  5. Ayatollah – Arron was fired by Chilufya from HPCZ as treasurer he was asking too many questions ….a thief like Chilufya dont like smart chaps near him

  6. I hear Chilufya Chitalu wants evidence on Madagascar herbal, I’m very surr both. Countries have bilateral cooperation and Zambia should have sent health experts about this herbL remedy. Let’s not trash Madagascar herbal it is yoo early.

  7. I hope the govt of Madagascar has got a global patent for their medicine as evil Bill Gates wants to ply us with his vaccines

  8. “ZAMRA Senior Public Relations Officer Christabel Iliamupu says sampling and testing of products such as alcohol-based hand sanitisers on the market is on-going and products which fail to meet the set standard of quality, safety and efficacy shall be withdrawn from circulation. ”
    Are you sure that some manufacturers are not untouchable?

  9. ZAMRA is a useless organisation. There are so many peddlers of fake medicines in Zambia that are swindling citizens while this organisation just sits there.

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