Thursday, March 20, 2025

ZAFFICO gets new CEO


The ZAFFICO Board of Directors has appointed Mr. Kangwa David Bwalya as Managing Director effective 1st May 2020.

Mr. Bwalya has over 24 years of experience and has held several senior leadership positions both locally and internationally.

Locally, he spent more than 10 years at Metal Fabricators of Zambia (ZAMEFA) PLC where his last appointment was that of Acting Managing Director of the Company.

He had also previously worked for Konkola Copper Mines Plc (under Anglo American) and PricewaterhouseCoopers Zambia.

Internationally, Mr. Bwalya served as Chief Financial Officer for the Asia Pacific region of General Cable Corporation.

He was based in Bangkok, Thailand.

His other international assignments include his time at Rio Tinto, serving as Business Development Manager (Copper) based in South Africa, New Forests Tanzania (serving as Head of Finance), and most recently at Emerged Railways Properties (Zimbabwe) where he served as the Executive Head of the Company.

Mr Bwalya holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Essex, UK, and a Bachelor of Accountancy from the Copperbelt University (Zambia).

He is a Fellow of both the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) of the United Kingdom and the Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA).

“The Board is thrilled to welcome Mr. Bwalya as Managing Director of ZAFFICO PLC. He brings significant wealth of experience which will be of significant value to the Corporation. ZAFFICO looks forward to working with Mr Bwalya over the years ahead,” according to a statement by Board Chairperson Anne Doma Gray-Kunda.


  1. BMW Bally Must Win
    ZNBC= Zambia Needs Bally Chapwafye
    BOZ= Bally Of Zambia
    BENZ= Bally Ena Ni Zii
    BBC= Ba Bally Chapwafye
    BALL= Bally Alikwata Leadership Lyonse.
    TBN= Team Bally Nationwide.
    CBC= Call Bally Chapwa
    ZABS= Zambia Accepts Bally System.
    CAB= Chapwa Asova Bally
    BBQ= Bringing Bally Qualities.
    BBA/BAC= Bally Brings Accountability/ Bally Allows Continuity
    BCE= Bally Changes Economy
    BC= Bally Chapwafye .
    BMW= Bally Muntu Wesu
    TB= Team Bally
    ABSA= Ala Bally Supplies All
    FNB= Fyonse Ni Bally

  2. @Engineer, who is Bally kanshi?? Bally everywhere, sounds like you people are calling HH as Bally kaa??
    PF nimuchibe with this Bally ….

  3. It seems Mr Bwalya has experience and qualifications. This is the way to go, no more party cadres in parastatal companies. Of course it is BQA (Bally Qualities Always)

  4. Ba Engineer, ekalupato mwakwata pali Chagwa?? Nimwe ba upnd cadre. Now we shall treat your comments as they should be treated!!

  5. Ahmmmn, I would have preferred a forester or a natural resources manager to run ZAFFICO as CEO. That fellow will be lied to all the time about when to plant & harvest timber. Disease & fire controls. Or general expansion of the plantations. He’s background also is more into mining. I see problems.

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