Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ministry of Finance directed to Simplify the modalities on how companies can access the K10 billion Kwacha


President Edgar Lungu has directed the Ministry of Finance to simplify the modalities on how companies can access the ten billion Kwacha stimulus package which has been provided by the government.

Speaking when he addressed the Nation on Covid-19 today, President Lungu said the modalities should be communicated to businesses that have been affected by the pandemic.

The President is concerned that most of the Business entities do not know how to access this money.

President Lungu said the Ministry of Finance should also come up with realistic conditions for accessing the fund.

The Head of State said if businesses and other sectors of the economy remain closed the country’s economy will collapse which may result into more challenges.

President Lungu said over the last months government has recorded reduced income as a result of the poor performance of businesses due to the Covid 19.

The Head of state said there is need for Zambians to continue engaging in economic activities whilst fighting the covid 19.

And President Lungu said the COVID -19 pandemic provides an opportunity to start the country’s social and economic recovery trajectory towards making it more resilient.

He said this is as the country lives with the New Normal and strenghten the provisions of essential services of Zambians.

President Lungu has thanked the cooperating partners and civil society Organisations for generously donating and supporting Government towards the fight against Covid -19


  1. This is what Sean Tembo has outlined ang argued in his article with suggestions – take heed and adopt his recommendations in implementing the K10 billion Covid-19 business relief funding.

  2. Excellent speech by the president. Steering the nation in the right direction.showing strong direction and leadership. I am very exhausted preparing for this day. We have worked so hard all week with sleepless nights analysing so much data and advice from various specialists. Now time for me to unwind and take a sip of some red wine while listening to my favourite music. By the way all the articles are about our president today. Hh this shows you who really is president. We will wait for hh to also hold his ka speech at new kasama. Haha

  3. Stop copying from other countries.Subsdise expensive,fuel, ubunga, electricity, health etc.You are no much.Tuleikalafye.Ati Kuti washalapo weka Tata.

  4. Bwalya Ng’andu is a Finance Minister with a big problem on his hands. Let him start by clearing government debt to the business sector first. Secondly this measure will just put pressure on kwacha because if the business sector get this money, they will come to the foreign exchange market to buy dollars with which to import finished goods for sale in Zambia. There’s simply too little value addition in our economy. There’s little trade in in-puts and intermediate goods btwn businesses themselves. It’s this that creates lots of jobs.

  5. Former Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations to the President Amos Chanda has revealed that there is too much witchcraft in state house.
    And Mr. Chanda says he does not know who has been practicing witchcraft at state house between Kaizer Zulu and freedom Sikazwe.
    Mr. Chanda has reviewed that Kaizer Zulu has a human like Ghost that is always in his car and Freedom Sikazwe has three monkeys that help him to jump from one place to the other.
    He says despite President Edgar Lungu inviting six sangoma’s from Tanzania every after six months, he has never seen him interacting with any magical being at state house.
    According to the Audio obtained by Zambian Watch which will be treated highly confidential because of the Journalist involved, Zambian Watch will only upload it once…

  6. Oh no, now even the minister of finance is being directed? So it was an artificial change. We are back to where we started, we are back to the pre-Dr Ng’andu world of unresearched directives.

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