Sunday, January 26, 2025

Students submit reopening plans for colleges and universities


The Zambia National Students Unions (ZANASU) has submitted a report to President Edgar Lungu detailing the findings from an online survey on e-learning and the possible reopening of colleges and universities in Zambia.

According to the report, 56 percent of the 13,072 students who took part in the survey called for the Government to consider reopening of colleges and universities with a mandatory daily screening of students, lecturers, and all staff involved in conducting of classes.

Meanwhile, ZANASU Vice President Steven Kanyakula has thanked President Lungu and his administration for providing leadership during the ongoing fight against the Coronavirus Pandemic. He has since urged students to comply with the health measures intended to protect them.

The Report also show that 43 percent of students are dissatisfied with e-learning programs being offered by colleges and universities during the shutdown period as the majority cannot afford the cost of reliable internet.

“The popular opinion is that the use of e-platforms has only given an advantage to a few students while the majority are left behind. As can be seen, only 8 percent of students are satisfied with the e-learning classes which Universities and colleges have introduced,” states the Report.

The Report has recommended the limiting of numbers of students attending classes per session to 25 in order to promote social distancing of 1.5 metres between students and enforce the mandatory wearing of face masks, sanitizing and screening within University and college campuses.

“While we note that 51 percent of students have opposed the postponement of examinations during the pandemic period, our recommendation has been that examination must not be allowed to take place via electronic means as they would be subject to widespread cheating among students,” said Kanyakula

Mr. Kanyakula said ZANASU is of the firm view that the Ministry of Higher Education and Examinations Council of Zambia, in consultations with students through their various Unions, must re-work the academic calendar for classes and examinations which have been affected by the closure of colleges and universities.

A total of 13,072 students from 39 colleges and universities took part in the survey which was conducted online from 30th March to 2nd May, 2020.


  1. True, universities and colleges must reopen, especially private ones with hygiene. But let UNZA remain closed, place is dirtier, toilets mamamama

  2. We can’t manage keeping private universities closed for long. Revenue loss won’t make them survive

  3. Surely who doesn’t know that this is Winter period in Zambia?
    Winter period is accompanied with respiratory diseases especially in urban communities.If the government can open schools in this particular period real COVID 19 will cause damage to the point of losing many lives.
    Coming to e-learning it’s very strange to Zambian standard of education. It’s a matter of time serious learners are getting used to it.Government should not reopen learning institutions for now.

  4. This is what we expect from student bodies rather than burning tyres and running amoke damaging property via riots. We received this report and my rising star colleague zumani zimba has been querying a few points about it with my team. The president shall respond in due course. Kz

  5. You guys mwabvuta. Am happy with you zeal and solution based approach. Keep up, country is listening

  6. I think it’s a great idea provided that all the safety precautions are highly taken.
    E-learning hasn’t been effective as we thought it would be. Most students have difficulty in accessing E-learning due to many reasons and to top it off the Internet system is really bad.

  7. I guess the Students Leadership may not be aware that there are universities whose classes have more than 100 – 250 Students per session . Social distance can Not work considering the lecture room spaces for all streams.
    lt is Not safe at the moment especially with the onset of the winter (flu) season.
    Its better to loose an academic year than lives.
    We lost whole academic years of study before for various reasons .
    Lets Not push GRZ to prematurely open these institutions wether Public or private.

  8. I’m in support of this move. If not reopening then let there be no any E-learning taking place. Why do I say so? E-Learning is disadvantaging most students from Rural areas and those without access to proper internet services. At the end of the year or semester all students will be expected to sit for the same exam. Currently, UNZA has only selected programs and courses where there is E-Learning and not all years where assignments and quizzes are being posted. How will those who ain’t able to access Internet catch up for them to write an exam. The only key is to follow all strict measures put in place and personal responsibility.

  9. Precautions can be put in and ensure that everyone follows them. They should also provide masks and other things at the universities and colleges to ensure all is well and have inspections to ensure they follow all the requirements

  10. Kakonde and your friends have been very constructive but u just dealing with a regime that treats u as enemies. Wait for Bally to come. Your views will be priority

  11. @Steve Sabau….are you around mate? Are you the notorious Sabau that was at Chiwoko those days?

  12. the approach zanasu has taken is very compelling, As a student, i testify that e-learning has not being effective… of schools is a good idea, having in mind that we must follow the regulations put in place for public safety!!!!

  13. responsible parents brought their children back to their countries, people living abroad went back home, we are soon in winter, corona and the cold are best friends, measures will be taken but will u really risk education for your life and ur saying threres sense in this reopening of schools… if u want to fall in that trap than go ahead with this reopening of schools.GOOD LUCK

  14. here talking about economy problems but then distracting people who might remove this enermy as a student from the time they started this so called e learning i have never attented bcz i dont have a phone and to make matters worse only 1 person in our class attend online lessons and that will make our lecture to go back start teaching already thats wasage of bundles and think of people in rural area,people where network is bad comsider them

    • You’re not the only one. I too have never attended any online lecture since we closed. I have four courses this semester but only in one did I see an activity;the course outline. For how long will we stay like this? It’s also just a benefit to a few students as the majority are facing challenges either with internet bundle or devices with internet access. It’s not working at all!

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