Dr Lubinda Haabazoka
The New Normal does not mean that COVID 19 has finished. The NEW NORMAL means us being able to adapt our lifestyle with this new disease!!!
For those of us who are essential workers, ours is work on the frontline! We salute medical personnel, truck drivers, police, shop keepers, bankers, farmers and all those currently during this pandemic for their heroic acts!!!
This is not a time for finger-pointing or giving up on anything!!!!
In Zambia, we can die faster of hunger than with COVID if we close down!!
Without Truck drivers, we won’t have food, fuel, warm clothes, building materials, medicines and all other things we need for our existence!!!
For those saying stop trucks from moving, Imagine what will happen it Tanzania stops moving trucks to Zambia???
The same way the Congolese depend on the Zambian route is the same way we depend on other countries’ routes!!
For once let’s sit down and look at issues from a global perspective!!
We need to adapt our way of life and continue with economic activities whilst doing everything possible to prevent COVID 19!
Nakonde is an import route for essentials in Zambia!! It also collects duty that is needed to pay health workers and also buy medicines in our hospitals!!
Even during World War II, factories operated and international trade existed!! COVID won’t limit us!!! We need to operate!
The President said he will revisit yesterday’s measures within 7 days, so we should hope that numbers don’t escalate so that we either maintain the status quo or relax more!!!
The new cases did not come about from 15:00hrs yesterday, they are before that. As new information arrives, so does the measures announced.
The problem I have observed is that we want to politicize the fight against Covid!!!
Imagine if farmers abandon their field because of COVID, what shall you eat???
It’s not about government, it’s about citizens and their livelihoods!!!
Look at that Haabazoka, he looks like Coronavirus, so disgusting.
Fellow citizens , this is sad that i helped to host the meeting that help bring this so called Dr. Habazoka ignorant now made PF and Lungu’s personal cadre and total liability to mother zambia ,more especially he is teaching our children, it is really sad indeed.
To President Lungu, the PF and ignorant Zambian media , it is not a new normal , Lungu made a mistake and who ever made that statement should be fired for his leading the President and to also mislead the nation at large .
What we are saying is that with Covid -19 ,it is now a new Norm to follow social distancing and all other related health guidelines as prescribed by the corrupt WHO and our Wealth system. But again , it is wrong for Zambian Government to now treat the whole country the same , these takes alot of…
I have seen Zambia`s so called economy nosediving from 1964 or even before Habaazzoka was born and so does not need economists. What is their role?
Excellent and timely information there from my learned brother. Indeed we need to take a balanced approach which pragmatic given the circumstances. You cannot continue enforcing a total lockdown indefinitely. Look upto now no cure for HIV after so many decades, so its folly to effect total lockdown until a virus is totally wiped out when it may never be wiped out altogether. Kz
Zambia’s economy hasn’t been bad than this, this is worse beyond redemption. Awee nangu tapasoswa, this is bad, jst in less than five yrs the economy is like at the rubbish dump. Total confusion.
This rhetoric by the govt is just WRONG. STOP IT. We will not starve if lorries did not come through Zambia from ignorant Tanzania where the President there is a total ignoramous, even worse than the Brazilian one! We have farms in Zambia, in a accordance with the govts policy and lazy Zambians can grow vegetables from their back yards. It’s just, the mentality of begging and dependency that people have been indoctrinated with deliberately by corrupt officials looking to get their hands on foreign loans. BE CREATIVE. 1). The Tanzanian lorries should not travel through Zambia, instead let them leave them at the boarder. 2). Our Army, National Service are much under-used, get them to run the goods from the boarders into Zambia delivery points. 3). Give Farmers Promise notes to…
This rhetoric by the govt is just WRONG. STOP IT. We will not starve if lorries did not come through Zambia from ignorant Tanzania where the President there is a total ignoramous, even worse than the Brazilian one! We have farms in Zambia, in a accordance with the govts policy and lazy Zambians can grow vegetables from their back yards. 3). Give Farmers Promise notes to collect payment at end of year, so they can Farm hard to grow food for Zambians. 4). National Service Military, be used to deliver Farm goods and provisions into each residential area/townships, so people do not travel out of their areas.
Dear Your Excellency, President Lungu, please back peddle on opening and encouraging people to go to cinemas, bars, casinos, gyms (people can not locally). We are a Christian…
This rhetoric by the govt is just WRONG. STOP IT.
Dear Your Excellency, President Lungu, please back peddle on opening and encouraging people to go to cinemas, bars, casinos, gyms (people can not locally). We are a Christian nation. All those above are NOT Christian. A man/woman at this time needs to protect their family not to GAMBLE. DRINK ALCOHOL.
@KZ, HIV, is less virulent than Covid19. Its highly infectious, fast acting people die within weeks. With HIV, you can have a normal life, incubation is longer, medicines through research have been near perfected and now HIV people LIVE longer.
With COVID, there is no chance for immune weak people, it’s lethal to health BLACK PEOPLE.
So why is is so hard for some people to accept that we just have adapt and live with this disease? The earlier people get over politics of intimidation and spreading of fear, the better. Life must go on.
Sorry Habanjoka, you will never be appointed minister because you are lobbying the wrong people as far as 2021 is concerned.
As for your article I stopped reading PF material when you took over Economics association. Yours is tried tested proven failed PF economics.
By the way let’s not be misled by the new campaign by PF to portray Covid as responsible for economic collapse, the Zambian economy collapsed way before Covid even started in Wuhan, China. And we all know who is responsible, they are still in power and still doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.
…and give power to trible UPND, they are equally incompetent and will implement Ackson Sejani directives to trible HH.
We need a third force and it shall come.
Grow up.
“Even during World War II, factories operated and international trade existed!! COVID won’t limit us!!! We need to operate!”
So what capacity is this fat boy writing as? Two days ago he was championing opening of bars …how has he classified himself as essential worker? This type of buffonery is a threat to national security …this man’s papers need to examined further by a Russian investigator ..how can you compare WWII to a pandemic…this is just shocking!!
Whats with the exclamation marks doc? Is this how you wrote your thesis?
“MINISTER of Health Dr Chitalu Chilufya says Zambia has in the last 24 hours recorded 15 new COVID-19 cases, of which 14 are in Lusaka.
And Dr Chilufya has announced that President Edgar Lungu has directed that with effect from Monday, Nakonde border will be temporarily closed.”
We told you to do this two weeks ago but you ignored us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How is this guy an essential worker, can some explain?
But where is SADC in all this? Each country is doing it’s own thing. No coordination whatsoever. Not even video conferencing by our leaders. Is SADC just there to legitimize rigged elections by declaring them ” free and fair” despite violence, sitting governments impunity in use of state resources for campaigns, corruption & bribery, clamping down of opposition and independent media etc. Dissolve SADC. It’s a waste of resources of this collection for the southern African subcontinent states with some of the poorest economies in the world. When Guptas were raping SA it was all quiet. The Chinese raping African wildlife, rosewood, overpricing contracts and dumping their excess population in form of labourers and criminals, whilst their people abuse Africans in China. SADC is VERY QUIET.
Tarino when you say we, who is that? You silly joker. You think a whole presidency can be controlled by a sadist like you ? The presidency makes decisions based on solid information from various specialists and ministries. We are running a country not your one bed cabin
Very true Look at what’s happening in Nakonde just now. We will need to lockdown soon
Fear is torment, why should we close the borders? Pliz Mr president open up every thing corona is here to stay and won’t kill us, some just want to gain political mileage taking advantage of the situation with poor advice.
Putin and Russia were happy to see the low number cases of covid-19 in Moscow when the rest of Europe was being ravaged by the virus.
Today Russia has recorded over 210,000 cases. That’s the price you pay for complacency and trying to sit on the truth.
The same Chitalu Chlufya will even be avoiding press conferences.
@ Bashi Chite
SADC is only interested in declaring fraudulent elections as free and fair.
Otherwise they serve no purpose when real problems are affecting the region.
Bashi Chite – SADC and AU are merely a talk shops for the toothy Lazy Lungu to fly to in the $60 million Gulf Stream…it has shown you how pointless it is like the EU especially when faced with a pandemic.
Iwe kz! Don’t think you are more Zambian than any of us. We all have families, relatives and friends back in Zambia. None of us are wishing Sodom and Gomorrah on our country. We will give advise when we see things not being done properly. When some of us advised the authorities to lock down the border with Tanzania , you insulted us as usual.
As a matter of urgency, zone the country then ban movement of people between those Zones. Zones with high cases must be closed completely for a period of time until the situation improves. Close some of the borders and quarantine all new arrivals from affected countries.
Trucks importing essential goods must be monitored and advised on where to stop. The Army and National Service must be mobilised immediately to enforce some of these rules’…
Too fat, too dull, and too poor.
Above all, trained in Russian toilets………….
Katana get off your high horse. You think you are right and have the answers because you are in diaspora. Who do you think you are to tell the government which has key specialists and high qualified staff what to do? This is running a country and not a mere care home. Decisions are made based on many factors. You look at things from an emotional perspective and think we should do as you say. If we wanted your take on these issues, we would have asked you. I don’t think we did so. Concentrate on your new adopted country where thousand are dying and leave us alone to manage our country. You can take your relatives out of here if you think we are not doing things right. Have we forced them to stay in Zambia?
This gorilla is a pf cadre. Ati economist. We hv well educated economists who can better articulate such issues!
Stop comparing this to HIV. HIV is insidious and relentless. This one is like a ravaging wildfire. Once it hits a strong immunity it is gone; otherwise it is the other way and victims die. Also, stop with the scare mongering. Concentrate on assisting the weak and afflicted, especially the elderly. Let the numbers, the science, and the season inform your actions. Don’t start bringing in fringe theories and doomsday nonsense here. Support your government and protect your people.
There are so many presidents in zambia. Listen to president Habaazoka
Is it, “normal” or “norm”? Grammatically, I prefer the later.