Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Zambia Gaming Association has commended President Edgar Lungu for allowing Casinos to resume operations


The Zambia Gaming Association has commended President Edgar Lungu for allowing Casinos to resume operations subject to meeting health guidelines that mitigate the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

Casinos which carter for other businesses that fall under the Association’s mandate such as Slot Business and Betting houses are key contributors to Zambia’s social and economic development through remittance of taxes and job creation, says PR Director Simon Lungu.

Mr Lungu has encouraged the Association members running Casinos, Betting Houses and Slot Businesses to uphold the guidelines provided by the Health Authorities such as ensuring that clients wear face masks, sanitize and wash their hands.

He has further encouraged his members to procure mobile digital thermometers to check temperatures for clients before admission.

Mr Lungu said the opening of casinos is a reflection of government’s resolve to listen to all key stakeholders as their submissions were taken on board and given positive consideration.


  1. He opened them so his Chawama casino can start bringing in profits….the man has no care for public health for Zambians as he is corrupt and greedy. Now his fooolish ministers are telling restaurants and Casinos not to turn into bars when they are already bars!!

  2. Why are you exposing Zambians to this vice , gambling…….lungu….. ehhhhh ?

    The gambling industry is one of the least contributers to GDP growth, unless you , personally lungu , gain from these casinos.

  3. I have being to casino, it all sounds like a place for mafias, mostly people who had no education but they are intelligent.
    It’s a place for abena Kaizar and Chitotela.

  4. We all know that he owns gambling casinos that’s why he opened. This Edgar Lungu and PF ministers are gamblers that’s where they spend most of their time and loots. PF must go!

  5. Indeed a good development as the condition for businesses to abide by social distancing rules is still in effect. This is good for mental health too as keeping people shut off from any form of social activity can have detrimental effects. Kz

  6. It is in gambling houses where the PF gangs of lungu spend their stolen loot and prostitute themselves to bribes…….

    It is so disheartening to see an African leader putting gambling houses top of his priorities ….

  7. Why isn’t Godfrida Sumaili speaking against this vice which is against Christian principles. Double standards.

  8. “Why are you exposing Zambians to this vice , gambling…….lungu….. ehhhhh ?”

    Well, casinos are pretty much the IDEAL place to launder money… if you’re into that sort of thing, of course… and consider it “essential business”.

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