Thursday, January 30, 2025

Copper production to be sustained amid COVID-19



COPPER production will be sustained amid COVID-19 outbreak as the industry is vital to the national treasury.

This came to light when North-Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu and district administration teams visited Sentinel Mine in Kalumbila district to appreciate the COVID-19 prevention and response measures being implemented in the workplace and the district.

And the North-Western provincial administration says it has special interest in the operations of the mine and will support the mine management in safeguarding its workers’ welfare.

“Government, particularly the President attaches great importance to the operations of this mine and that is why we will do everything possible in our means to ensure that production is not disrupted at all,” Mr Mubukwanu said.

He said the Kalumbila Sentinel mine was important not only to its shareholders or investors but just as important to the workers and the people of Zambia.

He stressed that if the mine were to shut down today, its entire contribution to the national treasury would be forfeited.

And the minister has appreciated the screening at main entry points to the mine township and mine area. He noted the thermal scanners that had been put in place at the mine’s main check point which captured individual temperatures.  

The state-of-the-art sensor technology scanned people’s faces within four square meters screening zone.

The ministerial entourage also visited the isolation centres put in place by the mine and met with the health workers to whom he expressed thanks for their dedication to duty.
Provincial Health Director Charles Msiska has requested FQM management to extend its goodwill and have a similar thermal scanner installed at Solwezi Airport.

“There is need to put scanners not only here at your airport; but also consider Solwezi Airport because remember that even your other members of staff come through that airport.”

During the visit, Kalumbila Minerals Limited General Manager Gavin Whyte presented the donation of 5,000 (N95) examination gloves and 4,000 examination gloves.
Mr Whyte said FQM had since the outbreak of the coronavirus invested a lot of effort, time and money against the global pandemic, adding that concerted effort from all stakeholders is required to win the fight.

He saluted Government for playing an active role in the fight against COVID-19 and ensuring that everyone was up to date with news and information on the pandemic.
“There is need to keep everyone informed; even if it is bad news, we need to know where we are,” Mr Whyte stated.

The province recorded its first five cases who tested positive as at May 9, 2020. – Story courtesy of SUMA SYSTEMS.


  1. Well said minister mubukwano, this will shock hh the southern province demigod, he is preaching for the economy to collapse. Its true mining contributes alot to the national treasury.

  2. Miners should be given high status of Hero’s for being willing to go underground at this time in closed air space. I presume they are testing all of them before they go into shafts. Also I hope they have adequate insurance and extra pay for wiring during ghis dangerous time in closed conditions.

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