Sunday, September 8, 2024

Some Ministers Plotting Against Dr Chilufya as Race for PF Running Mate Heats Up


Some Cabinet Ministers have been accused of launching an orchestrated campaign against Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya in the battle to become President Edgar Lungu’s running mate in the 20201 general elections.

The PF is scheduled to go for an elective general conference in July where all the positions will be up for grabs.

A senior PF Central Committee Member who opted to remain anonymous for fear of victimization said it is now worrying to see the number of Ministers ganging up against Dr Chilufya.

The source mentioned Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo and his Tourism and Arts counterpart Ronald Chitotela as the two Ministers that are leading the fight to undermine Dr. Chilufya.

He accused Mr Kampyongo and Mr Chitotela of recruiting other Ministers in their crusade to dislodge Dr. Chilufya.

“What is happening is that some of our colleagues in the party especially those serving in Cabinet feel that Dr. Chilufya is using the daily Covid-19 updates to market his leadership potential as a possible Vice President and they are now throwing mud at him,” the source said.

He stated that the recent wave of attacks in the media on Dr. Chilufya’s handling of the Covid-19 response following the lifting of some Covid-19 restrictions was one of the strategies to undermine Dr. Chilufya.

“So these Ministers are paying some known commenters to scandalizes and create a perception that Dr. Chilufya is embarrassing President Lungu over the handling of Covid-19, the idea is once President Lungu gets convinced that Dr. Chilufya is not the right man for the job, he then may be forced to react by sacking him and that will effectively rule him out of the race for the running mate.”

The source pleaded with President Lungu to open his eyes and see the kind of Ministers that are surrounding him.

“As the Central Committee, we are very worried about what is happening around the Presidency. There are a lot of camps and all they are doing is fight those perceived to be working hard. Just look at Dr Chilufya, he is working day and night to lead the fight against Covid-19 but there are out there plotting his downfall,” the source complained.

The Central Committee Member wondered why Dr. Chilufya should single-handedly shoulder the country’s Covid-19 response when President Lungu has been preaching a multisectoral approach.

“This is not about Dr. Chilufya’s competencies. This is about running mate position. Dr. Chilufya makes those pronouncements based on science and with the help of an experienced team of Doctors. Why should they launch a personal attack on him and accuse him of misleading the President? They are fighting him because they know he is a threat to their political plans.”

He said the Covid-19 pandemic should help President Lungu examine the quality of Ministers he is working with.

“The bigger question that should occupy President Lungu’s mind is where are the other Ministers? Why have they all gone into hiding? Does it mean that there is only Chilufya, Bowman Lusambo, and Dora Siliya in the entire Cabinet?”

The source warned that infighting might cost the party’s 2021 re-election.

“If we go on like this, I am afraid we might be giving the opposition an advantage. President Lungu needs to come in and stop this infighting, stabilize the ship, and know who his real Lieutenants areas we go into 2021.”

Efforts to reach Mr. Kampyongo for a comment proved futile while Mr. Chitotela refused to comment saying he will do so at an opportune time.


  1. Dr Chilufya is unfit as a running mate just like his boss.See the mess they’ve both created in Covid 19 and last year’s cholera epidemic?

    Zero whatsoever!!

  3. Among all the mentioned ministers, Dr. Chitalu Chilufya is the only one fit to be running mate. Kampyongo??? Definitely not!!!!!

  4. Besides no one among us will be alive in 20201. This figure 20201 is delusional year. Damn it! This LT’s typos can mess you up.
    Fake year, fake news.

    I thank you.

  5. Fake news as per usual. What you need to be reporting and investigating is when upnd is going to party conference and whether all positions including party president are up for grabs. We hear that they might have their conference on Facebook haha. The party leader position is never for grabs because as stated before only a Tonga can rule then. Seer 1 maybe running mate for hh, since both of them are foo.lish and childish

    • Simple minds discuss tribes,what’s a vice president for in the current political dispersion, when we have the running mate clause in the constitution ,A party general secretary can act as president, in case of a vacancy at party presidential level.

  6. In every country, there are thieves, but corruption shouldn’t be a daily song – Dora Siliya
    CHIEF Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya says every country has bad people, thieves and the corrupt but that does not mean corruption should be turned into a daily song.
    And Siliya says Zambians must unite and stop using the courts of law to politic on “imaginary corruption”.
    Meanwhile, Siliya, who doubles as Information and Broadcasting Minister, says some of the COVID-19 donations of materials have been channelled to health staff while others are being stocked for future use.
    Speaking on ZNBC Radio 2 Special Interview programme, Thursday, Siliya said corruption should not become a song that an individual sings every time.
    “As a country, we must come out of this pandemic as a better people…

  7. Look how angry the diasporans are.i bet they are even foaming at the mouth while I am here lying next to my wife regina. Unfortunately my crazy kids have come to join us in bed. Kids have wrong timing. Parents will relate to this

  8. Fight against Covid 19, like everything else in the country has been politicized and the results are evident with the rising numbers in comparison to our SADC neighbors. Economy, cadre violence, education, employment opportunities, corruption, tribalism and now Covid 19 fight have all fallen victim of political manipulations.

  9. This so called source could be Chilufya himself for all we know. Why is this source even bothering the president to open his eyes on a trivial party matter when he has shut his eyes on important matters like running the economic matters of the country?

    UNITED PARTY FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Lusaka provincial chairman Obvious Mwaliteta has retariated calls on government to transparently account for all moneys and other donations being channeled towards the COVID pandemic.
    Mr. Mwaliteta says it is a pity that despite the huge sums of money and product donations being made through the Ministry of Health, frontline health workers have not been paid their risky incentives.
    He says government should come out clean on reports of misappropriation of funds as well as the hygiene products being donated.
    ” We want ba Chitalu Chilufya to tell us where all those moneys are being taken and who is receiving that money. Our frontline health staff are risking their lives…

  11. Now the heat is on. Wait come July the confusions in pf seer1 talked about have started more is coming this just smoke. Very soon these same ministers will start bringing out who owner of 49 hses, who the master minder of the gasser is etc etc. HH will be your next president whether u close prime tv or block him from appearing on to ma under five radio stationstations. God has already seen him. That is why u cant sleep u dream HH, watch this space in 2021 wina azalila. KZ uzataba.

  12. You people, running mate to who? PF party is in disarray. The chaos you are seeing is not for a running mate but party president. Edgar Lungu is not eligible for a reelection and ministers and other senior party members are positioning themselves to take over from Lungu hence the infighting. PF must go!

  13. @time, I offered a bet to you and your tribal leaders but non of you have accepted to do it. I said if you are that confident of winning elections then why not agree to my deal. I have said that if pf lose the next general election then I will run naked from mandahill to arcades. Let hh agree to do so too if upnd lose . Why has no one in upnd agreed to this?

  14. “Some Cabinet Ministers have been accused of launching an orchestrated campaign against Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya in the battle to become President Edgar Lungu’s running mate in the 2020 general elections.”

    Running mate Dr Chilufya? Is Mr Lungu standing again?
    I rather like this Chilufya guy and he is my idea of presidential material for PF, assuming he is clean because that is what we want in 2021, clean material. To me during his daily COVID-19 briefings Dr Chilufya has demonstrated one cardinal point in a presidential material, the willingness to face the people, address them regularly and more importantly COURAGEOUSLY answer questions from the people.
    Of course others may have their own style, but that is personal, not presidential.

  15. …..this Chilufya guy also beats Trible HH hands down at presidential quality…..
    There you are PF, you can choose to stay in power in 2021 or not…..entirely your choice, I can only advise.

  16. …and Chilufya has already campaigned and sold himself. Everyone has seen the material and the impression created will last through and beyond 2021 without further campaigning.

  17. Pf is of credibal leaders, chilufya or not ,pf will suprise you with another leader just like in 2015 who knew that our boss would be president? Even the kz you pait black by useless media houses like prime is capable. Watch the space

  18. @time

    I have a problem with people who believe that imbecile called Seer 1! I am tempted to call them idyats too!

  19. Fake News.

    Don’t think it’s crossed Chilufya’s mind to be running mate. I don’t know he is well perceived as running mate who would be able to take over from no1. Running mate must be chosen well and be a national face that is popular and has demonstrable experience to run a country or has consistently acquired experience in the politcal environment of govt. I reckon Dora Siliya is a plum choice, if Mama Wins wants to hang up her dancing pumps! My personal second choice, would be Bowman Lusambo, though he probably needs more ministerial portfolio under his belt, but he is popular and on that alone would win. He single handedly saved the country, one trouncheon at a time!

  20. Okay you PF crime syndicate. No need jostling for positions, as you’re fated to lose the election next year. If I were you, I would focus on finding a good lawyer to represent me for all the corruption charges that’ll be coming your way. You’re all going to prison next year, starting with the gangster in chief himself–Al Capone Lungu. Don’t worry, there’ll be enough room for all of you in prison, as the next administration will make sure to start expanding the prisons as soon as they get in office. If we see need to build some more prisons, so we can accommodate all of you, we will do just that. That’s after we’ve retrieved all the country’s resources you’ve stolen and are still stealing now. All your ill-gotten assets will be forfeited to the State. You’ll be incarcerated…

  21. … for the rest of corrupt lives. You’ll be going to prison for 300 years each. In America they say 3 life sentences. You bandits.

  22. You need to see a doctor. Ati Bowman what? The nigguh is an excuse for a leader in a third world country. In a meritocratic communist state he would be a chauffeur or bodyguard so would Kampyongo, Chitotela, Davis Mwila etc. Chilufya is a tested scholar because medical degrees are not handed out. He is definitely smart and can learn the ropes of the presidency on a whim. On that alone I would pass Chilufya or Musamba. But HH is the best option given where we are as a nation. We need a skilled technocrat at the helm not utuma hustlers utu tu Lusambo, Ma labishi!!!

  23. They can jostle all they want for positions in PF. As far as I’m concerned, the whole corrupt, mediocre bunch needs to be booted out in 2021. Only then can we begin to talk of restoring some decency and normalcy to this country. This has been a horror show that has lasted too long!!

  24. This article is where you see who are the genuine PF bloggers who care for their party on LT and who the impostor is posting his usual rubbish as he has no affiliation whatsoever….to him its a childish game of impersonation and trolling!!

  25. How can you fight to be running mate for an inept weak leader …you are simply putting your reputation on the line and Chilufya is too corrupt to be in an public office.

  26. As for KZ is a candidate for Chimbokaila to be joined by others once turns out to be state witness of the new government. KZ stop insulting well meaning citizens. Insults will not insulate you as public enemy of Zambia. You or impostor, Zambians will never forget, you have harassed, beaten, maimed, humiliated, kidnapped, fired guns and shot Zambians and dehumanised them. Police should have arrested you for your widely known criminalities. Zambians deserve justice and time is coming to get it. PF regime hasn’t the capacity to prosecute any case of corruption in Zambia, Hence, your boasting that you made Lungu win elections. so you hold president Lungu at ransom for your crimes. However, cleansing yourself on this site will not wash up, records, living witnesses exist and will face them in…

  27. The music he is dancing to is the one he played when his colleagues and work mates were being fired.He mistook that was for strategy, but his actions have always been leading him this route.There is nothing wrong with Zambians asking for accountability and transparency.Every monkey has its day

  28. @KZ, why have you NOT applied for the 3+1 house that HH has offered if you to bring forward proof of your claims about privatization?
    You have no balls to do that, instead you opt for a s.t.upi.d counter offer? Only an em.baci.le will ever fall pry to whatever you offer.
    Focus on your issues in PF, and stop manipulating by drawing attention to different topic – your beloved topics- of HH and Diasporans.

  29. None of the current cabinet ministers will be picked as presidential running mate. Dr Ngosa Simbyakula will be picked. Watch the space

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