Sunday, March 9, 2025

66 New COVID-19 Cases Recorded at UTH during Routine Testing


66 new COVID-19 cases have been recorded at Zambia’s largest hospital, the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) during routine testing. Briefing the media during the routine COVID-19 update, the Minister of Health Dr. Chitalu Chilufya said that the new cases are from the 618 test, which covered alerts, contacts, and routine surveillance systems in clinical setups and communities.

The Minister also said that an additional 8 new COVID-19 cases out of the 79 test carried out at TDRC were also recorded. Samples from Nakonde have been shipped to testing centers where the mass testing is underway.

The new cases bring the total in the last 24 hours to 74 new COVID-19 cases, thus putting the accumulative total number of COVID-19 cases in Zambia at 753. The Minister also announced that the number of discharged people was 5.

The Minister assured the country that the testing will be moving to other ports of entry in the coming days, noting that the government is keeping a watchful eye on its eight neighbours where a number of cases have been recorded.

Dr. Chilufya said that the government had intensified testing and screening in Nakonde where the workforce has been boosted and that government will be enhancing screening in various border towns with Chirundu and Kazungula targeted this week.

He appealed to citizens to observe the health guidelines provided such as sanitizing or washing hands, wearing face masks and avoiding unnecessary movements.

Meanwhile, Kenya has closed its borders with Somalia and Tanzania as the country strives to stem further spread of the coronavirus. In a televised address to the nation, President Uhuru Kenyatta said he was imposing more measures after it emerged that some of the cases had crossed the border from Tanzania and Somalia.

“If we do not take additional precautionary measures and get even more serious in implementing existing guidelines, the number of people who will get sick and die is going to rise sharply,” said President Kenyatta.

The decree, effective Saturday midnight, does not affect cargo vehicles.

The move, unprecedented in the history of the East African Community’s 20-year existence, came as Kenya said it had blocked 78 truck drivers from Tanzania from entering the country.

The President also announced that the number of Covid-19 cases in the country had risen to 830 after 49 more people tested positive.

Forty-three of those detected this week had crossed the border from the neighbouring countries, according to Kenyatta.


  1. COVID is the new normal…no news here lets just carry on with our lives….soon chorela is coming

  2. As usual no report about the recoveries that have been recorded today. It is fantastic that we have not recorded any deaths in weeks. Hello DIASPORANS how does it feel to be residing where hundred and thousands have died and are dying? Are you still going to wish us death? I reject your demons

  3. Zambians in the Diaspora are very patriotic more than Zambians back home like Pompwe gumu gumu Kaizar Zulu….you are not Patriot if you stealing from your fellow citizens and wasting tax payers money…Zambians in the Diaspora are donating and helping out families back home,Spaka,Nostradumus,2020 vision,Tarino Orange,Nine Chale,Nubian Princess etc…all are very Patriotic Zambians and are investing back home……and Anonymous knows who you are iwe makaka Kaizar Zulu

  4. These are the results of not listening. Very soon you will be announcing number of death. PF for you!

  5. What kind of new statistics are we using in zambia? Are we certain that these numbers we keep reporting from less than 1000 tests daily represent the facts of the country? Are u sure these total tests represent all provinces or just provinces from which cases have been reported? Bcz am sure public transport is not selective as the tests are & we can all agree that these tests are not 100% effective there is a high probability of moving people not being detected. Tell us what measures u have put on every exit of each district to ensure that full testing is happening on public transport so as to prevent inter district spread?

  6. Covid 19 is a hoax in Africa, let us leave and enjoy our lives. For African leaders it is time to make personal money. For Zambian ministers, it is time to campaign for the position of VP.

  7. And it turns out African COVID is not a lethal as the Western COVID….looks like bandit Ministers and African leaders have found a much bigger begging bowl…more theft and corruption on donated funds

  8. The same way you map population statistics in every district you can map this process as well. Each district has hospitals and health employees. You can start by preventing inter-district spread by placing strict effective testing teams on main exits of each district which will be taking samples and delivering them to provincial Hq for testing. In this way every province to test and report so that you will be reporting cumulative totals from all provinces not only where the bell rings. Establish testing centers in each province. All vehicles in/out in each district to be tested, samples to be collected. After u hv a clear picture of the all nation that’s when u move to a selective strategy of where to put more effort

  9. Sorry Chichi but just a grammatical error
    Asking us to leave means packing and going I am sure what you meant to say was Let us live our lives

  10. @Lucid English I think the numbers should all be treated as estimates. Not that I have a trust issue with our Ministry of Health like some bloggers but even in other countries, it is simply hard to obtain accurate figures. Main reason:

    There are many mild or asymptomatic cases. Most of them will recover without even getting tested. I have observed that Africans, especially men (including myself) are not very fond of going to the doctor so they would rather endure the illness at home until their immunity prevails/dominates. I feel that’s what I personally went through early this year.

  11. There he goes again with his lies and deceitfulness…why dont you tell the nation who you were routinely testing? Its clear these are medical personnel and you dont want to expose yourself as you are not providing adequate PPE. He is back from Nakonde …the whole country’s data is carried by one man if he falls sick there is not picking up from where he left.

  12. Its a new normal, but lets not put everything under one man, do we have a chief medical officer at the ministry of health ?if so what is your duty sir, becouse yesterday you kept us awaiting for the update. Otherwiz you are tryin but you can do much better.

  13. Zambian ever since the JK song dununa reverse everything works backwards because all I know is when you dununa it should go forward. Now people who were proud and happy of the dununa reverse simply dununad themselves backwards.

  14. 66 cases at UTH in one day may mean that patients with covid in the community are now trekking into hospital custody.

    The sickness is holding

  15. @Aristole, it is not Indian business community that was involved in bringing virus to Zambia. It was brought by 24 Tabligee Muslims from Raiwind ( one of the fundamentalists groups of Islam of Arabian desert, adopted by converted Porkistanis). Association of Indian Community in Zambia is. Muslim outfit hiding behind Indian word. Those 24 terrorists from Porkistan have brought death to Zambia, destroyed our economy.

  16. HH is the only solution. Had he been sworn in 2016, Zambia would have been well managed with COVID19 not been nging havoc to Zambia. I fear over 2000 deaths within next 60 days and 30000 officially infected

  17. Tarrino Orange: I have observed that you have a personal beef with Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya. You are so negative about him and what ever he does. I just wonder how you expected Zambia not to record any COVID-19 infection case while in those countries where you are have recorded thousands and thousands of infections and deaths. Mind you those are countries called supper powers with all resources at their disposal… Man , we are tired of your ridiculous whining every day. If you have a personal beef with Dr. Chilufya, please don’t bring it here but you can sort it with him in person. Spare us from you insipid whining.


    “President Magufuli has conducted a number of reshuffles in his Cabinet with major changes affecting the health docket since COVID-19 pandemic struck the country – After the cases topped 500, he stopped the regular COVID-19 updates on April 28 which by then showed the country had some 509 cases and 21 deaths”


  19. Truth hates ,thank you for finally being very objective and more of a man than other diasporans, by calling out that sadist and foo.l tarino. I have been saying the same about him for ages and am glad people are starting to realise how big of an evil sad I.diot he is. Kz

  20. Truth hates be prepared to be called an imposter by tarino. Anyone who calls him out on his evil and vile vendetta is considered an imposter. He is a very childish and weak boy.

  21. Leave the diasporans alone iwe kz, my young brother in Canada sends me at least $200.00 / month n can confirm that with my shrewdness it goes a long way . In contrast you politicians here are busy chocking us with your daily borrowing. Your Chinese buddies have dribbled n are waiting to pounce on you with ZNBC, Airport n Zesco on their minds. Stop burdening our children n grandchildren with kaloba.

  22. At some point in all of this, shouldn’t any data, epidemiological analysis, etc. be attributed to Zambian scientists? Shouldn’t we hear them speak instead of Chilufya – and even respond to questions?
    I would even love to learn of evidence that shows a form of resilience for us which we can then build on to save lives. Chilufya is essentially a politician and churning out these press statements from
    that premise. We need better direct guidance from the science, and in the Zambian circumstances, as to how to mitigate the rate of transmissions and reduce further potential deaths.

  23. @Kashimani that’s disgusting and rotten contribution.Are you a grade 7 failure? Do you know the meaning of the word you have used? If you lack clean vocabulary just read what others are contributing. Analysing your blog name you are not a bemba to understand the world you have just used . Your IQ must be very low as your vocabulary is based on insults only.Stop insults and debate sensibly you imbecile.We ci nkula ca muntu wee ! .Most of us are not interested in all that . Shame on you.

  24. On this one the Minister should come clean! Who has been infected, is it the front line staff or the patients seeking other medical services! Am worried that PPEs are not enough contrary to the picture he is trying so hard to paint! Come clean bwana on this bwana!

  25. At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if more than a third of the population have this. We are barely testing and the virus has a period of at least 2weeks.
    I think herd immunity is what we ought to go for now.

  26. KZ, you or impostor, should be in jail. Zambians will never forget crimes against them. You harassed, beaten, maimed, humiliated, kidnapped, fired guns and shot Zambians and dehumanised them. Police should have arrested you for your widely known criminalities. Zambians deserve justice and time is coming to get it. PF regime hasn’t the capacity to prosecute any case of corruption in Zambia, Hence, your boasting that you made Lungu win elections. So, you hold president Lungu at ransom for your crimes. However, cleansing yourself on this site will not wash up, records, living witnesses exist and will face them in court one day.

  27. @ Truth Hates, nothing is good with Tarino Orange. He has nothing good to say about Dr. Chilufya and our President. He’s a sadist!! We challenged him with @ Kaizar Zulu to return to Zambia and stand for presidency next year then see if anyone would vote for him because he thinks he can do better.

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