Three days after he indefinitely closed Lantian restaurant in Lusaka’s Longacres area for discriminating against Zambians, Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa has closed Chinese owned Angels Barbershop at Arcades Shopping Mall for discriminating against blacks.
The Barbershop was also found displaying their prices in Chinese contrary to the Food and Health Act.
“We had a tip off from a whistle blower who took his son to cut hair but was told K300 as price just to put him off. When he agreed to pay, they then changed their mind and said the Barbershop was actually closed and had to leave”, said the Mayor.
Mr Sampa said when he went to Angels Barbershop for a fact finding mission on 21st March 2020, he found a closed sign at the door but upon entering, he noticed a Chinese having his haircut.
“They did not recognize us as we had a mask on. We pretended wanting to have our haircut and they said ‘We Closed’ said Mr Sampa who upon inspecting their price board noticed also that nearly everything was labeled in Chinese and not English as prescribed by the Food and Health Act.
Mr Sampa has since retrieved Council licenses from them and closed them indefinitely and a formal sign closure notice from the Council has since been sent to them.
“We are happy to support 100% all law abiding Investors”, he added.
Mr Sampa has vowed not to condone any Investor that discriminates customers or employees based on their color of skin or pricing in other foreign languages other than English which is the constitutionally prescribed official language for Zambia.
He has encouraged residents not to hesitate to inform him if mistreated by any investor including local investors.

I hope he is not looking for bribes…very common amongst PF bandits pompwes…they act tough just so the Chinese rats can cough up more dough…..and it looks like Chinese have really taken over Zambia…even barbershop now run by chinese rats
Excellent work Miles! Its also distressing to see chinese barbers! We have thousands of zambians wgo are qualified to cut hair! Must we get chinese to come and do that work? Who gave hem work permits?
Please deport them.
I often wonder how some people are always decrying the racism of the west, when the chinese are extremly racist and they dont even hide it!
I wonder why he called them ‘Investors’ really? A barber shop! These people are becoming a cancer!
Ba Mayor why don’t you go with law enforcement to execute on its mandate? I dont condemn you for highlight the issue however lets do things within the law. Institutions are there for a reason. You cannot be the police, prosecutor, judge & prison warden all at the same time. That’s abuse of office.
heheh, what are they investing??? Your poor policies are attracting mediocrity….until we become serious nothing will change….immigration office has many moron who are 100% corrupt.
Just let them operate their barbershop. Afterall we ‘ve got hundreds of barbershops run by Zambians
@6 Solution
You’re part of the problem….Chinese rats disrespecting Zambian laws should be deported but unfortunately we have Bandit President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and his minions in PF bandits government disrespecting Zambian laws and stealing every day especially chi dunderhead Pompwe Kaizar Zulu
Personally I would not go to a Chinese-run barbershop to have my haircut. I would rather go to that run by a Zambian
So it had to take Covid19 for our leaders to see what we have been telling them for years? Or is this because they can no longer fly to collect bribes and those bribes are not flying in? Let’s take this window to take our country back. Ban those useless billboard signs that only people who are visitors from a specific country can read. PLEASE!!! I want to see only siLozi and English billboards in Western Province, ciBemba and English in Northern Province and so on. Products in shops that are not in English MUST have short English DESCRIPTIONS to guide consumers! PLEASE! Take back your effing country for eff’s sake!!!!!
Its surprising how people think these are investors when the Chinks can simply bribe to become Zambian citizens with ease and bypass that inconvenience….this is Lungu’s Zambia…some of these Chink businesses are just fronts I mean a barbershop in a shopping mall aint cheap. In 10 years time Zambians will truly be foreigners in Zambia. In China you can never be allowed this sort of business.
The more you continue to sign all these Chinese loans for infrastructure the more china ships in laborers and prisoners who dont leave after the projects are completed ….you will continue to be segregated because we never learn from history and leadership is none existent.
It is very shame for the country not to have standards of investments. Investments in such sectors must be purely reserved for local people. What expertise does a Chinese bring which locals don’t have in haircuts? This stupid PF government must be kicked sooner than later.
PF must go!
The truth is Chinese hair is different from black hair…..even in Europe you have barbers for blacks and different ones for white hair ……
A reasonable response to this is to advise the Chinese barber shops also cater for black hair by employing a Zambian black hair specialist
Iwe SpaKA stop lying! I have a white friend who works in a barber shop and he admits at one time he claimed what you are saying but the technique for cutting is the same. He cuts both black hair and white hair with no extra effort
Kick China out of your country boycott everything made in China.
I wouldn’t trust the Indians either
Everyone except us Africans is racist so its up to us to wake up and start relying only on ourselves not on other races
Good work miles, proud of you mate,seen the clip, this is not wuhan
Pf is full of hardworkin people,another lusambo type. Well done kanabesa ba sampa.
Kwaliba ifya so….
Kikikikikiki! Iwe Chief Lundazi ulelande chi Tumbuka ala!
Giving haircuts is not a scarce skill. It should be left for Zambians. Some corrupt dunderhead decided to process a work permit and this is what we get.
We have become second class citizens in our mother land. Someone will pay a heavy price for this nonsense.
It will be advisable to Miles Sampa to deal with the Chinese in collaboration with the Ministry of foreign affairs and the Chinese embassy and to avoid unnecessary heroics and heavy semantics like racism. Recently Zambia was singled out by the Chinese foreign ministry for accusations against the Chinese of eating human flesh. Remember that for every Chinese national that you mistreat there, your own citizens here will be hugely discriminated against. Chinese people even here don’t know how to cut our hair, it is just a cultural difference and also vice versa our local barbers do not know how to cut Chinese hair. Be careful iwe Miles, you will make our lives difficult here. Dialogue is the best way not bully tactics, this is reverse segreagation Miles. Wake up brother. Let us respect each…
For any one who lives in Europe, America etc.
What miles sampa is doing is harrasment and racism.
If you see the video clip of the barbershop closure he tells the Chinese, this is not Wuhan.
I have been to African owned barbershops in Guangzhou china at Tian xiu,it’s Africans who go to these barbershops. At times we look for unnecessary problems where there none.
Ba mayor remove the acacia trees you planted on lumumba rd
It’s Africans who go to these barbershops
Maybe Zambian barbers refuse to mess up Chinese hair, therefore Chinese decide to open their barbershop.
On the other hand I don’t see why no Zambian will come out to support the Chinese Barbershop that they are regularly go there. The rich Zambians and whites definitely get hair cuts there.
Spaka – I dont think you read the whole article or what its really about… its not simply about catering for black hair and chink hair is different so is European hair but you dont see them opening their own hair salons they go to any barbershop…a good barber can work on any hair.
Vantage Point – the funny thing is you will find most of those workers in that shop have NRCs yet have lived in Zambia less than 4 years …we need an overhaul the NRC office its too corrupt.
We really try hard to play victim even when we are masters of our own fate as it is. Cultural differences are real and do exist though. I see these attacks on Chinese by senior government officials degenerating into full blown xenophobia. Let us educate each other about our differences and collaborate in areas of mutual interest. Every Chinese residing in Zambia is not an investor some just come there because they like to live there like we have chosen to live in their Country. That is a mom and pop barbershop which was set up for purposes of catering to the growing chinese demographic in Zambia. It is a very trivial and small business. Comeon Miles I know you are above such triviality, I personally have lot of respect for you.
What is triviality here? Cant you follow the story? Belengeni first ba mwinsa waku China uko mwaya. We don’t want to replace the racist colonialists we expelled in1964 with new racists. Have you seen the story of a Zambian being chased from a Chinese Restaurant in LUSAKA because he is not Chinese? To makematters worse the Zambian is married to a Chinese. but he wont be allowed into a Chinese food restaurant. Is that the miserable life you are living where you are? Then just come back home
It seems Miles Sampa has become addictive to appear on tv screens. 99% of the time he appears delusional or presents as someone needing psychiatric help on clips circulating on social media. Simple statistics will show you that there are more black Zambians that can get a hair cut from a black Zambian barber. That Chinese barber shop he illegally shut to pander to tv cameras is catering for a niche chinese market in Zambia. You must respect the rule of law bwana mayor ; you can’t threaten deportation on the evidence of one disgruntled black Zambian.
I’ve seen Chinese investors roasting cobs of fresh maize in Lusaka and some selling cabbage and chicken, what type of nosense is this under PF government?
This PF government is a wicked and is failing to protect ordinary citizens.
Bally will fix it!
My Bally and your Bally will bring standard for investors in Zambia not these Chinese. Some of them they don’t qualify to be in Zambia at all. How do we feel to see Investors selling Kapenta and dry fish?
PF government, Bally is coming and he will do it!
Totally unnecessary and heavy handed from Miles Sampa. He is pandering to the cameras. Sampa and Lusambo are trying to outdo each, who is the worst mor0n of them all. If they have committed an offence take them to court. He can’t be the complainant, judge and executioner. The mention of ‘Wuhan’ is unnecessary and racial profiling. We have bigger problems with China at the highest political level and he should be fighting to change the status quo at that level. We would be complaining if the roles were reversed.
They have work permits to work in Zambia as hair dressers? What a sh!thole Zambia has become!
Utu tubantu! Just as racist as the bazungu. The Euros routinely refused to shave blacks
Dreameater that only happens when your leadership has been bought. Which fool gave them work permits? At one time social media showed us Chinese selling maize and chickens. Who gave them the business permission? They are taking over the country.
Well done baby City Mayor, job well done. Wht the Mayor said ws right, if the ws in China ad did something wrong, anyone would tell u off, tht this is not Africa.
Ba Mayor keep it up ad job welldone, these people hv become a nonsense to black.
Let’s talk- You are located in China by your flag …tell us do you think an African can be allowed to even open a business in a Chinese shopping with African staff.
A right protocol or approach would have been meaningful especially at somebody’s work workplace. If this shop/ saloon really charged a high fee to scare off black community or pretended shop closed, unacceptable , need for an apology. I can’t figure out where racism comes in? Some African hair type ( e.g my own kinky hair) is totally different from the rest; visibly. Elsewhere they say no experience with such hair type, simple as that. I don’t feel racism but happy for not wasting my money for poor service. I also witnessed a saloon in Lusaka where a white ladys hair was rubbed in with blue magic or gel… despite her asking first if they could handle her hair type? She ended up paying for nothing as she immediately washed up everything and left with wet hair, sad.
Plenty boss. We have Africans here even selling nshima. Why is it that us as Africans look at immigration heading one way only? If a Zambian can run a salon in China, UK, or USA why can’t a Chinese do the same on African soil? Because you think it is beneath them? Globalization is the new normal, the world is one small village. People now choose to live where they can maximize the little know how and capital they have. No wonder we go around the world looking for loans and aid but when the same people who help us are in trouble, we are incapable of helping them back, that is why they do not respect us because a beggar will never be respected. Chiwamila galu kuluma mbuzi ka?@Tarino. Let’s be fair guys.
Iwe spare us lessons on Globalisation. Anywhere you go you have to show you have brought something that the locals don’t have before you are allowed to do what you want to do. If the whites cant cook Nshima then the foreign black can go in and cook and sell it. Its only logical but Chinese monopolizing haircutting so as to be racist is Zwaaaa! panse!
@lets talk
Double standards and you sympathize with Chinese mistreating blacks especially Africans in China….stop your nonsensical delusional thinking….We need to put things in place…the Chinese rats are just using that Barbershop for fronting if you do an investigation you will find that they are the ones stealing our Mukula trees… way a chinese will just come to Africa to open a Barbershop or restaurant…wake up Zambia…wake up Africa..
So is Zambia a multicultural society or unilateral one? May the jury under the supervision of our esteemed sociology professor Mwizenge enlighten us. Our tribalism is worser than I initially thought, it is deep in the genes.
Firstly, it is very annoying that the black person was refused service on account of his skin colour. I am angered that Zambians should be treated this way in their own country.
Secondly, the price, 300 is okay, consider that arcades is not cheap in terms of rent. Thirdly, and most importantly, I have taken time to read the various comments here and taking them into account, this is my view: Because of the influx of chinese in Zambia, they did need the service, and one person saw an opportunity and seized it, lets not neccesarily see the fact that a chinese barbershop exists as wrong.
I have been priviledged to travel, I grew an afro when I was in China, one of my friends had his hair messed up by the barber, wasnt gonna take that risk! LOL. I would have gone into a Black barbershop if…
PF has let us down by bringing Chinese to Zambia. Instead of creating jobs, the Chinese are actually sucking up jobs , even selling in markets n roasting maize. Not even one Zambian was employed in the barbershop…..baya sana, please deport n set an example and please bring down all those bill boards with Chinese writing and let them know In Zambia we use English as a n official language….send them back Miles Sampa , you’re doing a good job , keep it up boss.
if I found one.
The only thing wrong with this is that service was refused for a black person, by a foreigner, thats just wrong, and it appears we may want to easily praise Miles Sampa but the majority of people seeing this will be quick to start taking it out on other Chinese around the country, lets act with caution, and I think the best that Miles should have done would have been to secretly send in someone who would gather evidence and then act on that.
Let’s talk – .and no we can not be fair as Africa especially Zambia has very high unemployment…you talk to the youth about fairness…what is so difficult for this owner of this shop to employ Zambian youth who are just eager to do this…infact there is not much skill needed to cut European or Asian hair if you are very good at cutting black peoples hair you just need the right cutting level clipper add-ons. You talk of multicultural society when you are there supporting racism where were you two days ago when a Chink restaurant was closed for not allowing Zambians …if it was not for that Chinese wife of that Zambian we wouldn’t have known but these small chaps have been operating like this for years and in China its worse
I totally support this Guy Miles Sampa and he is doing a very good job.
Well Mr Mayor; your feet are on the ground unlike Lungu who is hiding from Covid in State House and has even abandoned Zambians when they needed him most.
Forward Miles; Janza kumbele
Allowing foreigners to discriminate against the host Citizens is a sign of loss of control. Govt must not allow too much immigration to people from disparite countries and cultures. Anyway why would you want to go to that hairdresser knowing they specialize in Chinese services. Let’s not go too far with racist response to immigrant businesses, if they pay tax, it’s an addition to our GDP.
The smart thing to do is to change immigration rules to prevent non essential business Investment immigration. Let’s target what they are good at, like medicines, medical supplies etc. as desirable investment immigration reason for investment entry.
Some of you demanding chasing the Chinese , just know there are hundreds of thousands black Africans making a living in China also……
I have been enlightened.
Also it is a bit of a coincidence that these cases of discrimination in China against blacks seems to coincide with trumps fight with China…….Rasta no work for no CIA , as Marley would tell them.
@Spaka the Chinese right there in China chased Africans from public places saying they were bringing Corona, the internet is full of these stories. We all know the virus came from China so how can they start accusing Africans of being the origin. It is also true that most anti-China stories emanate from the CIA. That is why we as Africans need to bui;ld our own economy our own wealth so that we start relying on ourselves and not on Chinese or Americans. Let them do their trade wars intelligence agency wars on their own. Very soon they will fight each other in a real war
I totally support Mayor Miles Sampa. He’s doing a great job. Please continue the crack down. The big question is, why do we have so many Chinese in Zambia, than Zambians in China? What work permits do they use to come into our country? Hello? Can these people be investigated please? There’s nothing racist about that at all. Zambia needs REAL INVESTORS, who should come in to create jobs for the Zambians, or highly qualified individuals who come in to take up jobs which no Zambian can do. But these chaps are coming in to cut hair, roast maize, sell chickens in the markets, etc…how are they being allowed to stay in the country? Again there’s nothing racist about asking such questions. Check their paperwork, and if found wanting, send them back to China, as they’re taking up jobs…
… which Zambians can do. China does that to foreigners too, so why shouldn’t we do the same thing? Wake up Zambia!
Don’t we have authorities who can act and close businesses instead
Of the Mayor trying to score some political points? It is also weird that he has closed two Chinese businesses and that surprises me and can be seen as Xepnophobia, because I think everyone should have a day in court to fight charges and if you have to close the business, I’m ok with it but I’m sure we have a system to follow or guidelines. This action can be pleasing to some but is looked upon negatively by potential investors.