Sunday, September 8, 2024

Councils Under UPND Are Poorly Administered Despite Government Support, How would they run the Country


THE RULING Patriotic Front (PF) in Choma district has questioned the capability of the United Party For National Development (UPND) to run the affairs of the country when the councils under their leadership are poorly administered despite receiving support from the government.

PF District Chairperson Peter Kampamba said the failure by Choma council to agree on releasing radio equipment to Macha radio station after the approval of the full Council is a clear sign of leadership deficit in the UPND run Councils.

Kampamba stressed that the people of Macha are denied information due to the delay in releasing the radio equipment by the Council.

He charged that the people of Zambia can not allow a party that fails to effectively run local authorities to manage and administer the affairs of the nation.

Kampamba wonders why the Radio equipment bought at the Council 5 years ago cannot be handed over to the community radio station in the district.

“We all know that the Choma Council recently was directed to donated the radio equipment bought at the Council 5 years ago to Macha radio station but the council is hesitant because its leadership is full of confusion,” said Kampamba.

“Honestly how can they run the affairs of the country if they fail to run simple councils – I hope the people of Zambia can see this.”

The PF District Boss has called on the UPND to come out clean on the radio station equipment which they have failed to surrender.

Kampamba was reacting to calls by Macha ward UPND Councillor Choolwe Mubambasu who has demanded that the government should revamp Macha Community Radio station so that the public can benefit from the COVID-19 updates.

The Councillor said this will help people living around Macha to know how they should live now that Macha Research Trust is a COVID-19 testing center.

Not too long ago, the Choma full Council meeting resolved that the radio equipment bought at the Council 5 years ago be handed over to Macha radio station located in Mbabala Constituency.

The resolution was made after Choma Town Clerk George Mulenga said the equipment has become an audit query from the Ministry. The radio equipment is still stuck at the Choma Council and Macha Radio Station is non-operational. The Community radio station is one of the few radio stations that were set up by the defunct Media Trust Fund.


  1. Which local authority is run properly in Zambia? The Lungu-appointed Local Government Service Commission appoints the town clerks and other chief officers. CDF is hardly ever released, money from the local government equalization fund is never hadly ever released.

    • Yaluma lied to the people in the North that if one is PF and went to the South they will beaten and chased, but here is a kampamba a district chairman having fun and campaigning for pf freely, something that can’t happen in muchinga, where even just Bally’s voice on a phone in interview, they had to go and smash radio equipment.

  2. What do you expect from the dead camp? H² misleads that party not to cooperate with Government. He is the worst in Zambian opposition makeup.
    Don’t be suprised though, we got one nigga cut Zesco pole because these do wacky do nothings wants Government to fail. Who thinks like that as in who does that?
    They can’t even build toilets in their wards and Constituencies.
    That’s how behind certain parts of the country get. Chaps fear when development hit those parts of the country, people would fall in Love with PF. Ain’t that strange?

  3. This modus operandi permeates deads parley members. You have wacky Upndead MPs doing the same in the National Assembly. Walk outs on all Government programs. Miserable do nothings.

    You wonder why I call them dead. Damn it, they are so very extremely dead.

  4. Just play the Chitimukulu Radio Mano interview available on video where he is complaining about the failures of Kasama Municipal Council. This is the largest twn in Northern province where the provincial minister is based, the mayor is based, the councillors, DC, tiwn clerk are all PF. Where’s the development they hv delivered?

  5. This argument is so cheap. Isolating Choma out of the 116 Local authorities is just a big fallacy (mistake in reasoning) of generalisation. Does this PF district Chairperson even knows the operations of the Councils? This is cheap politics and you won’t get a way with that. Adress serious issues of supporting the local authorities, like paying it’s workers their dues. I know even if the Council has more Councillors from opposition, there is also serious porking of PF noses into their business. We’re not kids that you should play us this cheap politics. It seems there is nothing you PF can offer us now. You’re not useful anymore and maybe to be clear, You’re useless.

  6. This Kapamba lives in fools paradise, PF party is on the way out and they have devised another strategy of buying councilors to show that they’re popular in opposition strongholds.

    But what I can assure them is that continue fooling yourselves like In the MMD times.

    The majority of Zambian citizens are feeling the impact of PF misrule and we shall meet on the voting day next year.

    PF must go!

  7. The PF executive went about manufacturing toilet paper with lungus face on it , and thought that was a good campain gimmick.

    I even have some.

    These are the people running Zambia, I say no more………

  8. The UPND has no capacity to govern and if at all Hichilema won elections he’ll go into State House with very poor credentials. UPND run councils are notorious for non utilization of CDF because their MPs don’t play their part. In this same Choma for 3 consecutive years funds for the construction of the Provincial Administration Offices went back to the Treasury because Mweetwa wasn’t around to agree on the site. It had to take Mwaliteta when he was Provincial Minister to confront Mweetwa and force him to append his signature to agree to the proposed old airport site and that’s how the construction began. How will they govern this country if they can’t even govern themselves? Hichilema has only been elected once but he’s now into the 4th 5 year term unelected, what democracy does he…

  9. Ayatollah

    What have PF done for Zambia ???.

    Negative GDP , 17 kwa to the dollar , record inflation , record debt , sky high unemployment, record corruption, record political violence …..

    Those infrastructure we see built , even my grade 7 son can build that if given $17 billion , and even do better by providing record employment…

  10. Kampamba agrees that UPND will form the next government but worried if Choma a UPND council run can not secure Mano radio equipment bought 5 years ago. Kampamba thinks UPND is already in power and attributes that failure to it. Its PF regime his party in power that has failed the people of Choma. Is Kampamba not aware that PF cadres go about beating and harassing people at radio stations in the country?. Choma Council is just being cautious of PF thugs to destroy the radio equipment in question, after all its PF government to pay for it.

  11. I think it is so laughable for the UPND council not to have handed over the equipment to the community for fear that people might see that GRZ and PF care for them. But is it not development you guys always cry for? That’s why I and my household can’t vote for HH and UPND even under gun-point. HH and UPND are both petty and childish to say the least.

  12. Why always defending wrong doing! Surely can you compare what apf has done within 8 years in infrastructure development to your child doing the if given the money.Development needs s lot of money.apf has managed to mobilize the money to do so.For your information, the work apf has done was supposed have taken place between 1964 and 1991.Those who were there can agree with me!Be appreciative if you want to be appreciated bane.Lack of appreciation by upAndOWN is a manifestation of bitterness and jealous.

  13. @Spaka, PF suffered a tragedy when the torchbearer died prematurely, what’s governing Chambia now is the Party we rejected on 2011. However between PF and UPND, the Piffle are better idiooots if they can only cure their klepto myelitis

  14. PF and the UPND are both equally useless. The only one time Zambia ever had great parties are when UNIP was young and vibrant and the ANC existed. Plus the early years of the MMD. Before Chiluba got rid of all the original members. Zambia now does not have a stable ruling party or a normal opposition.


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