Thursday, March 13, 2025

Zambia Applauds SADC Joint Efforts on Covid-19


The Minister of Home Affairs, Hon. Stephen Kampyongo, M.P, led the Zambian delegation in Lusaka which participated in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Council of Ministers videoconference meeting on Friday, 29th May 2020.

Hon. Kampyongo was representing Hon. Joseph Malanji, MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs who was out of town on official duties.

Hon. Kampyongo was accompanied by Minister of Transport and Communications Hon. Mutotwe Kafwaya M.P., Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Hon. Christopher Yaluma, M.P., Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary International Relations and Cooperation Ambassador Chalwe Lombe, Ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary Budget and Economic Affairs Dr. Emmanuel Pamu, Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary Technical Services Dr. Kennedy Malama, Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry Permanent Secretary Mr. Mushuma Mulenga, and other senior Government officials.

Council deliberated on the implementation of its previous decisions on the fight against COVID-19 in the region.

In this regard, Council directed the Secretariat to convene, this week, a meeting of the expanded multi-sectoral Committee on Health to finalize the revised “SADC Guidelines on Harmonisation and Facilitation of Cross Border Transport Operations across the Region during the COVID-19 Pandemic”.

During deliberations on this agenda item, Hon. Kampyongo informed Council that Zambia recognized the scale of the threat of Covid-19 and His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia had put in measures to curb the spread of the disease.

The Minister hailed all member states for instituting similar measures adding that countries will only yield the desired results through a coordinated response.

Reacting to the report of the Secretariat on the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on the SADC region and its implications, and on the Status of Finances, Hon. Kampyongo said the Covid-19 pandemic had affected the global economy with Zambia recording a decline of 22.1 percent in revenue collection in April 2020.

He added that foreign currency denominated payments such as debt and other foreign payments have increased resulting in the Government recording a shortfall in the expenditure of 32.1 percent in April 2020.

Home Affair Minister  Stephen Kampyongo in an ONLINE SADC Meeting  together with  Minister of Transport and Communications Hon. Mutotwe Kafwaya M.P., Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Hon. Christopher Yaluma, M.P., Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary International Relations and Cooperation Ambassador Chalwe Lombe, Ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary Budget and Economic Affairs Dr. Emmanuel Pamu, Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary Technical Services Dr. Kennedy Malama, Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry Permanent Secretary Mr. Mushuma Mulenga, and other senior Government officials.
Home Affair Minister Stephen Kampyongo in an ONLINE SADC Meeting together with Minister of Transport and Communications Hon. Mutotwe Kafwaya M.P., Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Hon. Christopher Yaluma, M.P., Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary International Relations and Cooperation Ambassador Chalwe Lombe, Ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary Budget and Economic Affairs Dr. Emmanuel Pamu, Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary Technical Services Dr. Kennedy Malama, Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry Permanent Secretary Mr. Mushuma Mulenga, and other senior Government officials.

In this regard, Council directed the SADC Secretariat to undertake an assessment on capabilities of Member States to remit contributions in view of the pandemic and present a report at the next Council of Ministers meeting in August 2020.

Earlier during the official opening, Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation and Chair of the Council of Ministers Prof. Palamagamba Kabudi noted the challenges in the implementation of the regional guidelines on the harmonisation and facilitation of cross border transport operations.

Prof. Kabudi called on member states to quickly harmonise policies to ease congestion at the borders.

Prof. Kabudi urged members states to take advantage of challenges posed by Covid-19 and the increasing need for medicines by creating a favourable environment for the establishment of new pharmaceutical industries and provide incentives for the already existing establishments.

And SADC Executive Secretary Dr. Stergomena Tax commended member states for the rigorous measures put in place to address and deal with the pandemic.

Dr. Tax said SADC had conducted a mapping exercise of regional manufacturers of essential supplies and a needs assessment and that the information gathered was being used in ongoing efforts to mobilise resources and enhance capacities in the context of the regional bloc’s industrialization strategy.

She said SADC had engaged several cooperating partners with the aim of supporting a regional coordinated approach in the provision of personal protective equipment and other medical equipment to deal with Covid-19.

“To date, the Secretariat has secured Euro 7.3 million from the German Government, Euro 3.6 million from the European Union, Euro 190,000 under the GIZ/African Union Commission, whereas, the African Development Bank, has considered a support of UA 7 million,“ Dr. Tax said.

The SADC Council of Ministers is the principal advisory institution to the Summit on matters of overall policy, harmonious functioning and development of SADC.


  1. “Hon. Kampyongo was representing Hon. Joseph Malanji, MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs who was out of town on official duties.”
    My question is to Malanji – what is it that he was attending to out of town that is bigger than SADC Council of Ministers meeting? Is he with Lazy Lungu campaigning for Bill 10 in NW

  2. When are we going to realise that there are other more deadly diseases than COVID? Or are we too embarrassed to U-turn

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