Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Constitute a Commission of Inquiry to determine whether or not COVID-19 exists in Zambia-Kambwili


Opposition National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili has called on President Edgar Lungu to constitute a Commission of Inquiry to determine whether or not CIVID-19 exists in Zambia.

The opposition Leader has charged that the COVID-19 story in Zambia is a hoax meant to achieve three things by the PF regime namely to block the opposition from engaging their members, disadvantaging the poor by closing their businesses and to attract donor funding.

Mr Kambwili has condemned the President for openly contravening COVID-19 Public Health measures when he traveled to the North Western Province on a three day working visit.

He has said that the COVID-19 figures that have been given by the Ministry of Health are fake and has lamented that the freedom that Freedom fighters fought for has been destroyed by President Edgar Lungu.

Mr Kambwili has wondered how the President who has been preaching adherence to public health measures recently abrogated the same measures by traveling to North Western province where he interacted with the masses and went into markets where he interacted with the people.

He said the behavior of the President who is breaking the law with impunity does not give confidence that there is coronavirus in Zambia.

Mr Kambwili has also charged that the partial lockdowns was a political mission to block the opposition while President Lungu was busy trotting the nation campaigning for the PF.

He has challenged the President to immediately open bars and other places that have remained closed due to COVID-19 as there is seemingly no coronavirus in Zambia saying the effects of the partial lockdown have been bad on the Zambian people and President Lungu’s behavior does not give any hope.

He said what the President has done will haunt him forever and he will do well to allow businesses to operate normally.

Mr Kambwili has also wondered why Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya and his information Counterpart Dora Siliya have remained home when other people testing positive for the pandemic are being quarantined.

He said President Lungu must be ashamed for openly breaking the COVID-19 measures and should resign on moral ground.


  1. Hmmm not much sense here.
    But Chitalu Chilufya must be locked up. Its sad that his corruption is only being used to intimidate him and dissuade him from challenging lungu for presidency.

  2. That’s the calibre of opposition in Zambia, trumpeting social media speculation instead of focusing on policies and political ideas; They concentrate on personality attacks and irrelevant issues that don’t add value to the country. Ichi chena chi nangwa ichapwilikisha!!! We should be ashamed to call this i.d!ot a “leader”!!!

  3. ‘DR’ Kambwili is sometimes difficult to understand. Before long he was in the forefront,warning everyone on Zambian unpreparedness against COVID 19
    How Zambia had only 8 ventilators. Last time I recall he was wondering why people were not dying in huge numbers. Now he says COVID 19 is fake in Zambia. He could have political arguments against his opponent ‘Dr’ Lungu but should try to be consistent with serious issues as COVID 19

    • This man has no vision sometimes its important to be silent. This is the most ignorant statement. Ati nuclear weapons dont exist ….. but we know they are tested and shown through the media. #amstillPF#amvotingforPF#voteforkambwiliatyourownrisk#Pfhasdoneagoodjob.

  4. CK is finished, no direction. Just backs like a rabbies dog. When people say Zambia has a leadership crisis, this one makes that list. Just loud & no direction or ideas

  5. Chishimba Kambwili, please don’t drag us into unnecessary commission of inquiry. Covid-19 is real and is there in Zambia only that it is being mishandled by this useless PF government.

    Spend your energy on how you want to remove this useless government of PF. Covid-19 is real brother.

    Meanwhile PF must go!

  6. We have no credible oppositions in Zambia. They have nothing tangible to offer or inspire the voters. It’s a pity with this kind of reasoning. I can anticipate the current Government bouncing back in 2021, despite poor management and below par social services. We need young and vibrant politicians to bring something new and move the country forward.

  7. Chisushi Kambwili, the country was a better place when you were quiet. No that your ranting has started again, we want to vomit

  8. In many working places we have this new system of blazing a laser beam against people every morning to check their temperature as a COVID19 intervention measure, now just thinking aloud, has this process of taking temperature been properly checked to see if no long term effects can result from the daily laser beaming?, has anyone taken interest to see the effect of this system on the human body?, JUST THINKING ALOUD.

  9. Kambili says covid in Zambia is a ploy by the PF to disadvantage the poor by closing their businesses. And he has also wondered why Ministers Siliya and Chilufya are staying at home whilst others are being quarantined.
    Yaba, that first point is a little too out of this world, even PF wouldn’t delibarately close businesses, what would they have to gain? Secondly, what does the man understand by quarantine? UNZA was made a quarantine centre for foreing truck drivers, everyone with an address in Lusaka was doing SELF quarantine at home, no one goes to the hospital immediatley.

  10. Mr President: Chishimba Kambwili, please don’t talk about unnecessary commission of inquiry. Covid-19 is real and is there in Zambia. If the UK Prime Minster can have it who are you to say ist fake. I US President can be confusid over Covid 19, who are you say no? If millions of people have died from Covid 19, who are you to say no? If you want to rule rule be real?

  11. There is a lot of sarcasm in the manner Kambwili is presenting his case. See while we are busy touting Covid-19 terror messages we see politicians of the ruling party NOT following any regulations themselves! Of course we also know commissions of inquiry are supposed to usher in delaying tactics hoping the populations will forget in their collective amnesia. So yea – loads of symbolic sarcasm coming through. The only thing that is real is the call for resignation. That works well with contradictions going on.

  12. Mr President: Chishimba Kambwili, please don’t talk about unnecessary commission of inquiry. Covid-19 is real and its there in Zambia. If the UK Prime Minister can have it who are you to say its fake. If US President can be confused over Covid 19, who are you to say no? If millions of people have died from Covid 19, who are you to say no? If you want to rule Zambia be real?

  13. The problem is that we have left it to buffoons to be the advocates and champions of everything. Even Ngoshe Mukote Nkandu Luo who is a virologist hasn’t given her professional opinion about the corona virus COVID-19. Scientists at the main virology lab at UTH haven’t said anything. We’ve only heard from a terrorist Aaron Mujajati who wanted to close all health institutions in the name of regulation. An explanation that a deficiency of vitamin -D worsens the COVID-19 attack has been offered by scientists outside of Africa. What has ever come out of a commission of inquiry? This is a misplaced call but I can’t blame this buffoon Kambwili because we’ve so many buffoons on the Consultant’s Roll at HPCZ and they draw a huge salary for scratching their balls whole day

  14. Reality is that our Covid is not killing us, it will infect you yes, but recovery is guaranteed, that is why I feel business should now open. We are all experts now. For example I took precautions and I don’t have the Covid but the Minister of Health has it. It is just the way life is

  15. The covid19 in zambia is a weak
    Virus.It cannot kill you.Its just like
    Flu.Few deaths recorded had other
    Heath issues aswell.Governent knew from day one that it was not serious that’s why we did not
    Have a full lockdown.

  16. If this is what the opposition has to offer, such useless and inconsistent imbeciles like Fatso, then I would rather we maintain the status quo! id!ot!

  17. Simple logic: Birds of the same feathers fly together. Help me make connections: If CK can be in this category of thinkers, how about the so called “friends?”

  18. Regardless of who CK is and how some of you are attacking his personality instead of strictly addressing what he has stated, the fact of the matter is that the PF was very recently using ECL’s directives on the coronavirus to stop some opposition members from what they termed ‘campaigning’. That they needed to be ‘serious and stay put’. Yet, ECL has been busy travelling and campaigning himself (L/stone and North-Western Province) CK is saying it with a tongue in cheek – that if the ruling leaders can wantonly go about ‘normal business’, then there is ‘no COVID – 19 after all’.

  19. Leave CK alone. Let him yap, pali ingulu shilemubimfya. Chilamuntu neciwa chakwe.
    He says there is no SARS-CoV-2 in Zambia. Instead of castigating him, let him express himself as long as he is not insulting like CKinsultor.

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