Wednesday, October 2, 2024

President Lungu Urges Women and Youths to participate in 2021 General Elections as Candidates


President Edgar Lungu has pledged to support woman and youths who have intentions to stand for political office in the 2021 general elections.
President Lungu has since encouraged all party structures at different levels to give priority and support to women and youths who will show interest to participate in next year’s general elections.
Speaking when he addressed party officials in Kasempa Friday, President Lungu explained that Zambia is a signatory to the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Protocol on 50/50 women representation in decision making positions hence the need to strive towards meeting the requirement.
“We need more women represented in decision making positions. Zambia is a member of the SADC Protocol and we want to achieve this 50/50 women representation in decision making positions hence all the leadership structures should take note and support women and youths who will show interest to stand for these positions,” he said.
He explained that 2021 in PF is a year of review and will ensure that more women are adopted and supported for them to fully participate in the country’s developmental process.
“In 2021, I want to see a good number of women and youths whether male or female to come forward and contest as councillors and as Members of Parliament and we will give you priority and support,” he added.
And President Lungu has reiterated his call for discipline in the party and warned that he and the party’s Secretary General will not support or protect any law breakers, adding that those who will be found wanting will be dealt with according to the stipulated laws of the land.
He said there is need for leaders in the party to remain disciplined if they are to get respect from their members, adding that indiscipline has potential to destroy the party.
” I wish to state that I will not protect any law breakers, law breakers you are on own your own and we will not get involved in any illicit ideas, don’t take advantage of your positions,” he noted.
He further called for unity in the party, adding all the members are the same regardless of positions and that there is no distinction between founder members and new members.
President Lungu emphasised that late President Michael Sata when he was forming PF had a vision of building a party with a national character and a party that would embrace all people who have a passion of serving the country.
Earlier, Kasempa district PF chairperson Japhet Njamba assured the President that the party is stable and has continued to attract members including those from other opposition political parties.
Mr.Njamba said Kasempa is no longer a stronghold for the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) as evident by members including saving councillors who have started leaving their party to join the ruling PF due to its good governance strategies.
” Your Excellency Kasempa is no longer a stronghold for the UPND, Kasempa is now PF and we are confident that even in the coming by election for the councillor who resigned we will carry the day and even in 2021 we will deliver in all the 22 wards we will have PF councillors,” he noted.
He also added that the district has not seen tangible infrastructure development due to poor representation by the opposition dominated council.
Mr. Njamba further appealed to President Lungu to ensure that civil servants in the district are paid rural hardship allowances to motivate them, adding that public service workers play an important role in implementing Government programmes in the district.
He pledged to work with all the civil servants and traditional leaders in fostering development.
After the meeting with party officials President Lungu also toured Kasempa main market and interacted with the marketeers and other members of the public.


  1. Timely call, your excellency. Get rid of the old crocodiles in your party and incorporate the youth and women.

  2. Ba Lusaka times why gave you left out the part where he was threatening his rivals?
    We know he fear Dr. Chitalu. So he has unleashed the ACC on him to scare him dissuade him from challenging for presidency. Even though we know chitalu is corrupt, but he has been corrupt for a ling time. Why send ACC now that he is gaining traction to challenge the presidency?

  3. They are more tha than ready to remove you Edgar Lungu. Don’t comfort yourself that you will bounce back, NO!

    You have raped our country. And you must prepare to be prosecuted as well.

    PF must go!

  4. They are more tha than ready to remove you Edgar Lungu. Don’t comfort yourself that you will bounce back, NO!

    You have raped our country. And you must prepare to be prosecuted as well. Useless man!

    PF must go!

  5. Thanks mr lungu. That’s wy we want u to be our president for life.pliz change the constitution so zat u remain our president forever.

  6. We see our economy and politics enveloped in stagnation and tribal bigotry – with the debt crisis, there is a foreboding that history could take a newly dark and dangerous turn for Lungu and the PF. Since he ascended to power following the demise of his equally useless nenesis Michael Chaluba Sata, Chagwa Lungu has rode his luck and skirted past disaster. Now, kunya bebele, the fate demands payback. The air in Zambia if heavily pregnant with anger and resentment against Lungu and his thieving lot, you can literally reach out and touch the bile poisoned atmosphere generated by Lungu’s deliberate exposure of the country to a vicious kleptocracy unparalleled in Africa since Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga. Someone will die for this treachery, mark my word!

  7. But u ve been humbly urging them since 2015(exactly 5 years ago). Which means, by 2025, u ll still stand in that Pineapple field & urge them again.

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