Friday, June 28, 2024

Installation of communication towers in rural areas has helped in the improvement of service delivery


President Edgar Lungu will be remembered for taking telecommunication services closer to the people with the aim of easing communication challenges, says Transport and Communications Minister Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya.

The Minister said this in Sesheke District in Western Province when he paid a courtesy call on Sesheke District Administrative Officer Mrs. Albertina Maliwa Kabatana at her office on Monday evening.

Hon Kafwaya said the installation of communication towers in rural areas has helped in the improvement of service delivery.

He stated that the government has invested in the telecommunication sector because of it’s importance to service delivery.

“We are basically here to interact with our people, relating to the communication sector. So tomorrow we will be going to Imusho to launch the Zamtel communication tower. This is not the only tower we are constructing, we have 1009 towers doted across the country,” he said.

He said in light of the outbreak of Coronavirus, people were encouraged to work from home and do online transactions hence the need to improve the telecommunication sector.
He also said the PF Government under President Lungu has paid attention to things that matter the most to the people.

“Communication is very important and these things have been understood. And this is why we have invested in this sector,” he added.

And Mrs. Kabatana said the installation of the tower in Imusho will result in effective service delivery and will easy communication challenges in the area.


  1. Kafwaya continue bootlicking my brother, we know Edgar Lungu will be remembered for destroying the economy.

    Continue polishing his ass!

    PF must go!

  2. What is the measurement that communication towers have improved service delivery and at what is the percentage improvement. Rhetoric from morning to evening all the time. Just talking and talking and peoples lively hoods never improving

  3. Party of lupososhi District is now difficult yet tiwers were installed.What could be the problem?Initially it was easily accessed.

  4. But at what cost? I mean a cheaper loan and lower cost but high specification towers could have been obtained..

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