Friday, March 7, 2025

consortium of Civil Society Organizations urging parliamentarians to reject Bill Number 10


A consortium of Civil Society Organizations is urging parliamentarians to reject the Constitutional Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 when Parliament resumes sitting on 9th June 2020.

Action Aid Zambia, the Alliance for Community Action, Caritas Zambia, Chapter One Foundation, CISCA and the Center for Trade Policy and Development have said that parliamentarians should choose service over Bill 10.

In a joint statement issued by Chapter One Foundation Executive Director Linda Kasonde, the Consortium noted that the whole nation is depending on parliamentarians to choose the people over their own political interests.

Ms Kasonde has argued that the amendments made to the Constitution in 2016 reflected the will of Zambians through a consultative process and while it was not perfect and had inconsistencies that required attention, there was never a call nor a justification for the fundamental amendment.

She said in a statement that once again, the mettle of members of parliament will be tested and it will be seen whether they side with the people of Zambia.

Ms Kasonde has explained that Constitution of any country is a social contract binding all the citizens of that country as to how they choose to be governed.

She said Zambia has made several constitutional amendments since 1964 and most of those processes have been controlled by the political parties in power.

Ms Kasonde said the result has been reduced transparency, reduced accountability and subsequently a reduction in the checks and balance over government.

She said the people who are voted for and entrusted to oversee the affairs of the nation have become less accountable to the electorate.


  1. Edgar Lungu and PF’s last hope to stay in power.
    NO TO BILL 10

  2. Lets wait for the faithful pf caders to come and label Linda KASONDA and Laura MITI as UPND tonga tribalists. That is their standard response to anyone who opposes their agenda.
    They cant see beyond party lines or tribal lines.

    But that aside, several analysis have already been published that have shown that bill 10 is meant to perpetuate lungu and pf. Other areas of concern include the removal of parliament oversight over debt acquisition. Just a brief reminder.
    Allowing bill 10 to pass will be the end of democracy in Zambia and a return to one party rule. But unlike KKs one party rule where we had a patriotic and competent leader with integrity, we will have a corrupt, incompetent, unpatriotic leader without an ounce of integrity or love for the country.

  3. Look at thier faces, all fat cats and payed goons masquarading as civil society. What civil is about them these donor money choppers.

  4. His Master’s voice phenomenon at work!!! Quit the NGO subterfuge and form a political party or openly come out for UPND!!!!

  5. Bill 10 should be adopted . It is a very progressive bill. I wonder what these NGO s are taliking about. You have failed to convince us. Just shut up for once!!!!! You are disruptive and wasting our time. We have better things to do that listening to you. Ngatamwakwata ifyakuchita mu Lusaka kabiyeni ku ma farm muku chema ingombe!!!

  6. Bill 10 is well sugercoated bill and anything sugercoated is very bitter inside hence the sugercoating. A few good clauses should not be the reason why the bill should be passed. Make the amendments that were proposed. what is funny is that Nakachinda who chaired the committee that looked into amending the bill is the one going round the country advocating for the bill in its old state. Time to reckon is here for the PF, bill 10 will test the morality of the MP’s.

  7. What surprises me is that non of the pf mps have the guts to go against king lungu. He’s really feared so much. Its different with chilubas mmd mps wen he wanted 3rd term.

  8. Heading should read- “Consortium of Civil Society Organizations supporting hh urging parliamentarians to reject Bill Number 10”.
    Form political parties, you cowards, stop hiding behind NGOs!!!

  9. Consortium of civil society organisations should organise a ka workshop for pf MPs, thats where the biggest problem lie, they are all a yea, yea, yea,yea troupe.

  10. Knowing that they cant garner 50 plus one in elections due to their incompetence, ineptitude and sheer lack of capacity, bill 10 remains the only survival route. The worst party in government and government since 1964, no two ways about it. Absolute failure….distinction in failure

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