Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Jean Kapata Warns Chiefs against allocation land without following correct Procedure


Ephraim Chiluba-Lands and natural resources minister JEAN KAPATA has cautioned traditional leaders to desist from allocating land without following the correct procedure.

Speaking when she addressed indunas and headmen in Chibombo central province the minister said traditional leaders are not allowed to exceed a specific limit in the allocation of land just like the mimister of land, and that anything above 1 thousand hecters can only be concerted to by the head of state.

She said land issues are very sensitive and that is why both investors and traditional leaders must seek guidance from the ministry of lands before large pieces of land can be allocated.

The minister regretted saying Zambia is not for sale and that investors must respect the indigenous land owners who are Zambians as they bring their investments.

This comes after some villagers complained that a foreign investor has displaced some local people claiming that they are occupying the land illegally.

In 2017 an Indian investor bought 6 thousand hecters of land from some indunas and later sold it to a Chinese company chenguang biotech zambia.

Meanwhile MRS. KAPATA who visited the land in question found the Chinese company who have used a small part of the land to grow Marigold and paprika while the other part of the land is still being cleared.

The minister who was accompanied by central province minister SYDNEY MUSHANGA and other government officials said officers will immediately commence investigations before the final decision can be made.

And Chief LITETA of the Lenje sparking people who was also present during the deliberations expressed disappointment in the head men and women who aquired money from investors at the expense of poor local people.

Chief LITETA said he is dissapointed that some head men have continued allocating land illegally even after their record books were ceaized, taking away powers to allocate land.

He challenged the indunas to tell the minister of lands the truth if the matter has to be resolved amicably.

Meanwhile central province minister SYDNEY MUSHANGA thanked MRS. KAPATA for taking interest in the matter, saying he is confident that her office will ensure that the matter will be handled with the expertise and urgency it requires.


  1. Timely advice. Land is a very sensitive and essential means of production. Majority of our friends in diaspora are not even allowed to own land. They are treated as second class and criminals. So let us not take for granted the privilege we have to manage our own land. Kz

  2. Only under lazy corrupt Lungu can a chinese buy 6000 hectares of land.

    Do you think a zambian can be allowed to buy land in China?

    How much land do these Chinese own in Zambia?

    Enough is enough.

  3. Land has been mismanaged by both government and chiefs because of excessive love for money without thinking of the future generations. In fact chiefs are just scrambling for the little land which hasn’t been taken by China yet. This ugly creation is the most culprit to have let our land go.

  4. Chief Mulungwe chopped my money and never signed the papers for the land that i wanted to secure. He kept telling me lies upon lies, while asking for more and more money. Bonse niba pompwe!!

  5. Chief Mulungwe chopped my money and never signed the papers for the land that i wanted to secure. He kept telling me lies upon lies, while asking for more and more money. Bonse niba pompwe!!

  6. @*** knee , Hypocrite!” First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

    There’s a viral video making round son Zambian social media…, where a Zambian man in Luanshya sh!t himself because he was almost strangled on his neck using bare hands by a ZAMBIAN POLICEMAN while in custody because of a woman.
    Zambian police are worse they treat foreigners like semi-gods, while routinely engage in cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, including torture, and murder to extract confessions, from fellow Zambians

  7. @** knee** , Hypocrite!” First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

  8. @Black neck
    There’s a viral video making round son Zambian social media…, where a Zambian man in Luanshya sh!t himself because he was almost strangled on his neck using bare hands by a ZAMBIAN POLICEMAN while in custody because of a woman.
    Zambian police are worse they treat foreigners like semi-gods, while routinely engage in cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, including torture, and murder to extract confessions, from fellow Zambians

  9. @Black neck
    Hypocrite!” First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

  10. Chief Mulungwe chopped my money and never signed the papers for the land that i wanted to secure. He kept telling me lies upon lies, while asking for more and more money. Bonse niba pompwe!!
    ###########SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME!’########

  11. @Black neck
    There’s a viral video making rounds on Zambian social media…, where a Zambian man in Luanshya sh!t himself because he was almost strangled on his neck using bare hands by a ZAMBIAN POLICEMAN while in custody because of a woman.
    Zambian police are worse they treat foreigners like semi-gods, while routinely engage in cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, including torture, and murder to extract confessions, from fellow Zambians

  12. Bamayo Bana kapata. Plse when are you finalising the land reforms policy? On earth only in Zambia, can a foreigner buy land so easier n cheaply. How can a Chinese or indian or yellow or blue foreigners be allowed to acquire land of that magnitude and we allow it. What is the hell is happening in this country led by pf?
    Bushe kwena cant you see that land reforms is so urgent than ben10 or bill 10? Take that policy to parliament fast before all the land is given to aliens .
    Ba president Lungu can you stop sell of land to any foreigner until land reforms are in place.
    HH can u explain to the nation how you are going to stop this wretched, inhuman, wicked selling of land.
    We can be watching land so going and just watching a d watching yet govt does not do anything

  13. You can clearly see that there’s currently no leadership in Zambia. Imagine, an Indian company buys 6000 hectors of land, and then resells it to a Chinese company. Foreigners buying and selling land that belongs to the Zambian people, and these fooolish leaders unaware of what’s going on. To start with, you need to immediately ban chiefs from giving land as gifts to anyone, or even selling it without government approval. And warn these so called foreign investors that any land bought from chiefs will be considered as illegally obtained, and the “investor” risks losing the land to the State. Don’t let these chiefs, most of whom are not very well educated, do land transactions with the so called foreign investors, who are mostly sophisticated organized criminals, opportunists,…

  14. … hustlers trying to make a fast buck at the expense of Zambians. Have clear laws on the books, that stipulate how land buying and selling is supposed to be done in Zambia, and ban foreigners from buying large swaths of land. Get serious, you foools, and stop selling our land to foreigners.

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