Thursday, October 3, 2024

12 UPND Officials in Kitwe Detained by Police for illegal Gathering


12 officials from the United Party for National Development (UPND) in Kitwe have been detained by Police in connection with illegal gathering.

Five officials led by UPND Kitwe District Vice Chairman Chrispin Chomba were picked up at Bulangililo Market on Saturday as they were distributing free face masks to traders.

They are detained at Riverside Police Station.

Mr Chomba is aspiring to contest the Kwacha Parliamentary seat next year.

Seven others officials were picked up at a private home in Chamboli and are detained at Wusakile Police Station.

The officials were yet to be charged by news time.

Meanwhile, the arrests have angered Kitwe District Chairman Elvis Nkandu.

“if really donating face masks is a crime then I dont know where this country is heading to. What type of leadership is this? I want to condemn the arrest of our members in Kitwe,” Mr Nkandu said.

“We are aware that on the same day Patriotic Front officials and members were also meeting and distributing mealie meal and no one was arrested,” he said.


  1. These PF criminals are running scared now, and are using the police to harass innocent citizens. But their time is up. They’ve seen the writing on the wall. Next year, we the Zambian people will kick out this good for nothing criminal administration, and put all the corrupt gangsters in prison. That includes gangster in chief, Edgar Al Capone Lungu. By the way, we need to start expanding the prisons ASAP, because a whole lot of PF criminals will be occupying them next year. Come quickly 2021. We can’t wait to take our country back from these PF bandits.

  2. This is purely selective justice whatever has happened to the leadership of this Country. PF can gather distribute sanitizers meet their members at will and their president can visit them at any time. For other political parties they are being told wait time for campaigning has not yet been declared. For other parties to meet and hold intra party elections they can not be allowed reasons there is covid 19. Even when they have put all sanitary measures in place as stipulated by the ministry of health. Schools have re-opened and are being allowed to meet full schedule while Churches have put the same measures in place but allowed one hour. In fact we have put in better measures that most Schools but given a short time. PF your time is coming.

  3. Here is my simple advise, they dont want you to physically interact with the masses, just go and order smart phones in bulk supply them to the youths of voting age, its the new normal AND A NEW PLATFORM FOR CAMPAIGNING, I ASSURE YOU WILL REAP REWARDS, THE OTHER CAMP IS DEAD SCARED OF SOCIAL MEDIA.

  4. Imwe ba UPND you know the law . If you do not know ask your lawyers (Jack and the lot) to explian to you. You are breaking the law with impunity. Do not dare the Police.

  5. Now when you get whipped can you surely blame us? Because even a dog follows rules. When its owner says sit, it will sit. You with 5 senses why is it hard to follow simple rules.

  6. Systematic destabilization by police turned PF guard dogs and diligently serving their master in application of “laws.” Guess what should be demanded is police reforms, dismantling, retraining and, restructuring. With bias and selective application of the law to “protect” the citizenry I wonder if those serving police officers realize that their integrity, trust and, professionalism is being put into question in the public eye for backlash and if the bomb finally detonates Zambians do get what they demand with unenviable consequences!

  7. The PF can ask those that were once in power like bena Katele Kalumba, Faustine Kabwe, Stella Chibanda, etc what politics can do. When you lose power you’ll almost everything including the money you made both illegally and genuinely. At that time only, true friends and few relatives will be on your side. Prepare for hard times ahead. They’ll spit on you, and most political and beer friends disappear. Have you forgotten how they sacrificed Golden Mandandi? Even those that looked they’d come to save him pushed him further into the grave, Eat and be merry for now, for that merry is short lived. You’ll realize what we’re talking about when it’s late to redeem you. Dawson Kafwaya has run away when it’s still early to cover his tracks

  8. FuManchu

    Lungu has corrupted and rottenized all systems of governance in Zambia.

    Now he even tries to make stealing and looting look normal hoping by the time he is out of power , looting will be seen as normal way of life and his looting is forgotten.

  9. The allowed number of people gathering in the covid-19 era is 50 why arrest 7 and 5 people gathering? Time to act is now, we the youth must take Zambia out of the destruction it is currently headed into.

  10. The police command and its officers-in-charge manning police stations, has a symbiotic relationship with its political masters. The politicians turn a blind eye to police corruption , and the police oblige by enforcing the politicians power. That’s the reason why many senior police officers are quite well to do individuals . Well above their station! (excuse the pun)
    They are ‘gentlemen’ gangsters who extort , conspire to subvert justice for a fee , allow you to engage in criminality for a fee and many other things that affect peoples everyday human rights.
    Having said that there are still good upstanding officers in ZP today but they get frustrated by the hierarchy.

  11. There are people who can’t afford a face mask out there so there was nothing wrong with them distributing face masks PF is scared of there own shadows next year you will boshi yourselves 2021 PF must go.

  12. Pipos, we shall be asking this good for nothing Chambia government, what have they done for Zambians during these trying times?
    Anything for tourist sector, small businesses, students, marketeers, wonen, house workers, retirees, essential workers, peasant farmers?
    Just name one section of our vulnerable society that has been looked after during covid 19 times?
    Just busy sharing donor money that came for covid affected people.
    Time to unite under opposition alliance headed by a retired judge or a retired army commander or a trade unionist or annactive journalist or an active farmer or an active professional with credible background with no stint in politics, no association with cirrupt politicians, no hand in any deals that sold our mines, our schools, our transport companies, hotels,…

  13. Ayatollah, you talk sense, but why do you have a pseudo name if a religious fundamentalist? You can be much better without this dictatorial religious bigot title

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