Thursday, October 3, 2024

I will continue defending President Lungu-Bowman


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has vowed to continue protecting President Edgar Lungu against what he termed as unfair criticisms from some quarters.

Mr Lusambo who recently came under fire from human rights activists for attacking some youths whom he accused of attacking President Lungu vowed to continue defending the Head of State.

He said as Minister, he swore to protect the Constitution which also entails protecting the presidency.

Mr Lusambo further stated that it would be foolish of him to remain silent when President Lungu is being attacked unfairly.

The Lusaka Province Minister also appealed to youths in Zambia to use their time productively than spending it endlessly on social media.

Mr Lusambo said young people should not sit endlessly on social media and hope that government will provide them with everything they need.

He said government’s role is merely to create an environment that enables young people to flourish.

Mr Lusambo who is also Kabushi Member of Parliament said there are several economic empowerment initiatives under a number of government ministries which young people could utilize.

He was speaking on Sunday when he handed over various items to women nd youths in Kabushi constituency such as a block making machine, car washing equipment, blankets and mattresses and a K150,000 cash as Revolving Fund for Marketeers at Kapalala Market.


  1. Just sit down and reflect what people are saying,is not about defending Edgar lungu no,but to consider what people are talking.your government is not good compared with previous governments

  2. You chose to defend the president than the suffering Zambian youths these youths are suffering and no one is listening to them when they try to talk you say they insulted the president remember power belongs to the people not the president 2021 is here and you are out.
    You have pressed a wrong button by offending the youths.

  3. When Deepak Patel, Edith Nawakwi, Fred Mmembe started saying frederick chiluba was a thief.
    A District Commissioner from kitwe called Joshua Mutisa threatened to beat, hurt or do all bad stuff to the trio of, Fred, Edith and Deepak.
    All in the name of defending the president. And Mutisa was a chiluba third term supporter.
    But one thing he forgot together with others was that, chiluba ‘s and their positions were rented positions.

    So mwisho ba Bowman your position is rented and so too is your boss’ s position. We will not even remember who bowman was after you loose your seat in kabushi. Today no one remembers Joshua mutisa.

  4. “ExcellencyJ0n@”, YES you will continue defending that Vi0lent cheese loving C0rrupt Brute, coz, BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK & to you there’s NO difference whatsoever between governing a State & running a K@chasu Shebeen that doubles as a Br0th3L in Jack Compound -Chawama.
    Lastly J0N4&P.F.MUSTGO!

  5. Look at this Foolish Fool- creating enabling environment for the youth- how when you keep whipping them!!

  6. Where are the true greens kanshi mwebantu. We are only hearing from ba mwisa. Sunday, Bowman, Dola, Chilufya these are all MMD. It a case of sharing the seat with nowa matako ayakulu.

  7. Of course Lusambo, of course, that is why he appointed you, to do some work for him. You cannot eat without doing some work.
    And by the way, everyday you are donating goodies to your constituency Kabushi and you always say the goodies are from the boss because he loves the people of Kabushi, really? What about the rest of the constituencies in Ndola or the rest of the 156 constituencies in Zambia, he does not love them? Come on Lusambo, be real dont decampaign our President, he is not yours alone.

  8. Me too papa. It’s only those in opposition and diaspora with a problem because they think with their tribe rather than brain . They are all imbeciles. In fact diasporans can’t even vote so I don’t know why they feel the need to waste their time on Zambia politics

  9. So you will continue responding to every social media comment? Some of the people you respond to are not known by any body

  10. Mr bowman continue defending until you are overpowered .
    You are defending because you are benefiting.
    Think of those who are helpless.
    Time will catch you.


  12. He said government’s role is merely to create an environment that enables young people to flourish. Bowman’s words. laughable really, which envirnment has the Government created that enables youths to flourish? does threatening youths to apologies for expressing their freedom of speech creating an environment that enbles youths to flourish? What you are forgeting is that this same Zambia you are destroying with your toxic thinking is the same zambia that your children and your relatives included live. i wonder how you sleep at night and how quickly you’ve lost moral compass…


  14. I wonder how people from diaspora can give up what they do and only to go and be harassed by this miserable boot licking fug!!!!

  15. Of course that is to be expected, I mean, you are nothing but Lungu’s bite dog so like the tails follows the dog you too do the same!

  16. Mr Minister ,you mean the Government providing an environment for the ministers like yourself to steal from the people.

  17. Not long ago, you used to call yourself MMD youth die hard. What happen to that title? a man who doe,st stand for anything can fall for anything. That,s a clear description of you Bowboy and not Bowman because your reasoning can only be compared to that of the boy and not Man. Its just a matter of time before you will betray and leave Lungu alone. Wait when hit the fan, you will be nowhere near Lungu. I suggest they open you a new ministry called, Ministry of botlicking and a…….. licking.

  18. Zambian Youths will defeat the police. Time has come for LUNGU and Lusambo to leave for Uganda or Zimbabwe

  19. Expect a loudspeaker to say something different from whoever is speaking through it? Lusambo is Lungu’s loudspeaker

  20. I can only ask that the current Zambian leaders take a good look at themselves in the mirror. As a nation we need to look each other in the eye and have honest conversations about where we are going. You are all in positions of authority and power which Zambians have entrusted you with. You should be using your authority to build the nation of Zambia. You are the next generation of leaders that should begin to set the tone for the nation of Zambia to be great. It hurts me to hear what is going on in Zambia. You will be judged on how well you apply the resources we have to the needs of the ordinary citizens. A nation that is divided against itself can never stand. Everytime we combine our knowledge, wisdom and all our resources together we can build a great nation. Please answer the tough…

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