By Field Ruwe EdD
Come on now Zambians, are we that ignorant, stupid, foolish, gullible, brainless, naïve, primitive we can’t see the consequences of the “wonderful Chinese gifts” in roads, airports, bridges, and buildings, and the biggest bribery of the century? The forced humiliating apology by Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa for raiding a Chinese restaurant and Chinese barber shop to curb racial discrimination is clear testament that Edgar Lungu has sold Zambia to the Chinese for a pound of flesh, and that Zambia is at the cusp of making history as the first African state to be colonized by China.
Please don’t stop here. If you love Zambia pull a little patriotism from the chamber of your heart and read this article in its entirety. Don’t ignore it because it is written by me, a person you suspect to be partisan. Sometimes there is a particularly concerned person in the crowd who screams “what is wrong with us!” That’s me. There is nothing I am more anxious than my country of birth and for that I shall not sit idle and watch it taken away from me.
First and foremost, I tip my hat to Mayor Miles Sampa. His courageous raids on the racist Chinese settlers warmed my heart. I shall forever hold this young politician in high esteem. Without any hesitation, he shared his deep-seated hatred for racism, and tried openly to cut off its ugly head before it gives life to Chinese terrorization of Zambians.
![Miles Sampa talking to the owners Angels Barbershop at Arcades Shopping Mall](
Since 1964, Zambians have never experienced racial discrimination of this kind. Edgar Lungu was 5 years old when Dr. Kenneth Kaunda spearheaded a disobedient campaign called cha-cha-cha that forced Zambians to throw stones, block roads and set fire to buildings. Why? Because white settlers denied Africans the same liberties and equalities. They called us apes, baboons, dogs, and kaffirs. We were not allowed in white-owned shops. We had to stand at the window to buy what we wanted. To fight such dehumanization meant to die for country. Today, the Zambian eagle flies over graves littered by gallant men and women.
Fifty-six years later, we have found ourselves targets of acts of hate and racism due to irrational and inept lustful leadership tolerated by 17 million people who seem to have accepted their fate. Seventeen million people, free born, free bred, yet oblivious of what surrounds them. Seventeen million people who share sovereignty and dominion among themselves, but have failed to rise to the level of stateliness. Seventeen million people, who out of sheer laziness, naivety, gullibility are gladly preparing themselves for the new republic of Chambia led by the Chinese, a people who call us heu gui (black devils).
In 2007, Guy Scott in an interview with The Guardian said: “We’ve had bad people before. The whites were bad, the Indians were worse, but the Chinese are worst of all.” Indeed, when it comes to Africans, the Chinese, young and old, are the most heartless. Their racist sentiments are more prevalent, unashamedly inhuman, and matter-of-factly expressed both overtly and covertly.
Many Chinese say we are misfit off-springs; that we stink—watch Chinese’s body language in the presence of black Zambians—pinching or rubbing of nose or avoiding to sit next to you on public transport. They say we are disease carriers, AIDS, and now their very own Corona virus. They say we are half human; that we have a low IQ, and therefore unintelligent regardless of academic status. Some use the word slave to describe our relationship with them. In sum, Chinese settlers see us as a docile people. It is with this in mind they are fast creating a master race in Zambia.
Hold on. I need to pause and take a deep breath because this stuff is painful to write, I tell you. Just now I feel like yelling; “Lungu, what’s wrong with you?” But this may be judged in appropriate. Yet when I am watching him lose his grip on our motherland, such are the only words at the tip of my tongue. I wish I could be allowed to express my freedom of speech in more ways than one, I would say much more about this reckless man who has led us to the cusp of losing not only our human dignity, but our country.
The Chinese general and military strategist Sun Tzu once said: “When the leader is morally weak and discipline not strict, when his instructions and guidance are not enlightened, when there are no consistent rules, neighboring rulers will take advantage of this.” In light of this, Chinese President Xi Jinping put Edgar Lungu at the top of his Sino-imperialism agenda. Xi Jinping and his “Beijing Boys” at the Ministry of State Security (MSS) have found Lungu the most gullible of all African leaders. According to Africa Confidential newsletter and other principal investigating outlets, Lungu is among the most beneficiaries of the “no strings attached loans” and the hard to trace Chinese bribes.
When they first met, Xi Jinping saw in Lungu a visionless, gluttonous, and corrupt politician who fitted seamlessly in the Chinese’s corrupt “dollar diplomacy.” Chinese bribes paid to Lungu have resulted in the over-borrowing syndrome that has long been a disguising way of leaders amassing personal wealth while in office. Consequently, since Lungu assumed power, Zambia’s spiraling debt has reached close to $10 billion, up from $1.9 billion in 2011.
They say, he who tastes wealth is always in want. It would be folly to think Lungu has not made a fortune out of Chinese bribes. I, a citizen of Zambia, is calling upon international investigative wings to investigate Lungu’s mis-declaration of assets, bank accounts at home and abroad, and suspected substantial Chinese concessions. A declaration of Lungu’s assets and wealth will show and explain how under the guise of economic growth and poverty alleviation, China has immersed Zambia in irredeemable debts.
I strongly propose Scotland Yard use Lungu’s confidant Kaizar Zulu as a lead. I also make a citizen submission to the anti-corruption of Zambia to open a file on Zulu. Zulu in his recent comments in one of the media outlets wrote: “I have nothing against the UK. In fact I own some assets there and houses. However, I am stationed and will always be based in the country I love, Zambia.” The anti-corruption law specifies that a civil servant found indulging in bribery and other acts motivated by the objective of increasing personal wealth, was to be pronounced corrupt and prosecuted.
Lungu’s declaration of wealth and assets will help show how China broke Zambia’s spine, and why Lungu is now completely at the mercy of Xi Jinping. For Chinese President Xi Jinpin, a journey of a thousand miles that began with one step has brought him at Zambia’s doorstep. The Republic of Chambia is now a matter of formality.
In January this year, the Chinese government began the process of taking over Zambia. According to the business risk consultancy EXX Africa, Chinese firms are seeking management of Zambian mining assets as collateral for loan defaults. The Chinese government is seeking control of Glencore’s Zambia subsidiary Mopani, and First Quantum Minerals. Additionally, China intends to run Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation for propaganda purposes.
Chinese control of our media, mineral and other natural resources is the death of us. Lungu’s naivety, and the ability of the Chinese government to use Lungu for its own ends and create a master race in our God-given land is unconscionable. To think we are all like birds seated on a line laced with glue hopelessly waiting to be controlled by a people who harbor extreme hatred and racism for us, is heartbreaking. Our Zambian flag is despairingly flying. The words of our national anthem are meaningless. Can it then be stated here and now that we are bound by poverty, docility, despair, and death—that that’s how God meant it to be?
Where are all the freedom fighters? Most are departed. We cannot take away anything from them; from Dr. Kenneth Kaunda even. They did their part. All we can do is thank them. The onus is now on the new generation. Sampa, Shisuwa, and your peers are left to your devices. You shall NOT suffer due to the incompetence of one elected official. You all are in danger of being expunged by the Chinese. Their goodwill investment has resulted in an incalculable damage to your plight as humans and cast a shadow of doubt on your future.
There is a ray of hope though. I recently saw a poster of Mayor Sampa surrounded by some of the most forthright and opinionated young Zambians posed in vigilante spirit. Among them are the “Steve Bikos” of our time. They shall not be left with only a nod. They can see Zambia fast declining to pre-1964 times. They understand the motive and thinking of the Chinese and are prepared to mobilize themselves against imperialist forces. Their nationalism is the thing of the heart. They value who they are, they value who the other Zambian is. They refuse the Chinese as their superior, and accept him as their equal.
Fighting racism does not need a military uniform or an individual task. It’s a collective undertaking. Join Sampa, Sishuwa, and others young patriotic Zambians to fight for your motherland. The future of Zambia hangs upon your will and power to fight back. There’s no room for xenophobia in Zambia. There no room for violence. We are not like that. But if you see any signs of racism, confront it without any hesitation. Let the racist know this is your country. Defend it from every attempt of invasion, even if it means risking your life. You only have one country, inaction is at your own peril. Save Zambia or Perish!
Author is a US-based Zambian multicultural scholar practitioner and author. He holds a Doctor of Education degree from Northeastern University, Boston Massachusetts, U.S.
Like I said the revolution has already started
Change is on its way
Thank you.
Dear Field Ruwe,
I am quite disappointed with you that you can paint the 17 million Zambians with a broad brush by saying:
“Seventeen million people, who out of sheer laziness, naivety, gullibility are gladly preparing themselves for the new republic of Chambia led by the Chinese, a people who call us heu gui “. Where do you place yourself among the 17 million Zambians? Does being in the diaspora make you any different from the rest of us Zambians at home? Is this what it means to be a doctor of education that you can call us all manner of names? why don’t you come back home and lead the fight if you are not as lazy, naive and gullible? What is it that is so special you are doing in the US that can make you not to come back? After all, you can leave your medical doctor wife there to…
The ship is tipping. The ball is in the youths side. The ball has shifted from pf to opposition side. Seer1 said it and he is still saying strongly again and again that MMD Cadres in PF ARE THE ONES WHO WILL BRING DOWN CRASHING, the likes of Boman Lusambo, Dora, Kanganja and more MMD in Pf. PAY RETIREES at PSPF.
Dear Field Ruwe,
After all, you can leave your medical doctor wife there to ply her profession whilst you fight for mother Zambia if you are the Zambian patriot you claim to be.
‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ Mahatma Gandhi.
‘It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled’ Mark Twain.
‘Politicians are like nappies. Both must be changed often and for the same reasons.’
The Chinese know lungu needs them to hold on to power to avoid jail…..
That Lungu has sold Zambia to the Chinese is truth.
Lungu is nothing but a corrupt visionless drunk fraud convict ……the Chinese know this.
Findley is lungus banker and money laundere , look closely at him you will trace the loot , KZ is just a dull thug.
Field Ruwe EdPHD, you article evokes pain and sorrow – Eloi Eloi why have we foseken ourselves and enslaved to another human being!
There’s literally nothing like Change of anything here apart from the change of government’s approach towards Chinese . We can’t allow a group of gay people to rule us.
There is no revolution.Why are Zambians sending their children to China to study?If Zambians are mistreated in their own country , what about when they go to China.You follow them,and you will be treated like a dog.Almost every country needs China because of of it’s core competencies.Now,the problem we have is weak government policies, corruption and incompetent leaders.We need change but HH is not a solution.We need someone who will be a servant and able to put people first.We have a number of politicians waiting for an opportunity to be in power and accumulate wealth overnight.It will be like 1991mistake.We have had corruption cases by minister’s but no one has been prosecuted.How can they learn or how can be motivated to be ethical?
We need to act urgently as power has got these PF chaps they think they are our bosses now and we are their children urging us to respect them when they have not even earned it.
Field Ruwe is back but were you not the ones backing Lazy Lungu back in 2016? Now you back calling him out when we saw through him before he came to power now you will have OP officials following you again around in the US like during Sata’s era…really laughable.
Thank you for your report,best I have been reading on LT for long!!!
Wy is mr lungu blamed for everything it fair. Wat about the cabinet he works with.hw cme for them they don’t see anything wrong.its unfair to heap all the blame on Lungu. The only minister who saw something wrong in lungu was evn him its bcoz lungu said he wl stnd in 2021 hd it not bn for zat kalaba wd still b in pf.
I am very shocked that people talk about Seer1 so much when he is not even Zambian. He hails from another country and his country is more corrupt that Zambia. He was formally deported from Zambia but still takes interest in Zambia. Nigeria has more issues that Zambia and may as well use his energy to help his country men
@Adedos 2021 You started well until you wrote this sickening line: “We need change but HH is not a solution” I will categorise you in the same group as those Zambians who are trying to brainwash us into believing that there is something wrong with Hakainde.. Hakainde is the best option we have. He has not depended on Chinese loot for his upkeep. Some of you were very excited when your Sata went to Taiwan and got $27,000 from them which got impounded at Oliver Tambo International Airport promising Taiwan the recognition from Zambia when PF formed government. In his campaigns he called the so called foreign Chinese investors, INFESTORS, as in vermin that causes infestation. His first meal at state house was with 100 Chinese and sooner than later we began to hear names like AVIC and…
Are you so dull not to know who appoints cabinet? If cabinet ministers are not performing who is supposed to fire them.
Think before you post anything next time
I continue: Sata’s first meal at state house in his capacity as president was with 100 Chinese and sooner than later we began to hear names like AVIC and Xiang Xi! Boom Taiwan was trashed by PF. YEah right, so much for so called MAN of ACTION! And look where we are because of gullible people who believed in the lies of PF. So for me, Ruwe has raised very serious issues and it’s time for each Zambian individual to stand up for something and do the needful at the 2021 polls.
This is stupid of the lead who is just allowing these fools to come in and distroy our beloved country he is a fool lead yes he’s a lead in my country but he is forgetting about us I wish he can just get out of power cause he loves money more than us zambians
Yes Ruwe,
You ran away from this country because it has no airport worth its name, potholes all over, stadia that are ancient, dirty all over. The Chinese come and start restoring the country you start insulting them. Your father must be turning in his grave. He was such gentleman and a patriot and you do not carry anything positive about him.
Ka Field Ruwe,comedian cum subtentorial thinker,always a comedian!!
I have been saying this and I say it again, we shouldn’t heap ALL chinese as having the same resentment for Africans, it is unfair. I agree that Lungu’s spine is as strong as a nail’s, and the chinese know this, but should they then use Lungu as an example of all Zambians, surely, I think not.
With that being said, I am not denying that there is urgent need for Zambians to stand together and challenge the trajectory the country is going.
The PF is not popular, Miles Sampa as mayor is. If the man wants to continue his carreer in politics, he ought to resign from the PF, and stand as an independent next year (does the constitution allow him to do that? I can’t bother to check, if not, he could still stand as an indepedent member of parliament in one of the constituencies in Lusak, he…
Very true. It would appear that Zambians who were teenagers at independence hadn’t felt the full impact of racial discrimination their parents were enduring. If they did, they have now forgotten and are sleep-walking into possible colonisation again.
Those born beyond 1964, seem completely unaware of what racial discrimination is, and appear not to realise when they are being discriminated against.
Perhaps, going forward, the Ministry of education should include in it’s carricum, starting at secondary school, basic human rights education to awaken the people to their rights.
As of now, it should be every Zambian’s duty to protest racial discrimination wherever it is encountered. It’s not about killing other people NO – its about you defending your God given right to…
You see why we need a revolutionary change.
Edgar Lungu has surrendered our sovereignty to China.
I’m warning this Edgar Lungu and his cohorts to be very careful here and we shall arrest them and reposses the Chinese investments and chase them.
PF must go!
Interesting article. Quite filya! Now why didn’t we learn from the whites after Independence..? Some one has to be held accountable for our ignorance.
It’s about your God given right to exist with dignity.
We are just reaping what we sowed. The writing was on wall for us not to support Lungu especially his questionable character of embezzling a Client but we decided to ignore that. That was just K10000 involved and now you entrust him with national coffers in trillions of Kwacha, what do you expect- Eloli eloli eh. These are harsh lessons we need to learn to avoid history repeating itself. Zambia if properly managed can be the icon of Africa, it has natural resources in abundance, you won’t even need to send your children to China.
Reading this article, I can’t help but notice a good portion of exaggeration and mischief on the side of the author. If Field Ruwe is really concerned about the status quo of our country, like all of us, he should be offering solutions to the problems and not taking pleasure in measuring their magnitude. One thing is clear: China has enough internal and external problems to start an imperialistic agenda in Africa. All they need from us is our resources, so we should be insisting on fair and equitable trade deals (50/50) with China, as a way forward.
Have you heard,
There are fraud tracing agencies that deal with governments and big organisations for a percentage or recovered plundered wealth , no need for Scotland yard.
The isrealis have some of the best sniffer agencies.
Engage some with a list of all ministers and PF thugs , they will be on them like mosquitoes in a swamp.
There is nowhere to hide from these tracing agencies. Properties and accounts in UK, Europe, USA , RSA ,Dubai will all be sniffed out.
People like Valden , because of their association with lungu are prime candidates, sorry valden , but if you have no hand in the looting under lungu , you will be cleared. Same with all other PF.Nothing to fear.
Time to account for the estimated $1 billion lost to corruption is fast approaching.
Nine Chale
You underestimate the need and desire of Chinese and Indians to colonise Africans.
Chinese and Indians have billions of unemployed roaming their streets , what better way to use them then send them to corrupt countries like Zambia to eke out a living and send money back to China and India every month ? Importing money they would not import other wise and if enough of them are sent to Zambia , there is a chance of their population being large enough for Zambia to be a permernant client country….
To kick things off , just ask lungu how he earned $2.3 million after 18 months in office….
Surely a great contribution to the China-Zambia debate but Mr. Field, this monster is bigger than all of us. I felt a pung of anger for a moment when I read that Chinese treat Zambians unfairly in our own Country but being a pragmatist, I held back my emotions and straightened my back. You see emotion always clouds the reasoning faculties. I will lay it out for you pure and simple doc: China’s domination in Zambia is not military or political, it is ECONOMIC. Alas, the one with the most money in this world gets the last laugh. RACISM IS DEAD WRONG! I agree. But let us sober up and remember that it is better to fight a war with a STRATEGY backed with sound facts than to go in all heart without a proper plan. It will be a blood bath and Zambia will not only lose it’s sovereignty but also…
…..but also some of it’s current priviledges. Bola ni panshi. If this is a nuclear war, let us nuke our enemy, but if this is an ECONOMIC war, let us start building our Country ASAP. Nobody walks into the house of a strong man and grabs his property, NO ONE! You fight the enemy with truth and facts not sentiments, he will turn up the music an bulldoze you like he didn’t hear your cry. May God give us wisdom on how to handle the China-Zambia relationship. A win-win outcome is what we should pursue not flat our enmity. Bola ni panshi.
The uppermost question in the mind of every Zambia who has a genuine concern for his fatherland should be; HOW CAN WE EQUAL CHINA IN ECONOMIC MIGHT GOING FORWARD? Not HOW CAN WE MATCH THEM IN RACISM AND HATRED? You have 100% no control how another human being treats you even God cannot come to your aid. But we have 100% responsibility and control over our results. The proverbial SEAT AT THE TABLE is preserve for Kings and princes. I challenge you Zambian to show your oppressor that you have the STUFF to stear your ship to GLORY. That you have the GUTS to choose competent leaders to lead you to GLORY. That you have the TENACITY to put an end to your own misery. STAND AND SING OF ZAMBIA PROUD AND FREE. A FREE man is a RESPONSIBLE man.
We need to do what the people of Hong Kong are doing, before we end up like them, remember they like us were a British colony once
China plans to use Zambia as place to grow food for China and send minerals to China for manfactor and just so they can employ Chinese cheap convict labour in Zambian mine and other projects
Remember most road works were built by Danish, German and South African companies up to around 2009
Zambia must burn in order to rebuild – REVOLUTION
Tears are a normal component in the process of life, God gave us this leadership for a good reason, that next time we vote, we should use our brains! Reason should preside over cadrerism and drunkenness!
Why should foreigners trust us whn we don’t trust one another? Can we trust one another more? Can we stop abusing trust once it is given? We’re so easy to exploit by foreigners because they know our weaknesses. Does Field Ruwe know this? How can we be successful with such glaring weaknesses? I know many promising Zambian-owned companies that we lost during Ronald Penza’s IMF-backed structural adjustment program. Northland Engineering (makers of agricultural equipment), Semba Engineering (electric geyser maker) both in Ndola, in Lusaka Gameco ( agricultural equipment maker) and Commercial & Industrial Trades (chemicals manufacturer) in Kitwe.
For those who don’t believe ECL, when he confidently says he is winning 2021, this is the reason. Typical Zimbabwe strategy. Bembas say “Chimbwi pakulila ninshi nashintilisha somewhere.” The common denominator is the Chinese! China is the only pillar PF is unscrupulously resting on. This picture speaks volumes! With Chinese now driving GRZ and ZESCO vehicles, what does that tell you mwebena Zambia? Chagwa has sold Zambians into Chinese Slavery! Don’t forget how the Chinese were the main supplies of Pangas during the Rwandan Genocide. Please Zambians unite before it’s too late! Sad!
Whether you like or not China has technology and other resources to outsmart other competitors.
I have no problem with your prefered candidate.You can not cling to power forever.In developed countries,once a leader in opposition fails to win an election, she/he retires. The leadership role is taken by someone else.If you think that no one can lead other than you, it is a big problem.The strategy is to gloom someone. This is why vultures endorse people as sole candidates 5 years before any convention. For this reason, endorsed candidates think they are unique.The method is in both opposition and ruling parties.Sata set a precedent for you but it was wrong
ALL HEART NO SPINE – “I held back my emotions and straightened my back.” You say. You are back again to defend your Chink friends.
Meant groom
Great insightful article. Just brilliant. Thank you sir. And if I may add my two cents that Chinese colonialism in Zambia will be worse than colonialism under the British prior to 1964. The main difference being that while the British mostly left Zambia at the end of the colonial era, THE CHINESE ARE HERE TO STAY. They are permanent settlers who don’t intend to go back to China. Their country is overcrowded, and economically, living in Zambia is better for them than going back to China. That’s why some are willing to do simple businesses such as roasting maize on the side of the road, selling chickens, opening barber shops, etc. Do you think that if they were better off economically in China than in Zambia, they would be engaging in such small businesses? No way. In other words, the…
… the Chinese are HERE TO STAY. And their numbers will continue to increase steadily. Currently, if I’m not mistaken, there are between 100,000 to 200,000 Chinese living in Zambia. Once their population reaches 500,000 to a million, that’s it. They’ll actively begin to consider Zambia their homeland. They’ll use their financial muscle to try and control everything. They’ll start by sponsoring Zambian puppet politicians to cater to their interests. Lungu is already in their pocket, and they’ll add some more to the list. Thereafter, they’ll begin to demand running for political offices themselves. They’ll be in parliament as MPs, in courts as judges, in the police force, in the military, in immigration, in ministerial positions, and will effectively control the entire Zambian…
… economy. In other words, you can’t buy or sell, or get any kind of contract without going through the Chinese controlled financial system. Once you reach this stage, the class system will emerge the likes of which Zambians have never seen before. The Chinese will position themselves as the topmost class, followed by Indians and other foreigners with money. The native Zambians will be relegated to the bottom of the totem pole, useful only for cheap labor and as a consumer class. ZAMBIANS WILL BECOME THIRD OR FOURTH CLASS CITIZENS—IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY! At this stage, when the Chinese refer to you as a “foreigner” in your own country, you’ll have no recourse whatsoever. Who are you going to complain to? These PF criminals denied the fact that the Chinese had taken over ZNBC. Today, it’s…
Don’t you think what you are saying is also a kind of racism? Doctor of Education degree from Northeastern University, Boston Massachusetts, U.S.? So you major subject is DOUBLE STANDARD which is taught by those arrogant American politicians? Shame on you.
It is shocking for an educator to label one genetic group as bad. The case in point is Chinese people. If you are looking for bad people, then you will find them. If you are looking for good people, then you will find them. Bad people are universal. Bad people know no color bar. Bad people can be found in China. Bad people can be found in Zambia. The intellectual needs to adopt correct analytical tools. Analyzing economic, political and social issues takes methodology. There is no need to mix everything in one basket. The debt issue is problematic but it will be resolved by the genius of the Zambian people. Debt arose because of people very specific detailed items (variables), including wrong calculations and poor weather conditions. Take time to incite the citizenry to rise against…
China was a terribly poor and underdeveloped country many years ago. Now they are so rich and powerful and develped. Chinese products are everywhere, not just in Africa but also in the US and France. Its technology, highly advanced.. its social environment, highly harmonius. Is it just because they are good at cheating? Have we asked ourselves HOW they worked and are still working to make their country so powerful? Do we really understand China, her culture, language, history and people? If not, we are in no position to critisize and curse this country, because she may be the only country in the world who is the most criticized and maybe at the same time most welcomed and admired.
Field Ruwe is nothing other than a computer key board warrior. He is only saying things he ca say whilst abroad but cannot say when in Zambia. In short, Field Ruwe is a coward. Let him come back and spearhead the fight from here if he has the balls. Field Ruwe is part of the group of Africans who say bad things about their countries of origins and its people in the hope that African governments like ours can issue a statement against him so that he can use this to apply for asylum abroad on the pretext of being followed by secret agents. Whilst studying for my MA and PhD abroad I met a lot of Africans who maligned their countries of origin in the hope of being given asylum status. I met Zambians who cheated their host countries that they were from countries that experienced war like…
By reading this article, we will understand that:
1, In the eye of this cleverest author, (all other) Zambians (except him) have been “ignorant, stupid, foolish, gullible, brainless, naïve, primitive” for a long time. Since the author received his education in the US, which is a paradise for Africans, he now belongs to the upper class and is therefore fully entitled by himself to downgrade other Zambians at will.
2, Our president is “irrational and inept lustful leadership”. Since the president is democratically elected, it further means that we Zambians are really stupid. Otherwise, we should have listened only to HIM-this US-educated scholar, to be our president. Obviously, the author is more rational and ept and unlustful than us all, including our current president.
3, The…
By reading this article, we will understand that:
1, In the eye of this cleverest author, (all other) Zambians (except him) have been “ignorant, stupid, foolish, gullible, brainless, naïve, primitive” for a long time. Since the author received his education in the US, which is a paradise for Africans, he now belongs to the upper class and is therefore fully entitled by himself to downgrade other Zambians at will.
2, Our president is “irrational and inept lustful leadership”. Since the president is democratically elected, it further means that we Zambians are really stupid. Otherwise, we should have listened only to HIM and elected HIM to be our president. Obviously, HE is more rational and ept and unlustful than us all, including our current president.
3, The Chinese are racist,…
3, The Chinese are racist, and STUPID too. They call us(Africans) heu gui (black devils). Chinese women call their husbands lao gui(old devils) and their children xiao gui(little devils). How racist and STUPID the Chinese are. WAIT! MAYBE THE ONE WHO IS REALLY RACIST AND STUPID IS THE AUTHOR.
3, The Chinese are racist, and STUPID too. They call us(Africans) heu gui (black devils). Chinese women call their husbands lao gui(old devils) and their children xiao gui(little devils). How racist and STUPID the Chinese are.