Thursday, October 3, 2024

I did not target the entire music industry in my counsel to Gospel Artist Kings Malembe Malembe


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has clarified that he did not target the entire music industry in his counsel to Gospel Artist Kings Malembe Malembe.

Mr Lusambo says it is unfortunate that his counsel to one musician he considers a brother has been mistaken to have been targeted at the entire music industry.

Speaking in an interview, the Lusaka Province Minister said by advising Kings Malembe Malembe, he is not in any way infringing on anyone’s freedom of speech in Zambia.

“I can choose to speak to Kings Malembe in any way I feel like, he is my brother and there is nothing wrong with that as long as he gets my advise”, said Mr Lusambo.

Mr Lusambo said he has a brotherly relationship with Kings Malembe and generalizing the apology demanded from one person is unfair.

He said he did not at any point ask musicians in the country to apologize hence people must not twist facts.

On June 3rd 2020, Mr Lusambo gave Gospel Artist Kings Malembe Malembe 24 hours to apologize for insulting the Presidency on Social media which the musician did.

The Minister also urged musician B Flow and Cameraman Chella Tukuta to desist from insulting the Presidency over issues they do not understand such as Gold mining.

Mr Lusambo says it is unfortunate that youths have taken to social media to insult the Presidency with impunity.

He has since then come under intense criticism from various stakeholders who have accused him of infringing on people’s freedom of expression with some people threatening to protest over what they have termed as hijacking of freedom of speech under the PF regime.


  1. So what are you doing to do to Chellah after threatening him? Answer us. Haven’t you been beaten pants down iwe Lusambo?

  2. Iwe kembo, we all heard your speech. You called B Flow naked. That is not an issue-based statement, neither is it leadership language. How do you expect people to forgive you if you continue lying about the obvious?

  3. Ba Minister, next time you want to advise your friend, do it privately at your home NOT on public forum.

    • @Chuma The minister needs education. Badly mwebantu. This is why we always ask for educated politicians to lead our nation. You don’t learn on the job, after you have injured citizens and trashed the constitution.

  4. Iwe MBUMA Bowman, trust me, what you’ve done to Zambians, + the wealth you’ve stolen, YOU WILL GNASH TEETH IN PAIN, just wait.
    Remember ku Sudan, they had an ALL POWERFUL LEADER, more powerful & lethal than your beloved leader ba J0n@ Skokiana, but that guy now gets transported from Prison, to Court & back in a wagon fit for transporting Cattle to the Abbatoir & Cold Storage.
    W@ny4 UZALILA!!
    Lastly #P.F.ULENDOULIPO!

  5. When I was growing up, I used to get surprised when I hear that a certain president has been assassinated, but now looking back at history as a grown up, I now understand that some of those who were assassinated may have just provoked it by giving people no option at all, for instance the attempts on Idi Amin where 100% justifiable. Trump may also cause people to think in that direction,HISTORY IS A GOOD TEACHER.

    • Don’t go there.
      It’s not necessary.

      The frequency of the ballot allows for good transitions of governance. Convince the majority voters, and you retire some politicians.

      Remember, they are still our brothers and sisters and citizens of our country.

  6. This government is clueless and worse than covid 19 .All they care about is their bank accounts and not the suffering poor people of Chavuma and Shangombo .

  7. This pot berried PF minister is quite annoying, is the only minister in Zambia to hold Zambians at ransom?

    The next government must get rid of such character.

    PF must go!

  8. PF is too slow to put Lusambo mwikoli. Traditionally if a person start behaving the way Lusambo has been lately, it is a sign that ghosts are tormenting him. Ichiwa nachimwimina.
    Either the ghost of that guy he hacked in Luanshya, or which. …. Please perform some traditional rituals on him with a chicken, before do harm to himself.

  9. Not untill now did I know politicians can be brought down to earth by the youth and musicians. Arrogance gone over nyt. The youths have taken over from the post newspaper as king makes. Whoever wins their hearts is the next king. Unfortunately money does not at present as youths have no secrets.

  10. it seems zambians have been reduced to dancers now and mozishaniz are the ones calling the shots in this country, how sad, in other countries citizens are more concerned about the projections of economists, business leaders, health experts, engineers, corporations, agricultural experts etc, here we are worried about mozishaniz lack of shows due to covid and when clubs will be opened .

  11. In KK’s days Lusambo would have been quietly spirited out as ambassador and then brought back as District Governor of Kalulushi or something… now this one thinks when he does anything the population suspects he will confirm his weakness. You are already weak bwana. KK was powerful. Even when you guessed his next move right there was still something you didn’t know. All the time. Manje imwe ni ma labishi

  12. That statement means Lusambo has apologized to B-Flow. Tukuta thing is not a muscian.
    I don’t give a sh!t on Malepe Malepe, I deleted his music.

  13. Lusambo my bro I spoke to you this morning and offered you counsel which I will share here. I told my bro that he has nothing to worry about or explain. We all watched the video which showed you giving counsel to kings. It’s only opposition trying to exploit this for political gains. As for that ka small girl mutale she lacks respect for elders. Anyway she knows she can never do that to me on radio because I can end her entire career. Afterall I know who is responsible for her career

  14. Lusambo says he gives advice to people.

    Maybe he should also listen to advice that we citizens, his paymasters, give him.

    What a joke of a man.

  15. “…… he is my brother and there is nothing wrong with that as long as he gets my advise”, said Mr Lusambo…”

    Lusambo will attack lungu when GRZ changes to try to keep out of jail.

    We have been telling lungu that the policy of bribing people with cash handouts instead of providing jobs will backfire….now there is not enough money for lungu to bribe everyone…..

    Lungu needs atleast $500 million between now and the next elections as cash handouts bribe people.

    Dancing on stage won’t sell…..

  16. And he chose to use the press to advise one person…!!! And that was not brotherly counsel but a sharp rebuke that ended with a stern ultimatum….

  17. This is the same defense he offered after insulting Zambians in the diaspora.”I was only targeting my friends”.I guess he was whipping his friends also.Sad that President Lungu has chosen Mr.Lusambo as his best minister

  18. Lusambo was not even supposed to talk to Kings publicly. He should just have counseled him in privacy, that is if there was any need for counseling. The right thing would have been to use a fellow musician or any youth within the party to reply to Kings and others. But he stooped so low when there was no need to, a sign of utter desperation by PF.

  19. Freedom of speech must be used wisely and not foolishly we have only one Zambia we don’t want another Ruanda here because of some selfish disgruntled few people who are been used by the opposition just because they want to ascend to plot 1.Its not the youth but some youths who are indispline.

  20. Displine and rebuke is vital in some circles of society, that is why supper cane (kk)introduced a POC in order to bring sanity in Zambia.

  21. This is the problem of giving positions to nincompoops who think with their stomachs instead of with their minds. Bowman has become very big headed. Dont forget that pride comes before a fall.

  22. Was this man brought from the station of being a kaponya or call boy, elo nefitala sana…. Honestly bamufumisha kwisa uyu muntu
    this habit of shutting us shud come to an end ngati niwe Dictator dictate your home.

  23. Ba need to grow up…you are useless and damn. I can’t believe it that a person like you would be called honorable.
    Bank of governance…poop that’s what you are. I have already thrown up in my pants.

  24. I did not threaten the entire music industry. Really? Just the other day the “hon” Minister threatened the ENTIRE PROVINCE!

    “What do you know about Governance, where have you governed? You can’t just wake up and start advising the President and talking ill about things you don’t understand”, said Mr Lusambo. He warned this will not be condoned in Lusaka Province.

    He may wish to confuse us and pretend he is not a bully, but Mr. Lusambo was very clear. In his view, NO ONE should speak ill about things HE CONSIDERS they do not understand. If that is not what he meant, surely the “hon” thing is for the Minister to apologize for misspeaking.

    Or did he mean only that we should not speak ill about PF? If we want to speak ill about his opponents (without understanding) go for it?

  25. PF is too slow to put Lusambo mwikoli. Traditionally if a person start behaving the way Lusambo has been lately, it is a sign that ghosts are tormenting him. Ichiwa nachimwimina.
    Either the ghost of that guy he hacked in Luanshya, or which. …. Please perform some traditional rituals on him with a chicken, before do harm to himself.

  26. Hon Lusambo, don’t explain yourself. Keep on doing a stellar job.

    Well done for stepping up and working to save your brothers and sisters of Zambia. Don’t mind the grumblings of the ungrateful.

    God Bless you and be righteously rewarded.

  27. KZ you had better hear this and take it your bro. Now U can courageously threaten people, scare people and even beat people or kill and defend yourselves, hide the truth. But the Bible says there is time for everything. Power is sweet, it makes you feel protected, U cross lines U want any time, but remember what goes up comes down, what goes round comes back around. A time is coming when you will be out of the power U are misusing, and others will hold this Power and U will learn from tears in prison. So go ahead threaten to end people’s careers we shall see who’s career is coming to an end next year

  28. We will be coming to visit you in prison just to mock you and remind you of the time U had to do better but U wasted it on corruption, and criminal activities

  29. Lucid are you mutale? Hahaha useless woman. This is just simple respect. It does not cost you much to respect authority or elders. In fact it is part of our culture . You cannot end a conversation like that when talking to a minister, father and older than you. Umuchinshi kwindi iwe

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