Thursday, October 3, 2024

Kariba Dam repair works back on course


The Kariba Dam Rehabilitation Project is progressing after temporary Covid-19 setbacks were overcome when it got essential service status.

To ensure the six-year project is completed on time, the Zambezi River Authority (ZRA) has put in place measures against the coronavirus pandemic.

The US$294 million project involves reshaping the plunge pool at the foot of the 60-year-old Kariba Dam and refurbishment of the spillway.

It is being funded through grants and loans from the European Union, World Bank, African Development Bank, the Swedish government and ZRA on behalf of Zambia and Zimbabwe.

In his brief, ZRA chief executive Engineer Munyaradzi Munodawafa said work was progressing well.

“The Zambezi River Authority has taken measures to mitigate against the risks associated with the Covid19 pandemic on its major worksite, the Kariba Dam Rehabilitation Project site.
“The authority is fully aware of the health risks associated with large projects like the Kariba Dam Rehabilitation Project which requires input from bi-national and international experts. With that in mind, A Covid-19 emergency response team has been set up to mitigate the respective impacts on both well-being and project schedule,” he said.

As a critical project to Zambia and Zimbabwe, said Eng Munodawafa, strict measures in adherence to health guidelines from the World Health Organisation and the Contracting States were being followed.

Work was temporarily affected after local and international workers, contractors and service providers including expatriate staff who had travelled to their respective home countries on leave, were caught up by the international travel ban.


  1. Since you called independence ,still can’t build a new Dam in Zambia. Bandits every where ! Bandit PF

  2. Another loophole of stealing money, this government of thieves by thieves.

    Why didn’t you repair the kariba dam when it was drying up?

    Another way excuses of prolonged loadshedding.

    PF must go!

  3. There are way too many stories coming from this one ka dam, everyday. And how come this River authority is run only by Zimbabweans? Where are the Zambians or are the Zambians who are there just yes-men, who just nod their heads in agreement, just like their president who flys all the way there to agree with whatever they tell him? That’s why now the few women in Zambia politics are talking of women taking over, these people are failures.

  4. I thought the never stopped…as I said now this will be used as an excuse for continued loadsheding.

  5. This is one story that actually makes sense. There are way too many financiers, this is one time Zambia and Zimbabwe should have formed over their own money.

  6. LT journalism equates to the journalism a grade 2 drop out would do. Seriously, couldn’t you find a picture of the Kariba dam from the thousands that are available on the internet? LT please send your journalists to journalism school

  7. Here i suspect the Kariba dam generated power is feeding the Zimbabwean side only or by a larger percentage of not less than 70%. Then Zambia only receives the 30%. Cos how else do we have Zimbabweans telling us of our dam? Everytime we get an update, its a Zimbabwean talking. Where are Zambians in this cheap poor deal? Kariba gets its water from the Zambezi river, which is Zambian. So why is all top mngmnt Zimbabwean?

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