Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The stance taken by Catholic Bishops on BILL 10 is progressive


The Democratic Party has supported the position taken by Catholic Bishops on the Constitution of Zambia Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019.

Democratic Party spokesperson Judith Kabemba said the stance taken by Catholic Bishops is progressive hence support this position.

Ms Kabemba has appealed to the conscious of Members of Parliament to act in the best interest of the Zambian people by rejecting Bill 10 when presented to the house.

She said Members of Parliament should not allow themselves to be used to support an act meant to benefit one person and leave the Zambians in perpetual poverty and humiliation.

Ms Kabemba said as Parliament reopens for debate, this should be one of the things that parliamentarians must focus on to ensure that bill 10 is thrown out of the floor of the house.

She said Bill 10 is a retrogressive Bill.

The Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishop called for the immediate withdrawal of the controversial Bill 10 which they said while may contain some progressive clauses also contains some retrogressive and highly contentious clauses.

Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops President Reverend George Lungu said while Bill 10 may contain some progressive clauses, it also contains some retrogressive and highly contentious clauses.

He cited clauses such as the provision for Deputy Ministers, proposed changes in the electoral system regarding Mayors, Council Chairpersons, Members of Parliament and the President, and the proposed revision of the composition of Cabinet as some of the most contentious clauses.


  1. Joseph Stalin plucked a live chicken (causing excruciating pain) and then offered seeds for the chicken to eat and it followed him around – with the implication to those of his staff that you could do anything you wanted to people so long as they believed you were the source of their survival.

  2. We have to ask , why is lungu desperately pushing for bill 10 before next year’s elections ?????

    What is in that bill 10 that is so vital to Zambia just before elections ????

    Can KZ and the other PF resident LT rats explain to us and we will support this bill…

  3. We should respect democracy by letting parliament do its part. Why do yo want circumvent the process. of democracy. Are you democrats?

  4. Last Night on Diamond TV opinion the owner Costa Mawansa of Diamond TV used language demeaning our Members of PARLIAMENT and the August House. I quote “Lets all seat back and watch who will be bought off and sold off in parliament like vitumbuwa” . Should we be insulting our elected members in this way? Is Parliament a trading and vending market for Parliamentarians? It this what you call freedom of expression? Aikona maan! Lets be descent in our speech.

  5. So The Bishops are afraid that bill 10 will go through. Since you started talking about Bill 10, has the bill been withdrawn? ZERO. People have debated others have even been directed not to vote for the bill. Can’t you see, the more you demand, the more the government is embarrassing you by not listening to you. The bill will be tabled in Parliament with or without your approval. So what have you achieved? Nothing. Can you just for once ‘shut up’ and let parliament do its job. Thats why it is there.

  6. Have these Bishops even read bill 10 or are relying on the hearsay from Akainde and other disgruntled elements? Are people really sure we need to go to the polls on the current constitution? Has Akande forgotten the 14 days his lawyers failed to interpret? Mangalo aya nomba

  7. The process which started months ago is about to approach its conclusion. You were consulted, you were invited to parliamentary committee, Other people participated , while others boycotted. Why do you want the bill to be withdrawn now? You were given an opportunity to lay the ground foryour MPs to debate . Now that it si time to debate you say let the it be withdrawn…What democracy are you Championing. It is now time for parlaiment to debate, Go and lobby your MPs to debate. If they walk out it is your problem.

  8. 90% OF MPs are Christians. Either SDA, CATHOLIC, UCZ, Pentecostal, Anglican etc. They come to your Churches every sunday. That is the opportunity to engage them. But the fact is that you have failed and 90% of your congregantsdo not believe YOU.

  9. Zambia is 25% Catholic-mostly old families and elites. The other 75% is protestant-SDA, UCZ, Methodist, with Pentecostalism the fastest growing. The voice of the catholics is Not majority.

  10. The Churches have failed to convince their congregants. Lungu Edgar goes to Church, Bo Inonge goes to Church, Kampyongo goes to Church, Hakainde goes to Church, Kambwili goes to Church and this politician and that politician goes to Church. So the church has these people under their influence all the time. Why are you going to the press when these people are with you every sunday and saturday? Its you the church who is a big failure. You have no capacity to bring people together . not even the ones you baptised. So in this matter you are totally irrelevant…..SELENI TUBOMBEKO!

  11. Wy is the country so much against mr lungu.its like everything he does or says is viewed with suspicion.if anyone gets close to him he’s seen as being paid and not of his free will. Wy is it like this. Wat does mr lungu himself make of such an environment. A leader is suposed to be believd. Bt I don’t understand wy zambians ar like this towards their leader. Hw can a leader work like zat.

  12. He was honest by calling a spade a spade. PF has been going around the country trying to win support for bill 10. now it seems they have bought enough support that is why they want to push the bill through. i am told that it is by secret ballot. Those of you in PF with a clean heart for the people andall other MPs, please vote against thebill and do this nation a geat and historic service. This is an opportunity for you to take part in our freedom struggle of this era.


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