Friday, January 31, 2025

Ndola Lime fires all workers


All workers at Ndola Lime Company Limited will lose their jobs on is 31st July 2020.

According to an internal memorandum signed by the interim Business Rescue Administrator Stephen Bwalya, workers will receive letters of retrenchment together with computations of amounts due to each of them.

“Kindly take note that the last day for all employees under Ndola Lime Company Limited has been set for 31st July, 2020. In this vein, all employees should expect to receive letters of retrenchment together with computations at amounts due to each employee. Further, communication shall be contained in individual letters to each employee,” Mr Bwalya said.


  1. No, no, no. That’s not possible. Our listening government can’t allow any one to layoff workers.The CEO for this company must be detained just like we did at Mopani. What’s the labour minister’s take on this?

  2. Then Ndola must have a bunch of useless junk MPs. They will receive 4 votes each from their prostitutes. Firing employees now?? Muli fipuba?
    What is a Minister of Copperbelt.

  3. Ndola Lime has been loss-making firm that’s no secret …PF govt of Lazy bum Edgar wont say anything because they are already in deep with KCM.

  4. A foreign mining company put some employees on paid leave Minister of Mines makes all sorts of threats and hallabaloo. ZCCM-IH fires all employees and all we see is deaf silence from Musukwa and all. Double standards. Clear proof of lack of policy direction. What a waste!

  5. How do a normal government allow Nelkanthi Lime and Handman’s Lime, Indian Lime companies to be set up just next to Ndola lime and compete for the raw material in the same space. Yes Ndola Lime has not been doing well and the problem is Management and the Government. This is theft of the national resources of the highest level by those charged with management responsibilities and at the expense of Zambians. Indians cant be stealing from us like this supported by those close to corridors of power in Zambia.

  6. The non-seen pro citizen actions of our Government, fuels a lot of speculations. How do you allow all employees to be fired without any idea of the way forward. What happens to the equipment? How about care and maintenance? Is Ndola Lime being sold? Or is it going to be given away in lieu of debts to China? The MPs for Ndola are very quiet. Pathetic!!

  7. Some NDOLA MPs (Hon. E. Mulenga and Hon. B. C. Lusambo ) are busy preparing for BILL 10 VOTE and enforcing youth discipline in Lusaka

  8. That’s business. Why should you keep employees if you know your business isn’t able to hold and generate enough for maintenance and wages?. Okay they keep them who is going to be paying their wages? We don’t wish to see a situation of people going 7 months without pay( the case of our councils). Let someone able come in and invest. Should government always be intimidating us investors whenever we run losses and want to liquidate?

  9. This is what we mean when we say government has no business running business, lest it entangles itself. Mopani was harangued for intending to put employees on compulsory 3 months paid leave but now you have the whole workforce being retrenched without even ecplanatoon but government is conspicuously silent. How do you expect the foreign employers to respect our laws when we are so inconsistent?

  10. Mwebantu some comments that you post are not true.The truethy of the matter is that abekala mu chimuti cha mupundu ebomfwa uko shipona.You people before you comment you could have asked one of ndola lime employee about the some matter.I can assure you people that there is jubilation at the company ukucila nefyo muletontonkanya mwilasenda ichushi mwasha umulilo.

  11. Except Zesco not knowing when they will start, at least Zampost has been doing it without paying them salaries. Employees would just run away; Zamtel niggaz have been firing in batches; I don’t know a thing or two on Zambia Railways but this Ndola Lime thing sounds like a hoax, I can believe this though looking at the trend. ALL parastatals, that monster IDC is a chocker.
    They will soon unashamedly come out to say this is a good move. On the other hand loss making parastatals are an embarrassment to Zambian business.

  12. It makes sence because football is on covid recess. I am sure only football stadiums buy lime, what else is lime used for in this time and era? Unless kwaisa Chorela, then copses are covered an lime!!

  13. Soon after PF came into office, Ndola Lime Co paid for an expensive kiln which was supposed to hv been made by an Italian company. The kiln has never been delivered and the money has been lost. NLCo has been limping since then. Mwila Lumbwe, well-connected in PF circles ought to know something about this transaction. The market for lime is big enough to accommodate more than one supplier.

  14. There are two companies in Ndola doing the exact business that Ndola lime is doing and one of these companies is owned by Chinese and the other owned by Indians. If you critically analyse how these Chinese and Indians do businesses, they will support their own. Most mines on the copperbelt are owned by either Indians or Chinese. So this being the case, where do you think Ndola lime will be in this harsh environment. Every single dollar in Zambia is literally externalised. Remember Bank of China and Indo bank

  15. Letter says

    1. CC: interim Business Rescue Administrator
    2. From Acting CEO

    In short they went to Rescue company Liablities that includes employees.

    Big up to ZCCM

    Way forward partner with us locals to mine for you on per tonne basis.
    As for loss of staff – have a very small group returned on probation before contract.

    Well Done!

  16. If it’s manufactured in Zimbabwe, you can’t import it into Zimbabwe. That’s the policy that has saved many Zim industries, despite the challenge of sanctions. Yaluma is a foool

  17. Ayatollah: But who is importing lime into Zambia? Mopani and FQM are big mining companies. Are u telling us NLCo has been cut out of there also? There is also the Congo DR market nxt door, cement manufacturers and water treatment companies.Truth is NLCo is unable to fulfil orders.

  18. There’s also the competition regulator the Zambia Competition and Consumer Protection Commission ( CCPC). If the market is rigged NLCo’s management can lodge in a complaint. If they don’t know CCPC, they’re not fit to be in management of any business in Zambia.

  19. 200m USD was paid to An Italian company to supply a vertical Kiln. What has happened to this kiln? And what action has been taken against the executives and board members who made this fatal/corrupt deal? Meanwhile, the Italian firm has gone bust/liquidated. Thus money cannot be claimed back.

  20. @Nemwine, mines are using imported lime and coal, check even the retail market for Ndola Lime products if you’ll easily find them. There has also been a lot of mismanagement. ZCCM-IH was put to task for the money it’s been spending on Ndola Lime to keep going. It’s a combination of factors

  21. Ayatollah: Wht about the kiln? Why’s no one being made to answer for it? International procurement is a specialised field. Before releasing money, you get assurances through a letter of credit backed by a performance bond. These are well bitten paths in corporate procurement and Mwila Lumbwe knows them.

  22. Just another failure in the long and endless failures of the fallen PF government. It has fallen do you want it again?

  23. @Nemwine, it’s part of the mismanagement. ZCCM-IH has been spending money on Ndola Lime to try and revive it but and audit revealed glaring irregularities yet no one has been punished. Most problems at Ndola Lime are man made.

  24. @Kalikeka, lime is very important in agricultural. In soils which are acidic like in most parts of mwinilung’a lime is added to the soil to make it suitable for maize cultivation.
    In metallurgy and chemistry it plays a very important part in steel manufacturing and removal of impurities to get the purity of certain metals.

    And also in the production of cement and other civil engineering works lime is very important. Take a few minutes to Google, (uses of lime in metallurgy and chemistry)

  25. Ayatollah: Looks like u’re better-informed than me on this issue. We’re crying for jobs in Zambia. Instead of spending capital wisely in areas where jobs can be created, or existing jobs protected, almost immediately here we’re blowing it up. This has been a most valuable exchange with u. Good day. You sound like a fine patriot to me, the type I’m looking for for company.

  26. BMC – Its in the interest of a selfish few PF politicians and competitors who would love to see this company collapse so they can strip off its assets and resources at give away prices…foreigners and selfish Zambian Indians who pay locals peanuts so they can take money out to their relatives abroad.

  27. 100million dollar for kiln that never worked how do you pay be for work is finished ZCCM must explain .That. Italian company has since closed.

  28. Ba Kalilkeka my brother, lime is a life line in Metallurgical operation at KCM. Consumption numbers are approximately 400 and 100 tpd of Rock and Quick lime respectively.. Naleka.

  29. In 1998 I worked at Ndola lime as part of the Horizontal Kiln commissioning team. Other team members were from German. Ndola lime had both Horizontal and vertical Kilns. What ever happened. Kuwayawaya fye kwena. Can we manage anything. Insele te shisuma, let me end here.

  30. All bloggers on this blog, I am challenging you seriously let us team together and buy this company. I am in any takers .

  31. Ndola Lime is closed down to prevent the discovery of the stolen $105m for purchasing a redundant Kiln, and now the Italian company has declared bankruptcy, PF and Lungu together with a$$hole bowman lusambo now how to cover it up.
    Zambians…..I’d you don’t wake uo bow then you will suffer for the rest of your lives. Wake up or die

  32. Most opposition MPs in Zambia are substandard. The main opposition party’s parliamentary wing under Jack Mwiimbu is just not effective.

  33. Not even the PF government can stop this, they have completely failed to intervene for the miners at mopani and thousands of miners have lost their jobs

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