Thursday, October 3, 2024

I’ll resign if Rejected Clauses by Zambians are Included in the Constitution Amendment Bill-Mumbi Phiri


PF Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri has promised to resign if the Clauses that have been rejected by Zambians will be included in the Constitution Amendment Bill.

Mrs. Phiri has said that the PF Party like several other Zambians are not in support of a coalition Government among other clauses and do not expect to find such clauses in the Constitution.

She says the PF is a listening and a genuine party that will not go against the wishes of the Zambian people.

Mrs. Phiri has given herself as a guarantee that if such clauses will be found in the constitution, she will resign.

“Am giving myself as a guarantee, if such clauses will be included in the document, I will resign”, said Mrs. Phiri.

The government last week published the Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 in Gazette number 534 of 12th June 2020.

Justice Minister Given Lubinda said the step has been taken to stop the peddling of misinformation among citizens.

Speaking during a press briefing where he presented the gazetted version of the Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019, Mr. Lubinda urged the public to read the Bill to give themselves comfort and assurance.

He reaffirmed the Government’s commitment of ensuring trust and consensus building in the legislative process.


  1. Madam I don’t think your position has any impact on our lives. Whether you resign or keep your job does not change the fact that people’s lives are miserable out there.

  2. Ba lusaka Times, were is this published Gazetted bill. Normal reporting attaches the link so readers can access it. Not just repeating what lubinda said

  3. Government should heed People’s call in toto, no half measures! government should also include popular Clauses that have been left out of the Constitutional Amendment such as
    . Ministers out of Parliament.
    . Provincial Assemblies and Governance
    . Elected Provincial governors/Premiers
    . Full Separation of the Three Arms of Government:
    .Traditional Authorities
    . Two Fixed Five Years Terms for Members of Parliament et cetera!

  4. This is selfless leadership. It shows you the passion we in pf have to serve our people. Even I kz will quit government if the wishes of the zambian people are ignored. Kz

  5. KZ

    The wishes of Zambians is to vote without PF fear , PF intimidation, PF violence and PF rigging ……..

  6. Somebody please help PF, their woman will undress again. What will Tuntwa do now? Atleast Lubinda has a home In UPND, he will just walk back.
    In other words Mumbi Lenshina is saying that Bill 10 stinks!!! Any PF who will vote for it won’t be adopted.

  7. @Mano, why were those so called “Clauses” left out? Don’t you think there was a process of VOTING that rejected them? And in a Democracy, if something is rejected through a vote; IT IS DONE!

    Ok, now the Bill has been published, let us hear what the objections are based on. No speculations please!

  8. Information gap is the issue here by both our leaders and citizens. If the president talked about resignation, it would make total sense because he is accountable to the citizens imagine if the president said “vote me out if amendments are not made”. I think the bill would pass the same day.

  9. The PF SG promised to resign if something happened. When it did he told us he was serious about it and he is still there. I don’t think there is much else to say fellow Zedians. This one is deputy SG and she knows her boss has gotten away with a false promise before. Ifyabupuba.

  10. Frankly speaking, no one cares what mumbi phiri does. I doubt she has any relevance even in pf
    So, madam, you can do whatever you want, whenever you want and no one – except maybe your unfortuate husband – will notice.


  12. Some one in PF promised to undress if PF lost the Roan by election. Has she? (It is actually Jean Kapata)

  13. Mumbi Phir, xhe is just a noise maker and csn saying anything to please her boyfriend Edgar Lungu. Why give a media slot to hear what is in her mind?

    She is just a mere bootlicker opening skirts to these politicians with tuma thousand dollar boys.

    Don’t take her serious.

    PF must go!

  14. Ba Mumbi Phiri, when will you get it thru your head that PF cannot be trusted? The whole process is flawed from the start. Changing a Constitution takes time and is about consensus. ECL was signing a Constitution in 2016 agreed to by the majority of the pipo. What has changed between then and now? Where did these new changes come from? How can 400 pipo overturn clauses that were included by the majority?
    Let’s go back to the table after the election as a country and.agree on a document that will stand the test of time. Why is PF desperate to.pass Bill 10?

  15. Since when did Josephine Mumbi Phiri become a celebrity in PF? Edgar and his team bena Mundubile and Tutwa Ngulube sat down and came up with Bill 10, did they consult her? She’s just a nonentity. Edgar and team haven’t changed their minds about Bill 10

  16. And you should stop sleeping with every jim and Jack in PF…Mumbi too much nyelee…have you stopped sleeping with bandit President Edgar Lungu…

  17. I looked at my social media feed and saw the not uncommon wanton South African lynching of fellow black Africans , I saw a dead body under burning wood surrounded by a jubilant mob. I felt nauseated. What sick people I thought to my self….another wave of xenophobic attacks……

    Moments later , I heard familiar languages been spoken in audio of that clip…..I heard bemba and nyanja. I had to pause in shock.
    What ……This was happening in my country
    Zambia ??????
    Ohhh my god….People were being but burned in our towns. I have been traumatised ever since.
    I waited anxiously day and night for the president of Zambia to address the nation while the barbarity went on. Nothing. No word from lungu for almost a month.
    50 innocent civilians were butchered. For close to 4 weeks. Up…

  18. 50 innocent civilians were butchered. For close to 4 weeks. Up to now lungu has not updated the nation on this very dark part of our history.

    We can not just forget, least it happens again. We deserve the truth.

  19. Who is she kidding? Looks like most of the rejected clauses except a few are still in there! So when is she resigning so that we parte!!!!! Infact the whole terrorist organisation in the name of Pf must go!! By the way how far has the ICC gone in investigating the atrocities committed by the parte and its incompetent government?

  20. There is no sane person that would accept this drunkard woman as guarantee.

    Was she even sober when she said all this?

    Does she even have toilet tissues in her house today?

    The only guarantee Zambians need is the swift exit of corrupt thieves that have ruined our country.

  21. We have heard this “I will resign” song before from Mr Davis Mwila and nothing came out of it. It’s all hogwash.

  22. They want to look at those clauses in media and not look contentious clauses which are more damaging…if you have a piece of poisoned rotten meat in the beef stew there is no point eating from that pot…just throw away.

  23. Mumbi Phiri has such a canning semblence to ZIRA, a chimpanzee psychologist and veterinarian, who specialised in the study of humans, in the movie series Planet of the Apes.

  24. If it was the president or Given Lubinda making that pronouncement it would carry some weight not you ba Mumbi Phiri. Already there is talk within the party to get rid of you so maybe this statement is being made in anticipation of that.

  25. @ Nostradamus ati Mumbi Lenshina, eesh! Lenshina invokes emotional memories of an insurrection led by Lenshina in my home land in Eastern province and 000s died. In my research to find out what led to loss of life of my folk by this single woman. Lenshina was as talkative (charismatic) as Mumbi Phiri devoid of moral fear of any sort – so much so that even men followed her blindly into the ditch. Yes, Mumbi P is Lenshina in PF party.

  26. This is a clear case of one putting herself where she isn’t. The only woman in the entire PF who can say that be taken seriously is Mayo Inonge, not Josephine. The rest are just women because they wear skirts and dresses

  27. She won’t resign it’s just a strategic move to try and fool people into thinking that this thing is a good thing. The point she is trying to make is that she agrees with everything except for the coalition part. Madam we are living in a modern world. We not stupid, we are not dull. Bring all the tricks you want the answer is no to the all Bill 10 weapon against the people of Zambia. Why are U finding it hard to just accept that people have said no, U already admitting just by saying that U will resign if the Clauses are added the clauses U are proposing to add. Is it the people who are proposing to make amendments or PF? I believe it should be the people’s wishes that are heard not PF’s wishes. What is democracy?

  28. You brought the idea people said no. U went back to try and mix some good and evil, you bring it back again. The answer is still no. Why are you trying to force things?? You don’t need to try and keep convincing people like maybe they didn’t understand it the first time. We did understand it, we read it, you can continue singing it but no is still the answer.

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