Friday, March 14, 2025

Zambia ranked the 4th most peaceful African country behind Mauritius, Botswana, and Ghana


Zambia has been ranked as the 4th most peaceful country on the African continent and the 44th most peaceful country in the world as contained in the 14th edition of the Global Peace Index (GPI).

At a global level, the 2020 GPI has shown that Zambia’s levels of peacefulness have increased by 5 points compared to the previous GPI.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, Zambia is ranked as the 4th most peaceful country only behind Mauritius, Botswana, and Ghana.

In addition, the 2020 GPI indicates that the levels of peace in Zambia is ‘High’ which is commendable and shows that Zambia and its leaders in the past, and present since 2015 through President Edgar Lungu, have been taking correct actions where peace is concerned.

The Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) has since welcomed and commended The GPI, which is the world’s leading measure of peacefulness for the universe which ranked 163 independent countries and territories around the world as per their levels of peacefulness, and is conducted by the Institute of Economics and Peace (IEP).

SACCORD executive director Boniface Chembe has further appealed to all Zambians to never take the peace that has been enjoyed since independence for granted saying peace does not come by accident and has to be constantly worked on and nurtured.

He said this aspect of peace is evidenced by the fact that the 2020 GPI found that levels of global peacefulness in the last year deteriorated which represents the 4th time in the previous 5 years that the world has experienced a deterioration in the levels of peacefulness.

Mr Chembe therefore said it is paramount that Zambia is consistent in observing all the fundamentals that have contributed to the attainment and maintenance of peace.

“The fundamentals include the ubuntu culture and the observance of Zambia’s motto of One Zambia One Zambia which in a nutshell entails inclusivity. This is a responsibility of our leaders past and present and for now the preservation of Zambia’s peace is with President Edgar Lungu”.

He said the country must further continue to exhibit the highest levels of tolerance and coexistence to one another as a people and must continue to celebrate our vibrant, multi-party competitive and maturing democracy by continuing to ensure the participation of all citizens in our democratic dispensation.


  1. This is good. I do wonder what kind of matters were taken into account if we have 5 points higher than last year, consider the burning, gassing and lynchings that happened ( without mentioning the electoral violence in by-elections), one would have thought that we would have lost 5 points and not gained them.
    However, it is nice for our tourism, when global travel restrictions are eased.

  2. Yes this is good news indeed but we should not sit on our laurels and take things for granted. Bear in mind that we have many Christians who are praying day in and out for the peace that we are enjoying. No wonder foreigners find Zambia a peace haven because Zambians are friendly people. It was quite strange to experience the gassing incident as this is very much an Zambian and we are still waiting for answers. Our government should ensure we improve on governance issues and the bill of rights. Freedom of expression and association is being curtailed in this country and if we are not careful may sleep though our fingers and it may be too late. We don’t want war in Zambia and we have no Zambian who has fled the country as a refugee.

  3. Global peace index is flawed and must have been been fed wrong data bu these PF aligned NGOs and PF government.

    On the mid lf gassing and political violence and come up with such weird peace index report. Rubbish!

    PF must go!

  4. We thank God for these blessings. There is more peace in Zambia than in most diaspora nations. Just look what is happening in America and UK. Black people facing racism and even being killed by the police. I now understand why the diasporans blogging here are always angry and take it out on a country that they left without being forced to. I appeal to them to divert that energy and use it to fight injustices in their newly adopted countries.

  5. Donkeys will not welcome this news. Their theory of “breakdown of law and order” has just been thrown to the dogs….

  6. Down to 4th now from 2nd place? How can Ghana and Botswana be more peaceful than Zambia, since when??
    The province dragging us from going back to number 1 is Lusaka. That Lusaka province is like Mogadishu, run by thugs.

  7. It is indeed commendable how much we Zambians strive to maintain peace in our country. Sadly, this will be used as propaganda Material for the PF Government

  8. This is a great compliment to the zambian people.
    But lets weigh it against our ranking on the corruption scale and we will think twice before celebrating.
    Atleast Ghana, Mauritius and Botswana all rank admirably on the corruption scale. And all of them are excellent examples of countries making steady economic, educational, industrial progress, with a respect for the rule of law. In Zambia all we boast about is being peaceful. Everything else is a total loss

  9. This is not a compliment, it’s a fact. An honour to every peaceful and decent citizen of Zambia. It is easy to start a war but hard to maintain peace. Even with the challenges of poverty and corruption, our peace and national stability remains a fundamental basis of national pride.

  10. Yes Zambia is indeed a peaceful country if you are Muzungu, Chinese, Indian or any other light skinned foreigner. But hostile to fellow Zambian blacks. To fellow black Zambians, the authorities continue suppressing the right to freedom of expression and media freedom through arbitrary regulation, intimidation, harassment, police routinely engage in cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, including torture, to extract confessions to fellow Zambians, while foreigners can get away scot- free or bribe their way out of the country without scratch

  11. This is something we can all be proud of. We must try to be number 1 on that list and we would have been save for the ugly conduct by Zambian Opposition who are too small, inexperienced to win elections except by old fashioned African methods like Coup d’état and Tribal Genocide.

    I am baffled as why the Republic of Zambia has allowed this Western funded Multi-party politics which is nothing but a trick on us. We are a One Party state country, in accordance with our Tribal divisions. We need to all agree as ONE. We need to rid ourselves of thirsty party presidents with no hope dividing us.

  12. Zambians are suffering internal wars with PF, corruption, murders, harassment, land grabs,…. ,

  13. G. P. I How do they rank a country that gasses its citizens leading to 50 dead without arresting culprits? KZ is one of them roaming freely in UK.

  14. Nothing new here, Dr Kenneth Kaunda Laid the groundwork on peace , One Zambia One Nation. On this one we are there, but fact is the levels of violence has tremendously increased under PF, let’s be frank. ICorruption has reached the skies as politicians are stealing with impunity. The one to take us out of this economic mess is Bally , within 3 years he will bring down debt n the Kwacha will trade fairly with other major currencies, I rest na case.

  15. I was in Nairobi just before covid 19 brought the world to a stand still. My colleagues and I were robbed at a lodge we were staying in by a group of armed men going from room to room grabbing phones, laptops and cash. We were told that this is the order of the day in the Kenyan capital. Less than a week later I found myself on the floor again avoiding gun fire by armed criminals trying to blow up ATM’s in a sandton shopping mall in SA. People of God. Zambia is safe and peace.
    Well done to peaceful Zambians. This can be celebrated. But caution to PF government; there can never be real peace in a nation of empty stomachs. A hungry man is an angry man. Take care of the economy, Zambians are naturally peaceful but don’t push them. Allow descenting views to prevail and peace is guaranteed.

  16. Yes, it is but I wonder if those who draw up such league tables know wht factors hv led to loss of peace in post-colonial states. Zambia has all the ingredients that hv led to loss of peace in other African countries.

  17. “Zambia ranked the 4th most peaceful African country behind Mauritius, Botswana, and Ghana”.
    Great news, and congratulations!

    Unfortunately, the headline is NOT correct – LT did not read what they later report:
    “In SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA, Zambia is ranked as the 4th most peaceful country only behind Mauritius, Botswana, and Ghana”.

    Still, congratulations once mor!


  19. This is a miscalculation. Actually Zambia is number one peaceful country both in the world and in Africa.

  20. That’s something to be proud of. I hope Zambia gets more recognition and investment as it deserves. God bless the good people of Zambia.

  21. Is that the legacy which PAf wants us to lose? I think we used to be no. 2 before PAf2011. Today so much tension within the country and within PAf itself, by PAf2021 kaya!

  22. I personally do not like being 4th on the list. I like being 1st all the time. You start an activity and you aim being 4th and you are proud of it?

  23. Please bloggers don’t see everything with political eyes. Look at this issue as an achievement of Zambians who include both PF and UPND. In fact if not for these two groups fighting like small children over everything, we would have been number one. UPND cadres are as violent as PF cadres, it only depends which place you’re in. Thats why those wanting to remove PF from government using violence are criminals. If Zambians feel PF has failed them they will peacefully vote them out and usher in another government like was done in 1991 and 2011. Those in government are our fellow Zambians and they know that one day they will leave government. Those to face the law will do so but its criminal to organise external or internal influence to remove a sitting government. God bless Zambia.

  24. Peace without commensurate development ? Some thing is wrong here bcoz Rwanda ,Kenya and Botswana are way ahead of Zambia.

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