Thursday, October 3, 2024

New Nomination Fees Totally Unacceptable and an Affront to the Principle of Constitutional Democracy-HH


UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema says the Electoral Commission of Zambia’s new nomination fees for various categories of candidates, for next year’s elections are totally unacceptable and an affront to the principle of constitutional democracy, that encourages inclusiveness of all citizens that wish to aspire for public office.

Mr Hichilema says the fees are unaffordable and are clearly an attempt by the Establishment to maintain the status quo and also exclude the youth, the women and other disadvantaged groups that were already struggling in the 2016 elections, to raise nomination fees, inorder to take part in the elections.

He says Politics should not be the preserve of the rich only but that every citizen that has the vision and the capacity to contribute to the wellbeing of Zambia must be allowed access to enter the arena.

Mr Hichilema has demanded that the ECZ must immediately level the playing field and reduce the nomination fees to sensible levels.

Meanwhile, GEARS Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi says the proposed nomination fees for 2021 prospective aspiring candidates for elective political positions are very exorbitant and beyond the reach of majority candidates.

Mr Chipenzi says participation in elections will now be a preserve of the rich or those with money and proxy to money and the powerful in society.

“We are now merchandising elections in Zambia which may lead to poor service delivery to and representation of the people in wards, districts and constituencies including at national level as those that will manage will first work to lootback their money”, he said.

Mr Chipenzi has warned that if not careful with these increases in fees, soon the poor will be perpetually marginalised and ruled by the rich, electoral shylocks and the wealth.

“Imagine a K25, 000 payment to ECZ as nomination fee, add up another, say K15, 000 party application fees demanded by political parties which will bring the total to K40, 000 for nominations and applications for adoption for elective positions which is just far too much for a people living in country with struggling economy and majority are poor”, he added.

Mr Chipenzi said this is commmercialisation of elections and suffocating the electoral democracy and rendering ECZ as a capitalist agent.

“There has been argument on Bill 10 that MMPR electoral system is to increase women, youth and persons with disabilities effective participation in the governance, are these exorbitant fees proposed not undermining this argument? The categorisation is also unfair in as much as they indicate recognition of different abilities of persons. Will benefits accruing once one wins going to be categorised also to an extent that those who paid more will get more in terms of allowances and salaries?”, he said.

Mr Chipenzi said this is not even positive discrimination but discrimination of the youth and persons with disabilities as they are seen as lesser and disabled human beings.

He urged the ECZ not to turn into an institution for profit but facilitator of effective citizens participation in the electoral process which accommodates both the poor and the rich.

Mr Chipenzi said these fees are a clear blockade to realisation of effective citizen participation in the electoral process.

However, Mr Chipenzi said it is good that ECZ threw the proposed ball of exorbitant nomination fees to political parties and hope political parties will take the interest of majority Zambians.

“It is our considered view that political parties will not be selfish at this hour but consider the plight of the people and create a conducive environment for that effective measure of participation for all whether poor or rich”, he added.

Mr Chipenzi said this jump in nomination fees is humongous and quite absurd.

He said whilst the recognition given to persons with disabilities, women and youth is commendable, their nomination fees those for everyone should have been pegged a lot lower considering that the commercialisation of politics remains one of the major barriers for persons with disabilities to participate as candidates in our electoral process.

Mr Chipenzi said politics should be a competition of ideas among citizens not deep pockets among the rich and the wealth.

He said this will give political parties another reason not to adopt persons with disabilities, women, youth and those with shallow pockets yet with heavy and deep ideas.

Mr Chipenzi said adoption processes in political parties are already marred with high level of corruption and now.

“Nothing has changed in the economic lives of our people to warrant a 100% nomination fees increment. Instead, their incomes have been eroded by high inflation and depreciation of the local currency against the major convertible currencies”, he has said.

“This is why we demand for local or nearby printing of ballot papers to reduce on cost incurred by ECZ which it is now passing on to consumers of electoral services like political parties, aspiring candidates and citizens”, Mr Chipenzi said.

He has warned that at the rate people have loved money in the electoral process, soon the country will be told that acceditation and monitoring an election in Zambia will be at a fee.


  1. The caption on the picture clearly describes the joke of a man this hh is. Do not think he is standing up for the people who are against this fee increase because the chap can afford it. To him he will criticise anything and everything that is done under the government of the day . When he loses in 2021 he will claim it was because the fee was high. Ati bally, kuwayawaya fye

    • Will your cousin or uncle in sindamisale or fort Jameson afford such fees if they want to stand as councilor or MP? Villagers have been complaining about been left out during adoptions in preference for the prodigical sons and daughters from towns, now with the G12 requirement coupled with this make it rain for you to stand as councilor or MP,what chance do they have that they will represent their people in parley?

  2. But this guy HH will make us lose again. Why comment on fees as if he can’t afford? Please let people like Lukuku speak for you. Fees?? Are you mocking ?
    If HH was wise to follow my advice, he should attack on DISCRIMINATION of women moved from men, and women treated as handicapped people. This is where his mind should be. Listen from big brains like me.
    HH please go hide in Malaysia till June next year, we now know the elections date, Zambians can’t afford to lose elections again.

  3. Although i dont support everything that comes from this liar hh’s mouth, ecz should reverse its decision. I suspect hh of visiting esau chuluuu at night to impose these fees ecz has never been so heartless like this kachema akabally hhh.

  4. The man is speaking for the voiceless youths who wish to stand on any party ticket and you criticize him for stating the obvious truth.

    The increase in nomination fees is deterrent to would be candidates. We can’t be solely ruled by the those who can afford because they have money.

    Leadership is about collective ideas and responsibilities whether poor or rich. We have wise Alex Mulyokela who has good ideas and shouldn’t be deterred by this hefty nomination it’s criminal ans archaic.

    Wisdom is not for sale as it is God given.
    ECZ must rescind such decision and just because most thieves have stolen enough and can afford to pay doesn’t mean increase id necessary.

    PF must go!

  5. Kaizar Zulu and Nostradamus, HH’s comment is in line with a Leader who will respect principles of a constitutional democracy which encourages and practices inclusiveness of all citizens that wish to aspire to holding public elective public office positions. HH did not say he cant afford to pay these exorbitant fees. Do you really think all rich people or all people who can afford these high fees share your principles pf denying poor people equal access to opportunities available for leadership positions in Zambia?. You are just exposing how limited and corrupt your thinking and minds are on this issue. Spare us from none issues!!

  6. Zambia is nolonger a country or nation,
    But it’s just organization of few individuals of same curibers .
    When need change for better tomorrow

  7. Some of the comments amazes me, is it only for the poor to complain abt anything being costly? Whn u can afford u jst hv not to complain?
    Those who a putting such fees, tht money they are paying for it, is tax payers money. Now they are hiking the fees to push those who afford out the race. These elections are for all Zambians to participate whether u rich or poor. Now those who’re even poorer are taking advantage of the system, just bcoz they are in money, they want to live forever. Everything hs an end, wht goes up, hs to come down. Their end is near, they shouldn’t force matters bcoz by doing so, their end won’t be good for them.

  8. Ministry of health apologises for awarding ghost company contract ***

    Very soon we shall ministry of apologies!

  9. Increased fees? Utter nonsense it all stinks of discrimination and selective targeting and the reasoning behind it all has a mixed stench of fish and a rotten rat! Parties sponsor their candidates and thus meet the nomination fees unless where the candidate is well off and chooses to meet the costs as contribution to the party of choice through which they wish to render governance service. The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) in coming up with such resolution is in suspicious complicit “understanding” with the ruling PF albeit to maintain the status quo and its only the citizenry that can put a stop to this unethical clandestine plot by rejecting it out right! With the economy generally in poor shape the ECZ decision is all about strangling the opposition parties! At least PF has an…

  10. contd….. amassed bounty in their treasury from “sources” but for opposition parties its a challenge! How about a conspiracy theory that the ECZ is targeting the rich individuals who head parties to spend their wealth on supporting their members who are short of resources? Anyway is all not just right and it is a flaw that ECZ like the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) can just wake up any day and announce changes affecting peoples lives. There needs to be a transparency cap placed on these institutions!

  11. Women and disabled will still pay less so not so bad if you want to increase that group of participation. It is high but inflation and the cost of elections needs a higher contribution from political parties. It’s a tough one this. I think we should definitely reduce women and disabled fees but keep male higher costs as proposed because they earn more than women and disabled. There is urgent need for positive discrimination to help women and disabled catch up.

  12. Ba ECZ twapapata be fair the way you run your affairs . The outgoing government has amassed enough wealth so these high fees your proposing is lunch money for them. But what about the aspiring small parties? Be fair bane, this looks like it’s been orchestrated by Dununa reverse . WE SAY NO TO PARTIALITY.

  13. ECZ is a useless organ. When it comes to malpractices during campaigns they are mute but money. We need to remove the whole plunders. PF has stolen money enough to pay for all the candidates.

  14. ECZ is a useless organ. When it comes to malpractices during campaigns they are mute but money. We need to remove the whole plunders. PF has stolen money enough to pay for all the candidates. They want to disavantage other parties by failing to have opposition candidates.

  15. Bally Matore aka Kaponya (HH). Politics is not for faint hearted Under 5 kids. Grow up

  16. I thought high nomination fees will work out well for upnd as there will be no vote splitting by opposition due to the fact that only a few will afford and pf can’t sponsor many Tayalis. Problem of opposing anything without thinking.


  18. Politics are for the rich that is why we are having this problem of corruption because we like putting people who are poor in politics and at the end they steal and we complain.So if one as no money please stay away.


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