Friday, October 4, 2024

Luapula Northern and Muchinga Provinces to soon become a powerhouse of livestock farming-Luo


Livestock and Fisheries Minister Nkandu Luo says Luapula Northern and Muchinga Provinces will soon become a powerhouse of livestock farming because of the favorable weather conditions in the area and the three provinces have also embraced livestock farming

Speaking during the launch of the Shibwalya Kapila Livestock Service Center in Lunte District aimed at improving livestock farming in the Northern province.

The Minister also launched the K2.4 million livestock service Center and gave out 32 animals to women and Youth cooperatives. She challenged the beneficiaries to ensure they take the business of cattle rearing seriously.

Government, through the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, has empowered six corporative groups in Lunte District, Northern Province with cattle.

The handover of the 30 heifers and two bulls at Shibwalya Kapila Livestock Service Center at Kapatu area, was witnessed by Livestock and Fisheries Minister Professor Nkandu Luo, Lunte Member of Parliament Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya, Lunte District Commissioner Ronald Mulenga, Nchelenje Ward Councillor Victor Chellah, PF Lunte District Chairman Charles Kapembwa and his Secretary Victor Bwalya Chongo among other Government and party officials.

The corporative groups that have benefitted from the empowerment are; Musonda, Shibwalya Kapila, Chilangwa, Mpela, Kapatu Central and Kapatu Youth Corporatives.

And Prof. Luo ably guided that the women should get 15 cattle, ten should be allocated to the youths while the men should get the remaining ones.

She emphasized the need for the beneficiaries to care for the animals and ensure that they multiply.

Meanwhile, Hon Kafwaya said the people of Lunte are grateful to His Excellency President Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu for not leaving behind his people when it comes to development.

Livestock and Fisheries Minister Professor Nkandu Luo being Welcomed by Lunte Member of Parliament Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya at the Livestock handover Ceremony
Livestock and Fisheries Minister Professor Nkandu Luo being Welcomed by Lunte Member of Parliament Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya at the Livestock handover Ceremony

Livestock and Fisheries Minister Professor Nkandu Luo with Lunte Member of Parliament Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya at the Livestock handover Ceremony
Livestock and Fisheries Minister Professor Nkandu Luo with Lunte Member of Parliament Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya at the Livestock handover Ceremony
Livestock and Fisheries Minister Professor Nkandu Luo with Lunte Member of Parliament Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya at the Livestock handover Ceremony
Livestock and Fisheries Minister Professor Nkandu Luo with Lunte Member of Parliament Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya at the Livestock handover Ceremony
Livestock and Fisheries Minister Professor Nkandu Luo with Lunte Member of Parliament Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya at the Livestock handover Ceremony
Livestock and Fisheries Minister Professor Nkandu Luo with Lunte Member of Parliament Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya at the Livestock handover Ceremony
Livestock and Fisheries Minister Nkandu Luo
Livestock and Fisheries Minister Nkandu Luo

 Lunte Member of Parliament Mutotwe Kafwaya
Lunte Member of Parliament Mutotwe Kafwaya
 Lunte Member of Parliament Mutotwe Kafwaya
Lunte Member of Parliament Mutotwe Kafwaya


  1. Sontapo. Pf showing the childish opposition how it is done. Hh who claims to be a successful billionaire farmer ,can he point to any contribution he has made to the agriculture sector of his country apart from his own personal gains?

    • Some people think having excessive rains is recipe for high livestock production, okay I forgive her she is medical doctor running an agricultural ministry, and is she always regional in her talk? If excessive rains is good conditions for livestock production then the rainforests in Congo would have been biggest producers, but its semi desert places like Texas, Australia, Argentina, Botswana that are livestock giants and not the Amazon rainforest.

  2. This is good news indeed so that Bally and his UPND sycophants don’t think they are the only ones who can produce beef, chicken and milk to feed the nation.

    Let’s take development to those who give us votes. Let’s reward our PF people and fellow tribespeople. You development in your area, vote PF. This looks like the mandate to continue ruling this country is in the bag come next year – I’m excited already. Kz

  3. When its Northwestern, western or southern the language is “Zambia” will do so and so. When its Northern side the emphasis is on the province and not the country.

  4. “….a powerhouse of livestock farming because of the favorable weather conditions in the area and the three provinces have also embraced livestock farming”
    Since when has livestock farming dependent on weather conditions as if half the country is a desert…just last week Lazy Lungu was there, now this one Luo is back in her village meanwhile the senile Bo Inonge is there in Parliament sleeping whilst her Province wallops in poverty.

  5. KZ

    Is that lungus personal money , or before lungu became president how many people did he employ ???
    Maybe 2 in his chawama tarven

  6. Bukopo KAizer Zulu! Nobody to argue with so can’t help it but to argue with himself! The guy is slowly losing his mind and has never recovered from the loss of his job and can’t just accept it!
    You buy buy Heifers and all other breeds of cattle, that is not a problem. But to be. Ka Chema is a 24/7 job. You have to attend to cattle in rain, in darkness, in day and winter. Unless you do that, those cattle will be eaten again before they even breed.
    Remember, we have been there before. Kaunda did the same scheme with thousands of cattle not 30 and the rest is history! You don’t just dump cattle and say I have brought development. You have train people or at least sensitise them so that they are prepared for the hard job of Catt rearing!!

  7. Kiki second comment is my lovely clone. Haha I like the guy. Please continue promoting the name and the party. 2021 here we come

  8. Wht’s was stopping these provinces becoming powerhouses in the past? Kaunda tried, we know wht happened. Other attempts hv been made after that, it all came to nothing still. Good luck with the latest attempt. Anyway, she has no clue the relationship btwn a wet and hot environment and livestock , particularly cattle diseases.

  9. Some people become really dull when they become politicians a typical example is this Prof. Luo…she talks of powerhouse when you can not export beef…Zambia has been experiencing low livestock productivity as well as trade restrictions owing to the occurrence of foot and mouth disease (FMD), but little is known about the epidemiology of the disease in these endemic settings.

  10. No masks, No social distancing, Ba Luo, you may be a proffessor in microbiology but the Corona virus respects no one. In the first place the mask is to protect the people from you, a resident of the red Zone for COVID 19, Lusaka. elo Is that 2metres between Luo and Kafwaya?

  11. Hon. Luo must see to it she wears a mask in close proximity to people who should also wear masks.

    This is good especially glad to see ‘Yufis,’ Kapatu Youth Corporatives. being given a chance to dirty their hands looking after their new pets, collecting dung for manure! Good stuff! There you go, job opp.

  12. The mothers in leadership are doing good to the nation everyday madam ester lungu represented zambias yesterday in burundi during the burial of nkuruzinza while our mother nkandu was empowering our bros and sis in lunte.job well done our mothers.

  13. She is dreaming, powerhouse where? The beneficiaries are already salivating for soup.

    PF must go!

  14. If this woman with contacts at MOH, PF and is a professor in medicine can not adhere to covid-19 guidelines just know someone isn’t truthful about virus in Zambia.

  15. But those provinces are part of Zambia what is the offense here, every corner of Zambia is just the same Zambia.
    Some reasoning here don’t make any sense there shouldn’t be any forgotten province in this one nation , why do you complain when they don’t complain with your progress in your area, there are more developmental projects in other provinces and no one complains.
    Zambians must learn to accommodate each other, I can remember when someone said there will be oil exploration in northern province quickly someone took it up and put in an injunction , I wonder what some people are afraid of to learn of some positive developments in the northern region of Zambia.

  16. MSc in microbiology from Moscow State University
    MSc and PhD in immunology from the University of Brunei Darussalam

  17. Each tribals are blessed some are farmers while somes are criminals, therefore no matter how u can what them to keep animals they will fail because it is not in the blood.Tonga are best in terms of farming and keeping animals.

  18. Here is someone who was asked by Chavuma People having about clean water from the taps .No action has been done so far .The nation saw his boss eating a mango from South Africa .He asked his minister as to why we still import Mangos from South Africa .From that time not a single Mango farm has been established anywhere in Zambia . Only 48 houses without owners have been built and Mansions in Swaziland. I would rather put pins in my eyes than believe these lot .

  19. Here is someone who was asked by Chavuma People about clean water from the taps .Nothing has been done so far .The nation saw his boss eating a mango from South Africa .He asked his minister as to why we still import Mangos from South Africa .From that time not a single Mango farm has been established anywhere in Zambia . Only 48 houses without owners have been built and Mansions in Swaziland. I would rather put pins in my eyes than believe these lot .

  20. Miniskirt minister, get me my savings swallowed by your party contributor womanising Sikutwa of Madison Assets Management Company now now Or else forget, I will vote for opposition party.

  21. No one should question me about wearing a Mask in public! It clear COVID restrictions are not for everyone. Covid is a political tool in Zambia to restrict ba opposition from mobilizing. PF Campaigns started three months ago with PF labelled Covid donations. Wake up ba opposition! PF has led the way. COVID restrictions are optional!

  22. Nshilimubemba, no one is unhappy with taking livestock breeding centre to Northern province. No one ever filed an injunction to stop oil exploration in Northern province if your understanding of this term is the same as everyone else’s. If you hv forgotten the meaning of injunction, just Google it and add the word meaning. It will all roll out in front of you. Boris Johnson the UK premier has announced an economic stimulus package. No UK govt minister drives around dishing out cash to beneficiaries. Civil servants do it.

  23. The Engineer, there’s not much u know about Moscow State University. It’s a good university with science departments as good as any in the world. Do u think Russia would hv a military industrial complex without a sound science and engineering university system? The English-speaking world gives itself all sorts of accolades. Ask the French, the Germans, the Japanese etc they don’t believe in some of these rankings. Yet Germany is a leading industrial goods exporter. Can you do that without good universities to back up your industries?

  24. Madam minister, do ask KK, he will tell you the story. If you were serious about this issue you should have started with educating the locals on the subject matter. Unless you are inviting investors and you are looking at the local population as workers which is no development at all.

  25. The Professori of tribal bigotry, this aethetically most repulsive Zinjanthropus stinks.

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