Thursday, February 27, 2025

Edgar Lungu is our own Son says Lamba Chiefs as the distance themselves from Rejection reports


Lamba Chiefs have distanced themselves from statements issued by the Lamba Limba Royal Council stating that the Chiefs had rejected the appointment of Patrick Zulu as new Masaiti District Commissioner.

The Chiefs have since pledged to continue supporting the PF government as it seeks to deliver development to the rural parts of the Copperbelt.

Speaking at his palace over the weekend, Senior Chief Chiwala of the Lamba people of Masaiti expressed disappointment with the statement issued by the Lamba Lima Royal Council saying the Chiefs were not consulted.

Senior Chief Chiwala said this when Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo paid a courtesy call on Lamba Chiefs.

“If there is one Province in Zambia that is friendly and welcoming it is the Copperbelt. The businessmen and women we have in the Province today are from all over the world and this is why we call this area as a Cosmopolitan Province. Edgar Lungu is a product of the Lamba people, he is our own son,” Senior Chief Chiwala said.

“The President was born here, he went to school here, even if he uses different names but he is one of us from here and there is no way we can discriminate against one of his appointments, he said.

Senior Chief Chiwala advised the Lamba Lima Royal Council to work with government in order to achieve sustainable development and national unity.

“We need to embrace the spirit of One Zambia, One Zambia. I know some things were said and we took note of that and we have spoken to the members of the Association and they now understand,” he said.

Senior Chief Chiwala also thanked Mr Lusambo for donating bicycles and some Covid-29 prevention materials to help stop Covid19.

“We are happy with the coming of Mr Lusambo here, this is important in the strengthening of the relationship between government and the people of Copperbelt rural. We also discussed issues of how we are going to look at the people at the grassroots with the threat of Covid-19. We are happy he has donated four bicycles and Covid-19. Items.”

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo hands over a bicycle to Senior Chief Chiwama at his palace in Masaiti
Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo hands over a bicycle to Senior Chief Chiwama at his palace in Masaiti

And Senior Chief Mushili of Masaiti charged that Lambas are not tribal.

Speaking through his Spokesman and Trustee Toby Mulekelwa, Senior Chief Mushili said his Chiefdom is ready to work with the new District Commissioner.

“As Lambas, we don’t segregate, we believe in one Zambia, One Nation. This province has accommodated all the 72 tribes ignoring Chinese and Somalia. We are disappointed to hear that Senior Chief Mushili has rejected Zulu which was false. The Lamba Royal, those are our brothers, they never consulted the Chiefs. It would be better to come here and consult the Chiefs. Fabricating non issues is very bad,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr Lusambo said President Lungu is committed to strengthening the relationship between government and the traditional leadership.

“The President was shocked, discouraged and disappointed. Me as a Lamba, I am serving in Soli Land as Lusaka Minister. That statement created an awkward situation for us as Lamba working in other areas. I know some opposition parties would want to take advantage of the situation to alarm the people further. Let us continue being the friendly people we are,” Mr Lusambo said.

He said he was in the Province to assure the Royal Highnesses that President Lungu values the support and cooperation he has received from the Chiefs.

“I came to deliver message from His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, to tell you that he wants to strengthen the relationship between Chiefs on the Copperbelt and his office and he wants to assure you that he values your support and we are in this together as we seek to develop the living standards of our people,” Mr Lusambo said.

He added, “President Lungu is confident that working with you and other Royal Highnesses, we will be able to bring development here. Many issues have been discussed here and I will take those issues to the President.”

He said President Lungu was shocked and disappointment by the remarks attributed to the Council.


  1. We know there are some evil agents trying to brew division and confusion there. We are 40 steps ahead of them. Do not worry

  2. Agree Ba Edgar was born and grew up in Kitwe, Chimwemwe. He just visited his so called village in Petauke. Edgar and his children don’t even speak Nyanja they speak Bemba of completely called Lamba.I
    I wouldn’t be surprised to hear Edgar is uncle to Lusambo, because there is no way a thug of gangsters Lusambo can just name innocent babies, he claims is his twins as Edgar & Ester.

  3. So, now we know by this revelation that Patrick Zulu is inappropriate to be DC in Masaiti. Lusambo and Lamba Lima Royal Council. This council belongs to Lamba chiefs and chiefs Chiwala and Mushili are part of it.

  4. “This province has accommodated all the 72 tribes ignoring Chinese and Somalia”…. And that bicycle donation, let HH try that, giving away Bicycles with his face on them.

  5. The tribalism of fashionable tribes and that of unfashionable tribes aren’t treated the same. That’s all there’s to this matter.

  6. There is no lamba in the Edgar lungu cabinet.
    Lamba chiefs raised the issue with ba prezido and Lusambo was appointed as an appeasement, first as copperbelt minister and transfered to lusaka.
    But little do the lamba chiefs know that provincial ministers are not on the same level as cabinet ministers.
    Chief chiwala was given a scripted speech by Bowman Lusambo.

  7. Like the message by the youths, the rejection of Patrick Zulu has made them panick. Why are they donating bicycles now? Are bicycles going to vote next year. The Chiefs have only one vote each. We’ll see how maintaining Patrick Zulu will win PF votes.

  8. I was born in Nkana Kitwe, Chamboli and I have never been to my parents’ villages. Part of my schooling was in Chingola then in Mufulira. I am a CB man through and through. Right now my house is in Ndola and I will retire there. We CB products dont know tribes so most of the time we are lost when the rest of you tribalists start poking yourselves with tribal insults, which is too often nowadays.
    Recently I expressed ignorance of the Tongas at the IBA and some imbec1le labelled me a tribal imbecile. If identifying myself as a Zambian invites such labels from those deeply buried in primitivity then I prefer to progress and leave them stuck in their tribalism. Because of high levels of commerce and investment in the CB, the Lamba Chiefs learnt long before most tribalists that the future…

  9. the Lamba Chiefs learnt long before most tribalists that the future lies in Cosmopolitanism, the future is in One Nation. The Americans learnt that long ago and thats why they progress faster than those of us still stuck with tribalism in 2020.

  10. One Zambia One Nation as President Kaunda taught us.

    Opposition Parties are creating a deep chasm in the soil of Zambia as strategy to steal votes. We need to remember our history and how we got here. We should not use divisions to gain power. We should not cause violence disturbing our hard won Peace.

  11. It’s our Bowman again…… ever the diplomat!!!! He gets things done.


    All the attempts and designs by United Party of National Development President Hakainde Hichilema to topple the worthy Patriotic Front government led by our True President Edgar Chagwa Lungu have been put to ruins one by one. The latest being ofcourse Hichilema’s claims on Lungu not being one of them. The assurance by the Lamba chiefs that Edgar C Lungu is their son has found the opposition dumbfounded after they orchestrated the statement regarding Lungu and Patrick Zulu’s appointment from the Lamba Limba Royal Council. Not only did the chiefdom rejected these statements, they also said and I quote, “Edgar Lungu is our own son.” The Lamba chiefs have become a new addition after Chief Chikanata of the southern province of Dumdumwezi backed President Lungu…

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