Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Kambwili calls on All Opposition Parties to Unite to Eject President Lungu and PF


Opposition National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili has said that a united front is required to eject president Lungu from Office.

In a congratulatory statement to the Malawian opposition alliance’s victory, Dr. Kambwili said an untied resistance team is needed to eject president Lungu and his PF from office.

THE NDC leader appealed to all opposition political parties to learn from Malawi that unity of purpose bears results.

“I appeal to all the opposition political parties in Zambia to learn from Malawi’s case that unity of purpose bears results, and if you are disintegrated you will not achieve anything. This is why, we in the NDC and UPND have been serious about our alliance,”


  1. Ba Kambwili with all due respeect, I think you mean, all parties must join UPND because right now most party’s are just in name only like Chilufya Tayali who is a mouth piece for the PF. With Edgar Lungu de-campaiging the PF every day because of his in action to fire corrupt Ministers and KAISER ZULU, posting very arrogant comments on Lusaka Times, UPND can got it alone and win the next year.

  2. All those parties trying to prevent 1 man. It shows you both how powerful pf is and how weak the opposition are. We have not heard a single detail of their policy or alternative solutions, and yet they believe they are best suited to rule the country. It is such behaviour which shows that these people are not in it to genuinely serve the nation. Rather it is for their own personal benefit at the expense of our people. The zambian people know this and will vote accordingly. Meanwhile, it is interesting to note that kambwili seems to only have health issues andfaint uuncontrollably with his big tummy on display like a constipated hippo, only when he is facing court cases. Kz

    • Well said Muna. What CK has brought is important for some Political Parties like NDC, UPND and THIS PARTY for Kalaba to come together to do the ejection. Malawi has done it so we can do same.

  3. PF is hated country wide because of their stinking corruption. The only way PF is winning next year is if they rig the election and even then Zambians will rise and protest the same way the Malawians have shown that the will of the people can not be ignored.

  4. Problem with Zambian “P0loticianz” like Kambw!li & G0dfrey Mw@lya Bw@mba, is unlike politicians in Malawi, you cannot trust these Belly Boys from “the Corruption school of Cycle Mata”
    Kambw!li was the most repressive & tribalist leader in P.F, worse than G.B.M & only “saw the light” when Jonathan kicked him into touch for offside & out of P@kunya Funkutu aka P.F.
    We all know Mw@lya Bw@mba was insulting J0n@ @ breakfast time & by dinner time, J0n@ was “the best thing since sliced bread”
    U.P.N.D be very careful with the likes of Chimbwili, as once the price is right in U$D, he will defect, with days to go, leaving your campaign & chances in disarray!

  5. CK that is the only spirit to work on. Yourself, HH and Kalaba you are the Gunners to Gun down the ruling party the way Malawi has done it. Start working on this one today for the better future of Zambians. Remember don’t include Tayalis Party, don’t include Membes Party and don’t allow any member of parliament for PF to join you after winning 2021 elections, this time is your time God has said so. Don’t allow pipo like GBM and his group like these vocal guys who migrated from MMD. Opposition alliance is the ANSWER.

  6. Yes we agree with mr. kambwili. But we cannot forget his actions and utterances when he was in pf. we cant forget his hand in the fraudulent ascension of Lungu to power.
    Kambwili, just retire!

  7. Kambwili has seen that his party cannot win a general election. He knows that given the circumstances, he would rather start working on Upnd to give him the running mate portfolio so that in the unlikely event that Upnd wins he will at least have a viable political position of the vice president to keep him surviving for the next 10 years. I like him he is a good strategist. What I feel is that Upnd to win or lose the elections, they don’t need the alliance of these tunashala neka parties because they may not give them the necessary impetus for winning. Whether these parties join hands with Upnd the present status quo for Upnd will remain the same.

  8. But you will disintegrate when you come to choosing the presidential candidate for 2021. Elyo ba Bally naturally qualfies as he leads the largest opposition party, but problem is that he is a perpertual loser. Then ba Kambwili is just a product of the political mistake of electing ba Sata as President, you have seen the kind of leadership we now have, just about every jim and jack, every cat and mouse, think that they can be President.

  9. Alliance are sp dangerous in that each jim and jack when in power wants his party to benefit and this creates confusion if other seem to be left out. Just wait, you will see the confusion that will issue in Malawi. Its better to it alone.

  10. CK , we in UPND cannot trust you. For that matter we cannot work with you and we do not need you. We have matured and have experience to got it alone and win. Naimwe just start camparning na ka party kenu. Do not use our name in the name of working together. We are beyond that by far.

  11. Edgar is giving the opposition headache. Alliances is Zambia have never worked with stingy people hh

  12. It’s not about ejecting President Edgar Lungu from State House. What is your alternative to the development agenda of the PF. My people have seen a tarmac and electricity for the fir time in their live since independence. Why should they vote for insultants?

  13. Coalitions don’t work. It’s a relief to hear the opposition admit they are not able to win elections on their own individually.

    However, the plan for disparate groups with incoherent Political philosophy is a recipe for unstable governance. We cannot have a group of mavericks running the country. Most of the bigger or rather bigg-ish opposition are run by violent thugs who are killing people on their properties or compromise their followers safety by encouraging lawless protests. We’ve seen UPND, shooting people in markets and then running amok in our streets with coffins on pretext of a funeral. These hysterical calls for riots and mobilising for elections are taking place even before the elections are called!!!! Electrol Commission should be banning these type of election…

  14. Ba kambwili has seen that if the oposition fail to come together,it will be very difficult to defeat pf. HH says uwa fitala akaimwena.In lufwanyama upnd councilors are leaving and upnd sympathisers keep on saying there is a wind of change,surelly UWAFITALA AKA IMWENA.

  15. Months before 2011 general elections, UPND went into an electoral pact with PF. It flopped when upnd broke away. In 2016, the opposing parties were disjointed and gave Edgar Lungu a leeway. UPND overrates themselves and wont take this advise. In Malawi, the recent victory was centered on selflessness.

  16. The truth is that for you to remove a government you must have a solid plan for the economy which is our major headache but it should not just be removing for the sake of removing. But I also agree that the current government has totally failed and needs to be removed other wise things will just get worse, on that basis I believe that the opposition needs to unite and eject the PF. We are better off having other people whether we know their capacity or not, its perfectly okay under the current circumstances

  17. If the opposition do not unite and PF wins then expect inflation to move to 50%, the Kwacha to move to K50, currently the worlds second worst performing currency in the world, reserves to go to zero, fuel per litre maybe to K30. They will try to massage you this year and next because of elections and should they go through, just know that it will be each one for themselves in this country. If your first ten years in office is littered with failure then what are you coming to do in 2021 please

  18. CK is not clear. Vote for which political party? He wants Upnd to join his party and He CK president and HH running mate. There is Msoni, Mumba….they also want to be running mate. Let us not forget Nkombo, Mweetwa.

  19. There is nothing like ideologies in this country, so just unite. Of course your problem is all of you want to be President but the rationale should be you give chance to the one who has a better chance of scooping it, in this case HH.

  20. It’s the all people’s wish. Us in compounds know it because of needs to be white washed to prevent them from rigging
    I know upnd is the leading opposition but a United front is needed especially to incorporate the superstars in politics to stop pf rigging. We need selfless leaders.

  21. Please can we make another mistake please, we removed the MMD who were doing better than the current chaps, lets also make another mistake, lets remove the current guys, this is the only time in life where I believe in making a mistake.

  22. I am PF but let me admit that we have been a disaster, Look at the Zambian economy surely, completely battered even before the arrival of covid 19 lets give this chance to others and we go and reorganize our themselves and come back in 2026. Lets just be fair to ourselves

    • Go and reorganise yourself ngwele! Us are not going anywhere. We fought for this, we got it and are keeping it. chapwa!!

  23. Realist, I agree with some of the sentiments you posted i.e, “P.F has been a disaster, & times to go & give others a chance”
    Let’s NOT forget P.F is a Party that found a thriving economy with near Zero debt, brought in Cadres & Drunkards with a thieving history to rule us. Ever since the economy has been battered beyond repair & in perpetual reverse cycle, violence is the order of the day, will burning of markets & gass!ng of innocent citizens, record breaking loadshedding, a clueless Alcoholic leader who NEVER fires Corrupt officials, who give U$D 17 Million to phantom firms BUT encourages them, whilst himself always travelling on official Government business with a…

  24. don’t cheat yourself,Chewas are majority ethnic in Malawi.,Munthalika lost because he is Yao from minority ethnic.Last elections he won because of his Vice President who was Chewa with huge influence on political scenes.Political landscaping in most of Africa countries borders on ethnicity.kenya,Uganda,Malawi etc.
    In Zambia the moment you will allow UPND to come in power then ethnicity politics will be at peak because tongas have DNA of tribalism.Since time of Kaunda books are there to teach concern Zambians how Dr Kaunda struggled to unite this nation because of tribal supremacy demonstrated by southern leadership except Mainza Chona’s ideology.Look at UPND’s political ideology? Now they want to play it down and using Frustrated Kambwili as well as other youths through external funding.

  25. cont;
    while himself the leader is always going on official Government business with a known Narcotics dealer in tow. The leader & his family are deeply involved in illegal Mukula trafficking, awarding of dodgy contracts to foreigners, whilst local Zambians & left perpetually poor by design, so when it’s election time, they can easily be bribed with a few U$Dollars, Beers, Vitenge, & food.
    President Jon@than Chak0lwa is a pure textbook case on how a Nation SHOULD NEVER be run. Sane people know President Jon@than is NOT even fit to run a school tuckshop, SO PF ONCE VOTED OUT SHOULD BE DISBANDED NEVER BY LAW TO BE ALLOWED BACK, AS IT IS A CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE!

  26. This is a way to go ba CK. Please permission granted. We will give you the support.We are certain your alliance will now be extremely focused and stronger than ever before.1 Zambia 1 Nation.

  27. I see that some people don’t understand politics. I doubt if opposition alliance doesn’t work upnd can manage alone. Genuinly they may win but if they let go of the alliance believe you me they will kiss the dust. What I mean is that upnd has the majority by today but have no tact to push pf out of power that is my opinion. I second those who want upnd to go in an alliance.

  28. Mr P.
    We have to step outside the box and look at Zambia from a birds eye view. Put tribal remarks aside any stop oppressing minority tribes. When you are in the diaspora, nobody cares what tribe you are. Not even which African country you come from. They think Africa is one country.
    As soon as they notice u are African, they paint u with one brush. “ Africans are stupid, dull and have low IQ, have low self esteem, we are bootie scratchers, we’re poor, can’t govern ourselves , we’re are beggars that like hand outs becoz we are lazy, we can’t use our resources to improve our living standards, blacks have no shame or pride, we are *****s, naturally we make the best slaves because we were created inferior, They day we are the least attractive pipo and that weare the missing link between…

  29. Hello Guys,
    I’m one hundred percent this is the only way to get rid of these thieves…this is the first time am agreeing with Mr. Kambwili, this makes total sense to me…I wish MMD will follow suit…seriously guys PF must go.

  30. I would like to know what these opposition would like to do is it just about removing the incumbent what are their plans to start with, we all know how dull they are they can’t even explain how they acquired the wealth they talk about, how can the whole nation be under their leadership all they have is stolen from the common Zambian.
    They are already guilty , the incumbent has so far done well you don’t remove a winning team for someone you nothing about .

  31. Kambwili’s call is a very dangerous narrow agenda. What happens after you eject Lungu? You disintegrate and fail to govern. Zambians need a well planned program because people like Kambwili are even worse than Lungu. All the likes of Kambwili shouldn’t be anywhere near Govt. They’re just time wasters

  32. @Busa- My dear brother…you are a fool…are those people going to eat the stupid tarmacs and the so called load shedding electric. People like you really grinds my gears….I’m so pissed off I don’t even want to see your name on this platform. Go away….
    PF must Go. Let’s Unite to remove these thieves.

  33. For once I fully agree with Kambwili. Only a stinking thieving fool would like the status core to persist thus dooming the country to kleptomaniac malaise in the corridors o power. Chakwera akwela, ndipo Chagwa azagwa!

  34. Unity Can only be achieved if opposition parties rally together and go to convention. Discourage closed door meetings

  35. CK me I cannot trust him wholeheartedly. He was part and parcel of this government unlike Kalaba who left after realizing the poor governance. If CK was not fired he would still be part of this corrupt government. And I think Kalaba did not steal. If he did this time he would be appearing in court so that they finish him financially

  36. Uniting the opposition in Malawi was straight forward handled with maturity, respect and, common goal. The second and third placed parties from the cancelled election provided the leadership rankings for president and running mate. The Zambian scenario has problems of leadership squabbling from the onset of a united front. When this seems to be shorted out the squabbling shifts to allocation of positions in governance and the confusion being assisted by the party not wanting to be removed from corridors of power…. need I even continue as we all know how the opposition parties let the citizenry down!

  37. Pante Pante, I agree with you 100%.
    Chimbwili is cut from the same cloth as P.F, 100% & may I add is another brute Cadre type Thug that should NEVER be allowed to be anywhere near President, Vice Presidential, or any Top 10 Governmental position, as he’s just a thick opaque stone throwing P.F type Cadre “P0lotician” & also partly the reason Zambia is now on its knees & a bonafide Failed State!

  38. Imwe bantu, kambwili may have a point, but is he ready to come to the table. He should move his people to support Upnd because they have more mps in parliament. Never mumba with 4 mps (if not mistaken) should move to support Upnd and be the running mate to HH. Nakwakwi and kambwili have one mp each, they be ministers under HH. Banda pac, mmembe socialist, kabimba, kalaba, hamududu, sinkamba, Chanda P and e, mutati. Ohhh no, the cabinet is full. So this model cannot work. All opposition parties in Zambia must support Upnd and HH. If you claim to love this nation, support Upnd. If you do not then you are pf. Kambwili support Upnd, no position will be reserved for you. Let us surprise the world.


  40. True, kambwili is nothing. He must just join the hh. And after hh gets to state house he will fire him. We all know this. Same with corrupt pastor mumba, all of you line up & join. Then you will be fired when the job is done

  41. I would love to see all PF robbers behind the bars. The kind of damage they have done in 9 years has not been done in other 47 years.
    I am very confident the only person who can cage and bring every ngwee stolen by these robbers is Dr. Fred M’membe.
    His two interviews have sent shivers in PF camp.
    He is the only one who has a manifesto to bring up the underprivileged.
    Vote for SP

  42. An alliance is the first round will befit PF big time. Take it or live iam a political expert. Most NDC and other unrest parties would rather vote of than uppnd if Mr HH is made candidate. The best is let them stand alone and split the votes them gather them in the second vote.. A d you ha e of out. The voting pattern will not change much but the likes of kambwili and kalaba can be game changes in the first round if the don’t betray their supporter by falling behind HH in 2021.more over most upnd members have no respect for other opposition members and believes they won in 2016 and will win In 2021 with or without alliances. But if they lose or come first in the first four they will be left with no option but beg for alliance. If the they form an allaice now it will fall soon as the…

  43. Far fetched dream, it won’t work!!!! You idyats will spend the rest of your time fighting over Presidency! Greedy cretins!

  44. @2 KZ pwahahahahahahahahahahaha kikikikikikijukija Hehehehehehe hohohohohohohehihuhahihihihipwa!
    “…belly open like a constipated hippopotamus… ”
    Sometimes I don’t wanna comment. I just wanna read the comments and laugh and laugh and laugh. What’s the point reading articles when comments can make your day?
    CK realizes that it’s tough forming a party and make it big. Only a king Cobra can do that.
    These tuma h², nervous nevers and tilyenji have failed to revive the once popular parties.
    It’s tough being opposition. It’s even tougher calling for pacts. Nice try CKinsultor. Zambians love PF is the ultimate summation.

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