Sunday, January 19, 2025

Yes, I own 251 hectares in Masaiti and I am not giving it up for anyone-Kelvin Sampa


Ruling PF Chairman for Youths Kelvin Sampa has admitted that he owns 252 hectares of land in Masaiti which is under dispute.

Senior Chief Mushili of the Lamba speaking people of Masaiti has accused Mr Sampa of forcefully grabbing traditional land from him.

Through his Spokesman and Trustee Toby Mulekelwa, the Chief said the land Mr Sampa is occupying is a special piece of traditional land which hosts some traditional artifacts including the Chief’s final resting place.

The Chief told Journalists at his palace over the weekend that efforts to chase Mr Sampa off the land have been resisted.

He said the PF Youth Chairman always boasts that he is connected and that he cannot be removed from the land.

The Chief said the traditional leadership have offered Mr Sampa an alternative piece of land and within the Chiefdom but that he has declined the offer.

When reached for a comment, Mr Sampa admitted to owning over 250 hectares in Masaiti.

He however maintains that he bought the land legitimately and that he has Title Deeds to prove that.

Mr Sampa he has asked the Chief to remove “whatever” is hidden the land but to no avail.

“I have the Title to that land and I am not going anywhere. I have told those people to remove whatever is buried there so that I can start developing my land but they have been refusing,” he said.


  1. But how did you aquire such a huge piece of land in the first place when others have been trying for years just to get a small plot.

    • Ba do you know who I am? Ba chief just tell your subjects to booth them out power, bu do you know who I am uzasila.

  2. This is a civil matter which can be sorted amicably or if you want to spend money and enrich lawyers then take it to court. Land disputes happen worldwide. In fact I also experienced terrible land issues when I had illegal squatters on my land. I have faith in our legal system to resolve such disputes in an equitable manner. Kz

  3. You should never argue with traditional leaders over such issues …it is not worth the trouble!

  4. Title Deeds are fraudulently issued, so that isn’t proof that you own the land. If the Chief is crying how about ordinary villagers? Ba Munyemesha don’t disappoint us, please use old age Lamba wisdom and tactics to show the boy that we have our own way of justice. Make him surrender the land on his own

  5. Everyone is fighting each other over land in Zambia.

    Thandiwe Chilongo Banda ( Former First Lady) and her father have been kicked out of Mafinga District by her first cousin who is a UK Investment Banker. This is is according to sources in the Office of The President and Intelligence Unity, who know what is going on and have been following developments on the matter.

  6. Two rules of life:

    1. PF is always right
    2. If you do not agree, then please refer to the above rule.

  7. chief don’t worry in 2021 that land will be back to you when UPND takes over Government, infact all land obtained legally by PF MPs will be grabbed by new opposition Government. Don’t worry what has taken place in Malawi is coming to Zambia soonest in 2021.

  8. These Land disputes are so prevalent in Zambia….we need the govt to tighten the sell of land. Titles must be gained correctly.

    But in this case we wait for the courts. I am minded to hold an opinion that this chap obtained the land indirectly. How can a burial site of a chief be on available land for sell? Also if it is traditional land there should have been approval granted by the chife. He could very well end up a loser if the seller sold it to him illegally.

  9. UPND in government, yaba!
    The only difference is that the manner in which Bally Will Fix It acquired his wealth at the time was both transparent and legal which is why he is not behind bars under the PAf party. On the other hand some current politicians are stinking rich from unknown and therefore suspicious sources, these will definitely not have time to enjoy “their” “wealth”. When the time comes they will spend their time until next elections in 2026 shuttling between courts and remand prison, with “their wealth” already confiscated and handed back to tax payers.

  10. Was the land already on title before he bought it? If the land in question is traditional land how did he get it without the chiefs approval? I thought before you get traditional land you have to go through the headman , who in turn introduces you to his chief, then if you want to get title for it the chief has to approve, can some experts on Zambian land laws help us , what’s the procedure like?

  11. Ok…guys let me tell you something are you listening? This guy is a fool..I have never seen anything like this before he must be mad…he needs to talk to the chief and find a common ground. Honestly he will not enjoy that land freely…He should just give it up.
    It’s not worth it.

  12. If this chap wants to live long enough to enough this selfsame land he should back away strategically….not PF will help him here once a spell or curse is put on this Sampa boy!!

  13. True Aristotle, Chiefs have powers to offer 250ha (max) piece of land, with the chiefs letter and site maps. One launches the papers with the district council. Who deliberates and inspects the land in question to see if there any objections or disputes. Once, they are satisfied. They will then write a letter of recommendation to Ministry of lands. Together with full council minutes. Am sure Sampa followed that. Looks like a deal gone sour!!!

  14. That is why some of us have acquired land and house in Surrey from white folks who have owed the land for 70 years ,,

  15. Spot on tarino, this is why some of us own a land and house in Surrey, bought from white folks who had it in family for 80 years,cheers

  16. This is what we are dealing with fellow Zambians. This cocky PF criminal thinks that just because he has a title deed it means people cannot ask questions. How in the heck did this guy acquire 251 hectors of land legitimately, when the Chief of the area says he never consulted them? This is unacceptable. This is daylight robbery by these PF bandits, thugs and criminals. That’s way too much land for one person to acquire without the concert of the chief of the area. The whole Copperbelt area falls under Lambaland and Chief Mushili has a right to question how someone, who is not even Lamba, can just walk into Lambaland and acquire all that traditional land, and ask everybody to vacate the place. This is unacceptable. This crook should try this stunt on the Barotseland, and see…

  17. … what happens. He needs to humble himself and have a meeting with the Chief of the area.That’s why PF must go. They’re a bunch of bandits.

  18. There’s no way you can acquire 250 hectors of land without the concert of the Chief of the area. How in the heck did this guy acquire all that traditional land? An investigation needs to be launched. Way too many crooks in PF. This is traditional land and you can’t just walk into the area and claim the land for yourself, without the concert and the knowledge of the Chief of the area, just because you’re a PF gangster. This is unacceptable. PF must GO!!!!!

  19. This behaviour is now common place, PF bully’s and their foreign ‘infesters’ grabbing prime land by riding roughshod over everyone, including Chiefs. The Chief knows what he is talking about. This has been going on under this regime – with it’s arrogant leaders. How does a Youth Chair acquire such a large track of land in a traditional area? The land area he claims is equivalent to approximately 200 football fields! The greed of these PF thugs is unapparelled in Zambia’s independent history. Only the colonialists surpass it.

  20. @Aristotle, yes, as far as I know that’s the procedure. If land is originally traditional hands (chief’s hand,) the chief has to sign off before any piece of land can be bought and titled. I know this because I help my late father acquire and title family land in Central Province. Approximately the same size (about 250 Hectors), the limit allowed by law if it being transferred from traditional to commercial/titled land. So this dude has some questions to answer. Sounds like some illegalities were involved here!

  21. corruption scandals: 48 houses social security cash luxury presidential jet ambulances fire trucks mukula trees ndola-lusaka rd malawi maizegate fuelgate swaziland landgate zesco loans corruption scandals: 48 houses social security cash luxury presidential jet ambulances fire trucks mukula trees ndola-lusaka rd malawi maizegate fuelgate swaziland landgate zesco loans

    Just the sheer size of this tells you there’s something very fishy and wrong here. 252 hectares of land owned by an individual who happens to be a government minister is the daylight corruption we talk about. Unless you have a justifiable investment project, in which case it goes beyond just having a title deed, you shouldn’t be approved to acquire that much land when you are not even a Chief.

    The Chief is now complaining and that alone suggests the land was acquired fraudulently. Having title deeds means nothing especially when you are govt minister who is well connected.

    Wow a country this is. No wonder Barotseland restricted access to their land by these thieves. Think about it: 252 ha, that is 252 x 10,000 square metres or 2.52e+6. Why would he have such a massive piece of…

  22. corruption scandals: 48 houses social security cash luxury presidential jet ambulances fire trucks mukula trees ndola-lusaka rd malawi maizegate fuelgate swaziland landgate zesco loans corruption scandals: 48 houses social security cash luxury presidential jet ambulances fire trucks mukula trees ndola-lusaka rd malawi maizegate fuelgate swaziland landgate zesco loans

    Just the sheer size of this tells you there’s something very fishy and wrong here. 252 hectares of land owned by an individual who happens to be a government minister is the daylight corruption we talk about. Unless you have a justifiable investment project, in which case it goes beyond just having a title deed, you shouldn’t be approved to acquire that much land when you are not even a Chief.

    The Chief is now complaining and that alone suggests the land was acquired fraudulently. Having title deeds means nothing especially when you are govt minister who is well connected.

    Wow a country this is! No wonder Barotseland restricted access to their land by these th!eves. Think about it: 252 ha, that is 252 x 10,000 square metres or 2.52e+6. Why would he have such a massive piece of…

  23. The country has gone to the Mob, These chaps have suddenly grown amour to even contest land disputes with the authority that approves it. This is how our country will fall. Land grabbing will turn into the displacement of people which in turn will spill over disputes over territory and before you know it the whole country will be on fire. Clean up the ministry of lands before it’s too late. These guys are putting rivers and lakes on title and selling to multiple buyers for quick wins. We have enough land in Zambia for everybody but at this rate, we are finished.

  24. This Sampa man is one arrogant fellow….too optimistic and very full of himself…..such can’t be tolerated in Her Royal Highness, Chieftiness Nkomeshya Land….I applaud HRH…..the Lamba Chief must make known of his powers….if his not corrupt he shall prevail, he should trade carefully with these daylight kleptomanics otherwise he will end up losing respect from his subjects……Am afraid this Sampa may own huge tracks of land in muchinga and northern….he is the next Miller or Gaulun of Lusaka…..

  25. . 250 hectares in Masaiti, ECL, Ministry of lands, Ministry of chiefs and traditional affairs intervene since this is national issue. 250 hectares in Masaiti bought from who. Where was the chief at the time of purchase. Who was owning it before Kelvin bought it.

  26. Kasama Central Member of Parliament who lives in Lusaka and now owns a tract of land in Lamba land! He has the audacity to dare anybody and play insubordinate to royalty, he is BEMBA! The rich shall get rich and the poor shall remain poor! Keep on de-campaigning yourselves

  27. Feel sorry for Kelvin Sampa, he thought he would be made Minister, but he wasn’t despite his intelligence. It must be annoying for him that Chitotela and Chilufya are still Ministers when they could have been sacked and him promoted.


  29. @Yambayamba
    imagine some chiefs are even supporting bill 10,when they have zilch knowledge on how to handle their own land under their custody.

  30. Be careful how you look at this case. Simply because he is PF and you do not like the PF or his person should not be your basis of judgement. While foreigners are acquiring land there should be nothing wrong with Zambians doing the same. The issue is procedure. If the chief gave him a letter as per procedure and the council did the minutes and Lands department issued him title deeds it cannot be in dispute then that he owns the land. What country would we have if title deeds to land can be voided by a chief who changes his mind? Some of you arguing have not owned any land traditional or otherwise and you can argue left right center but try owning land like many do with titles and some guy comes up and says this land has my grandfather’s grave on it and vacate it even if you have title…

  31. … on it and vacate it even if you have title deeds? Some of you are even suggesting just bewitch the guy and you are quite when it’s the Chinese involved. This is pathetic. If he has title deeds regardless he is the rightful owner PF or UPND. The chief can only go to court and even then unless it is proven that he did not follow the process the man owns the land and let him enjoy his acquisition.


  33. Chief is a Chief you do not need permission to get your land whether the law is not in your favour the land was there before Zambia, why should you bring this issue in public ba Chief. Go and learn something from Luapula chiefs. Luapula chiefs will not give land any how whether one Zambia one nation. I remember 1978 ba Finess Bulawayo wanted land for resettlement in Chabilikila area, chief said Nomba ngatwabula impanga twamupela nga bana kufyalwa bakekala kiwi?. The mighty KK was the president he not even use his ruthless Government machinery on this chief.

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