Friday, March 7, 2025

EAZ officially launches Zambia Citizen Entrepreneurs Development Programme


The Economic Association of Zambia (EAZ) has officially launched a programme called ‘Zambia Citizen Entrepreneurs Development Programme’ aimed at enhancing wealth creation through the promotion of entrepreneurship.

EAZ president Dr. Lubinda Haabazoka told journalists in Lusaka on Wednesday that the initiative was born out of consultations with various government departments at the highest level.

Dr. Haabazoka said the consultations were also made with the private sector and the response is very overwhelming.

He said the initiative brings together the public and private sector in supporting business creation through the provision of funds, business skills, capacity building, input support on commercial terms and provision of market for goods produced.

“This initiative is designed especially for women and youth groups and takes advantage of the President’s directive to enhance local participation in the retail sector. We call upon all stakeholders including various funders to come on board to realise this grandiose project. The Project will be private sector led,” he said.

“Citizens wishing to participate can contact the Economics Association of Zambia. We shall soon be giving further guidance on the implementation on modalities with regards to participation in this guide. We would like to thank government and the private sector for the positive feedback over this initiative.”

Dr. Haabazoka stated that the project focuses on key sectors such as agri-business, mining and Urban Development Modules.

The EAZ President said the association will not tolerate any politics when implementing this programme as it is aimed at helping the people of Zambia.

“This initiative is commercial in nature and open to all Zambians regardless of tribe, race, political affiliation or religious affiliation. The Association will not tolerate the politicizing of this initiative. The programme will be implemented by the private sector with the support of state and nonstate actors,” he added.

He further stated that this is a baby of the Economic Summit that was held in 2018.

And Mahogany Air Chief Executive Officer Jim Belemu said the country needs home grown solutions to deal with some of the challenges faced by the people.

He said such an initiative is good as it is aimed at changing the face of the country.


  1. Well done to my brother lubinda. I await another invitation for dinner at your house.i enjoy Russian cuisine your very beautiful wife makes. In fact it was through her I met my Russian business friend who later on people alleged was my side chick.

  2. Mahogany Airways may be asked to build their own airports, like the way Copperbelt Energy is being treated.
    First put things like Lewis Mosho in jail, those are vultures of on Zambian companies. Jail is not bad under PF, the prisoners will vote, with 99% turnout.


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