The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) has hailed the appointment of Rehoboth Kafwabulula, a 21-year-old youth, as Socialist Party spokesperson.
YALI President Andrew Ntewewe who affirmed his organisation’s belief that political parties must show a genuine commitment to bringing the youth to the decision-making table said the Socialist Party appear to be leading the way.
“Our country’s national development trajectory is dependent on bringing the youth, women and persons with disabilities to the decision-making table rather than using them as a springboard to achieve one’s political ambition,” he said
Meanwhile, Mr Ntewewe has said opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) is an organisation that stands in the way for the youth to have fair and guaranteed representation in Parliament in 2021 through its its opposition to a mixed member representation system.
“The capitalist-gatekeepers and MPs in the UPND will not relent but fight a system that should ordinarily make youth representation a reality through enactment of the proposed Article 47(2),” said Ntewewe.
Mr Ntewewe said the proposed Article 47(2) facilitates the changing of an electoral system to one that promotes fair representation and equitable treatment of each gender as required by Article 45(1)(c)(d) of the Constitution.
“We know, however, that unlike parties that are socialists in nature, capitalism is not about fairness. For UPND, only those leaders with capital to fund their campaigns will dominate are preferred as best representatives of the people in the National Assembly,” charged Ntewewe.
The proposed amendments to the Constitution of Zambia proposes to introduce a mixed member electoral system meant to provide for safer seats for youths in the National Assembly, including those from UPND.
Mr Ntewewe said the Zambian youth has spoken, loud and clear, that time has come for them to be represented in law-making processes and decision-making on the affairs of their country.
“Our hope is that parties such as the Patriotic Front (PF) and Socialist Party will participate and adopt more youths in the forthcoming 11 ward by-elections and 2021 general election,” said Ntewewe.
He said the Zambian youth must not be surprised that UPND does not support the changing of Zambia’s electoral system to one that would support a mixed-member representation in Parliament.
The organisation has since encouraged Rehoboth to exert her influence and become good champions of youth leadership and representation stating that youth deserve a place on decision-making platforms.
Great man. Socialist Party and Fred Mmembe makes a lot of sense
After appointing that tiny girl, PF got so disappointed with their losing battle with youths. PF resorted to activate their robbers led by Mosho to go break into Mmembe’s personal assets.
Kudos on the looks. Kalikwata size. However, we just hope that those socialists will not take advantage of her. Remember socialists believe in free for all. All resources are owned by everyone equally. So I pray all the men in the party do not think that they can take a piece of her. Kz
Leave the young lady alone dont destroy her future.We know what happens in politics. God will punish you for misleading the girl. Where are her parents ?You will also be answerable as parents for your failure to advise her. To you young lady open your eyes ! You want to be N0 1?You will regret the decision you’ve made. Life is short.
Why the dislike for UPND Ntewewe? U seem to have a bone to chew with UPND.
M’membe is known for employing relatives which is different with HH and UPND. My bigger question is, why is YALI de-campaigning UPND?
Your hatred for UPND is very visible
Kaiser Zulu, you are an evil brain, demon of capitalists who have no regard for honor of our citizens, youth and elderly. You are a misogynist, stupid ***** , as if you were not born from your mother from an animal. Bigot mind of perpetual Fools. Yes ur days are numbered.
UPND is a stooge party of Anglo Americans who ran away from Zambia when their yesman Maxoka lost elections.
Kaiser Zulu us a misogynist. STopid
Our young Zambians need to read about the myriad of Chinese citizens who were killed in the name of socialism / communism during Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution between 1966 and 1976, and those who were killed trying to defect across the Berlin Wall from Communist East Germany to capitalist West Germany between 1961 and 1989. They should also read about our beloved country’s socioeconomic decay and widespread destitution occasioned by UNIP’s socialist rule between 1968 and 1990.