Friday, March 7, 2025

Chilubi Town Council Commissions a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to easy transport problems


Chilubi Town Council has commissioned a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.

Speaking during the commissioning event at muchinshi Harbor, Chilubi District Commissioner Gilbert Mwila, who was the guest of honor, said the coming of this boat will cushion the challenges of water transport on the island.

He therefore appealed to the planning unit to quickly expedite the process of marking the land owned by the council, that is available for the construction of a proper modern harbor, which is one of the projects trallard is working on to ensure the safety of the boats.

And speaking during the same event Chilubi Council Chairperson Daniel Mwila stated that the boat is not to be accessed by only selected individuals but the entire Chilubi populace, and hence it should be taken care of and guarded jealously.

He added that with the boat in place they hope to see a decrease in the number of emergency cases to attend to due to limited and insufficient transportation.

And Chilubi Town Council Secretary Thinkwell Mwaba said with the coming of the boat they should be an improvement with the quality of work owing to time inspection and
supervision of projects in council, as they strive to provide the much needed services to the residents of chilubi.

He further disclosed the source of funding as the equalization fund that is sent to councils from central government.

Chilubi Town Council commissioning a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.
Chilubi Town Council commissioning a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.
Chilubi Town Council commissioning a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.
Chilubi Town Council commissioning a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.
Chilubi Town Council commissioning a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.
Chilubi Town Council commissioning a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.
The Commissioned 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million by Chilubi Town Council
Chilubi Town Council commissioning a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.


  1. Revenue from this venture ought to accounted for so that the vessel is periodically serviced. That’s how u ensure that it continues to remain safe for use by people and crew. I hv seen so many such promising starts in life only to hv a disappointing end. Goos luck .

  2. Development after development under pf. Why anyone would waste their vote by voting opposition I don’t know. The only reason I can fathom is due to tribalism or personal hate for PF because the development we have brought is enough for blind man to see that we are the best alternative. Kz

  3. How can you spend almost $70,000 on a 16 seater small boat with no room for cargo when people go to and from the island transporting goods…you can find a far bigger boat on sale around the world for that price.

  4. Did you look at the market for you to buy a 16 seater boat? How many people travel in a day and what type of passengers?

  5. We recall how people perished on that island a few months ago and nothing has happened versince. The agony is how a simple boat like what we see costing K1.2 million when its only worth K500,000 or less if prudence had prevailed. Though corruption more people have died on the island than the megre cost of this small boat. There is untold poverty on the island that is hardly addressed, probably resources declared for it but diverted elsewhere with pandemic corruption in government.

  6. Seems like a lot of money for a 16 seat boat (like the over priced fire engines) and interesting to see nobody seems how to put on a life jacket property. wonder how long this boat operates before it breaks down due to no maintenance. LT should learn how to spell and proof read ie 16 Seats not 16 Sitter and Harbour not Harbor

  7. @Tarino,seriously they can’t be such foolish to pay $70,000 , where did they import from that poor quality?
    Those are $10,000. And shipping up to Chilubi can cost $10000 atmost, from Belarus where Findlay and Stardy Mwale import your PF government equipment. So $50,000 is stolen.

  8. Nostra… – Of course something is right such a boat is one you would use for wildlife game viewing for tourists on the Kariba in Livingstone…the specification is inappropriate for that price you can get a second hand 2005 KINGFISHER K50 capable of carrying 72 passengers + 3 crew, 350 HP, Sounder, Plotter, Radar, Autopilot, rudder indicator, AIS, DSC VHF, Alarms & Monitoring, Speed of 11 knots.

    This is where the UK based silly IMPOSTOR really exposes himself as a fake folly as the real KZ knows and loves his boats inside and out.

  9. This town Clerk, Thinkwell Mwaba is NOT even thinking well!! As @3 Tarino pointed out, how can such a small boat, fit for family outings or tourist groups serve a community which could have over 50 people travelling in a day in one direction? And the the price….? THE PROBLEM WITH THIS GOVT IS THAT THEFT IS EVERYWHERE, ONE WONDERS EVEN WHERE TO START FROM TO END THE SCOURGE!! HERE IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF PURE THEFT!!

  10. Tarino what has my love for boats got to do with development? I don’t bring my personal preferences into government business. Aren’t you the same ones accusing us of having personal interests and yet here you are wanting me to exert them on purely governmental project. I don’t understand tarino way of thinking. One would think he is suffering from dementia

  11. zambia is ours – Simply look at the last photo where they are sat and have just enough room in between the chairs for their two crates cold beers they have bought to celebrate their theft…the boat looks makeshift like something those gas and arc welding chaps at Kabwata market can easily do..they must have bought a used boat and just painted. This is what happens when ministers at the top are stealing subordinates follow suit. Shame Shame!!

  12. LipkwA I am yet to come across a wheel Barrow which floats. We need innovation in our country. So if you know someone that had devised such a machine, tell him or her to get in touch with us

  13. Imweeee… that vessel cannot cost that much because in Australia it s about $3000 which is way much cheaper than the cost price in Kwacha!! Why inflate the price???

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