Thursday, March 13, 2025

Medical Stores to separate from IDC


Medical Stores Limited is set to separate from the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and will be transformed into the Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency.

Medical Stores is one of the 29 State-owned Enterprises that were transferred to IDC in 2015 to be turned into profitable commercial enterprises.

However, IDC Group CEO Mr Mateyo Kaluba said after undertaking initial analysis of the companies, the mandate of Medical Stores did not resonate with that of the IDC.

“Its mandate is the procurement, storage and distribution of all essential drugs for Zambia’s public health sector, which is considered a public good. In that regard, that mandate could not synchronize with the mandate of the IDC,” he said, in remarks made on his behalf by IDC Chief Portfolio Officer Mr Henry Sakala at the inauguration of the new Medical Stores Board last Friday.

Mr Kaluba said, considering the mandates of the IDC and Medical Stores were at variance, it necessitated the separation of the company from the IDC and its conversion into a government agency.

With the passing of the Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency Bill of 2019, Medical Stores will be established as the Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency under the auspices of the Ministry of Health.

A new Board has since been constituted, whose key mandate is to ensure the successful transition of Medical Stores into the new Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency.

The new Board comprises:

• Ms Kakulubelwa Mulalelo (Chairperson)
• Mr James Kapesa (Vice Chairperson)
• Mrs Lizzie Mukwasa
• Mr Mulenga Muleba
• Mr Zubeir Mohammed Dasu
• Mr Marlon Banda
• Mrs Mwenya Bwalya
• Mr Aven Muvwende


  1. Medical Stores doesn’t procure anything, they just receive what MoH has sourced. They’re just a warehouse with a very poor distribution network. It should be dissolved and its functions devolved to provincial health offices in order to reduce grand corruption and pilferage. We’re wasting money

  2. So who appoints these board members? If its Chilufya then this company is already compromised

  3. Excellent news. Those that understand company law and the positive implications of having a separate legal identity will welcome this. Those that are paid by the rabid dog hh to criticise anything pf does will mourn as usual, including the racially abused asylum seeking diasporans

  4. @Kaizer Zulu , you are a bawbag. You are not going to get away disrespecting other people without inviting the same insults upon yourself. You little nose picking jerk with gonads the size of peppercorns. I hope you feel good by this description.

  5. There was need to include drug manufacture under licence as one of the mandates of medical stores. The assumption that local drug manufacturers are also free to supply Medical Stores is fallacious. The reality is that without state participation through its investment vehicle IDC, the direct drug importation will continue unabated. This justifies the decision to link Medical Stores and IDC. Questions still remain unanswered: what is the total public expenditure on drugs? What is the total public expenditure on non drug supplies? What is ratio between import and local supplies to Medical Stores? Regional cooperation in investment could help beef up market base. Regular suppliers of basic drugs need to create local subsidiaries in the country. It was win-win scenario that is now faced with…

  6. Regional cooperation in investment could help beef up market base. Regular suppliers of basic drugs need to create local subsidiaries in the country. It was win-win scenario that is now faced with jeopardy. The only option now is to create a fresh independent drug and related medical manufacture company for the country and/or region. The flexibility is wonderful but the same flexibility must stand enough pressure through innovation.

  7. NOT Excellent news. Those that understand company law and the positive implications of having a separate legal identity will NOT welcome this. Those that are paid by the rabid dog KZ to criticize anything SANE Zambians do will mourn as usual, including the RETARDED SMALL MINDS LIKE KZ and TEAM

  8. Only ZCCM-HI, NAPSA ZAFFICO Workman Compensation and Gold can make profit in this cost choked business environment. No matter what business you IDC try it is bound to fail because of your own other companies and regulations.

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