Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Over 4,200 tour Vic Falls over the Heroes and Unity holidays


About 4,268 visitors accessed the Victoria Falls during Heroes and Unity holidays, the highest number ever recorded.

Livingstone Tourism Association Board Chairperson Rodney Sikumba said Sunday and Monday received 1,948 and 1639 respectively.

Mr Sikumba said the Livingstone Museum and the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park had impressive numbers of 900 and 2,800 respectively.

“We the Livingstone Tourism Association would like to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to the people of Zambia that chose Livingstone as the No.1 Holiday Destination over the just-ended Heroes and Unity holiday period,” Mr Sikumba said.

He added that the overwhelming support as evidenced by the influx of local tourists and holidaymakers is a clear indication that the Zambian tourism sector can thrive with the support of Zambians even under challenging circumstances such as COVID-19.

“Indeed, this period has shown that Zambians are resolved to keep the economy and the tourism sector afloat and enhance its resilience for sustained job creation and economic development, and as such, as LTA, we shall continue to incentivize local tourism through reasonable pricing for enhanced access to tourism services and further invest in the development of additional tourism products for all to enjoy,” he said.

“Thank you and we very much look forward to welcoming you back to Livingstone soon.”


  1. We thank God. One of our goals as government has been to increase local tourism. Amazing that we have broken such a record during a pandemic. Pf 2021 and beyond until God comes. Kz

  2. And the Covid reported figures shot up. We have said before close these things to avoid the increase in Covid deaths.

  3. So reassuring to know that some good has come to us. Pipo, we eat when there is food on the table, and food on the table comes from money. Money doesnt come free. The economy has to survive and we have to follow new normal care stuff! lets do it! Cheers ! great news, Great going ba Lungu!

  4. God is good! we got these small mercies of venturing out in safety.Family time but staying safe. Thank you the great Lord and thank you our Government.

  5. Covid figures dont shoot up because of open spaces, they shoot up when we guys dont follow the guidelines of following safe distance and wear masks. if we become safe with safe habits, then we enjoy! we become lazy and unsafe then this covid will find you even inside the house.Good Victoria falls isdoing well.we need it,.

  6. Livingstone, have belief like your name, stone -“rock solid” belief. Good days are returning. God bless our country. God bless the leadership.

  7. Wait for the spoke on COVID-19 cases. What measures have been put to protect visitors and local communities. The effect of aerosols in a very vaporised environment needs to be looked into.


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