Monday, March 10, 2025

Mutale Mwanza : Controversial Queen of Radio


Some people love her. Some dislike her. Others love to hate her. Mutale Mwanza tells Kennedy Gondwe that she will continue to liven up our mornings on breakfast radio.


  1. Are you selling her sexuality life or what is this up to? Why don’t you send that to Dore so they discuss her in next Monday Cabinet meeting?
    Here at LT we are serious, we ran the government, give us stories about PF thugs we need clean up. We just served FAZ, that sexxy ebony Mwanza did say anything about FAZ vs FIFA.

  2. Nostra…..These are stories you would be interested in ….since women did she become a women’s activists such people are not the type of personalities our young girls should look up to

  3. These are women you dont want to meet at their place first thing in the morning without the cake of make up and wigs or weaves…you will think its someone else like those two photos above

  4. Studio Ken is producing good stories. High quality, topical and very entertaining. Good interview techniques that get under the skin of unsuspecting guests! The stuff viewers want!

    Best on social media.

    Feel sorry for the guest, she wanted a promotion but got needled! She was too thin skined, a little pompous but we saw her vulnerability which makes her more likeable. That’s the skill of a good journalist. Oh must subscribe…..

  5. Small girl who comes across as disrespectful with a stinky attitude. Some women lack class. I would recommend she seeks counsel from well respected educated women such as my lovely wlfe, on how to behave. These are women you meet on a night out and are only good for that night. I am too important for such a woman. Let her interview me if she wants to lose her career. She knows who to pick on

  6. Small girl who comes across as disrespectful with a stinky attitude. Some women lack class. I would recommend she seeks counsel from well respected educated women such as my lovely wlfe, on how to behave. These are women you meet on a night out and are only good for that night. I am too important for such a woman. Let her interview me if she wants to lose her career. She knows who to pick on .kz

  7. Small girl who comes across as disrespectful with a stinky attitude. Some women lack class. I would recommend she seeks counsel from well respected educated women such as my lovely wlfe, on how to behave. These are women you meet on a night out and are only good for that night. I am too important for such a woman. Let her interview me if she wants to lose her career. She knows who to pick on .kz

  8. @Kaizar, mwaya sana, bro.
    Mutale is a radio presenter, activist and celebrity. Prostitutes don’t go to Siavonga but hung out in hotels.
    Adris Kaingu chose to spend her holidays, in Singapore but Mutale is spending them at home, to promote local industry.

    Maureen Nkandu never went anywhere but they still called her names.


  9. Abena Kaizar muli bakali as you mince no words “I would recommend she seeks counsel from well respected educated women such as my lovely wife, on how to behave. These are women you meet on a night out and are only good for that night. I am too important for such a woman. Let her interview me if she wants to lose her career”. THIS DOES NOT LIKE IT IS NOT A CASE OF CALLING A SPADE A SPADE.

  10. I kind of enjoyed the interview. The chemistry between Ken and Mutale is funny, i can sense some sexual tension. Ken is clearly the journalist here.

  11. I personally have NO RESPECT for men who disrespect women for no good reason whatsoever! The only reason most of you are spewing rubb!sh about her is because of your own insecurities and can’t stand seeing a beautiful, well spoken, confident, and successful woman with an opinion, and they are unafraid to state it. Typical of patriarchical, misogynistic, and self-aggrandizing Zambian men. Men who think that our women don’t belong in the public square or worth listening to. For goodness sake, why can’t a Zambian woman have an opinion and dare to voice it without being attacked or bullied? Who told you people that she is yearning for advice from your wives? Or seeking to interview your st!nky @sees?

    Leave the the young lady alone so she can sore as high as her God given abilities and…

  12. Continue…..

    talent will carry her. Just “like our noble eagle in its flight.” And who freaking asked you to be the judges of beauty standards for our women in Zambia? Time out….you losers!

  13. Keep pushing your hustle sister, at least you’re trying; compared to sitting and waiting to be fed and housed. Do you hun!!

  14. The INTERVIEWER concentrated more on her character, was he after other ‘juice’?

    Her talent which includes body attraction like that of other celebrities like Naomi Campbell, footballers is short lived, 5 years at the most. Please give her space as for her political affiliation!
    Which political party can we expect her to embrace if the rest in her family (grandparents, parents, uncles, aunties ) were sympathizers of KK, Sata, Nkumbula etc

  15. @Sungwe…what a stupid thing to say d!ck head.Since when in the history of Zambia have we suffered under Tongas…?You are the one who is tribal here…i guess thats what your parents taught you and you being a Neanderthal you believe your own lies…sad

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