Thursday, March 13, 2025

New Copperbelt International Airport under construction will bring change to the region


Vice President Inonge Wina says the New Copperbelt International Airport under construction will be a game changer for the region’s trade, investment and Tourism.

Mrs. Wina says she is confident that 3-hundred and 97-Million-United-States-Dollar airport once opened usher in a lot of opportunities.

She says Zambians are proud of the project which is expected to ease movement of goods and people beyond the country’s borders.

And Mrs. Wina has directed the contractor to fully actualise the resettlement plan for people that will be moved from the site of the new airport before the project is completed and handed over to government.

She says no issue must remain unattended to when the airport is opened.

The Vice President was speaking in Ndola this morning shortly before touring the New Copperbelt International Airport.

Mrs. Wina said she appreciates the challenges of COVID-19 that have delayed the completion date of the project, but that government remains hopeful that with countries around the world slowly opening up, the project will be completed soon.

And Copperbelt Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe said the people of the region are grateful to government for the many developmental projects being implemented in the region.

Mr. Mwakalombe said government will not listen to detractors because its goal is to deliver development to the people of Zambia.

And AVIC International Senior Consultant Lei Yingqi said the new Ndola International Airport which was supposed to be completed by the end of this year has delayed due to some materials not arriving from abroad because of COVID 19.

Mr. Lei said even some training courses that were to be conducted in China for those working at the airport have been postponed because of the travel restrictions imposed by the Chinese government.


  1. Exciting. Please complete these projects!

  2. Dear Madam,
    This news is useless…stay focused on one thing. What happened to the new extension at Lusaka international Airport.
    This is fake news…good bye.
    PF must Go.

  3. Another grossly inflated project that has been passed on to our children…the Chinks know you will never pay for this strategic project to them hence they gave you the $400 million even if the actual project itself costs less than half.

  4. Another grossly inflated project that has been passed on to our children…the Chinks know you will never pay for this strategic project to them hence they gave you the $400million even if the actual project itself costs less than half.

  5. The China man giving K1m is the same money stolen from zambia with the collaboration of PF. Madam don’t think wr are stupid like you.
    Pf must go or zambia dies

  6. “And Mrs. Wina has directed the contractor to fully actualise the resettlement plan for people that will be moved from the site of the new airport before the project is completed and handed over to government.”
    When is this old hen going to realise that her directives mean nothing? You dont actulise resettlement plans when you have already started construction …this is now a GRZ matter

  7. money for resettlement of the people was released by the central government but the copperbelt permanent Secretary resfused to give the money to the affected people saying they ve no tittle deeds. Facts are there you can ask the accounts parliamentary committe

  8. Are we building a new smart city next to the airport? We should be constructing to borrow from one of Africa s forward looking leaders: a 5G-ready city that will be a leading benchmark for green infrastructure continental and internationally

  9. You have even stopped talking about the new Lusaka international Airport which was supposed to open in October last year.

  10. ‘Inonge, go to the Copperbelt and see the new airport.’
    ‘Ok, your excellency. I will go after covid. You know I am over 65 and I am at risk.’
    ‘No. Don’t worry. You will be fine. I have been to Northern, Muchinga and Southern provinces and I am fine. If you ask me, I do not know what to believe about this Covid thing.’
    ‘Ok, your excellency, I will go tomorrow. But what am I go to do there? What about Japhen and Vincent, can’t they go?’
    ‘Take one of them with you.’

  11. Fitwama Filapwa – Just look at that old hen do you think she would know what you are talking about….half of that money for that airport should be pumped in universities but has disappeared in pockets and PF campaign account. We have spent $1 billion on two airports …that’s how reckless these foooools are.

  12. Great stuff. Meanwhile that small boy from upnd with receding hair who insulted our mother, is left looking like the pathetic loser he is. What has he done to help zambian people apart from insulting the VP

  13. I think PF has now become mad. How can you use alot of of money to build arlirpots when you hav one plane? How many planes land in Zambia per day? What profit will you make for you to make such a white elephant? Madam nowonder u are called sick and must retire.

  14. Look at this twit with the monopoly to insult, when it comes to our taxes she is an accountable employee. That mother business should remind outside government premises. I have never known a presidential advisor who has sunk so shallow as to utter such nonsense “small boy from upnd with receding hair.” When his kids come across such shallow think, they will say he is very lucky to be employed by anyone. Guess who it is KZ.

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