Friday, March 7, 2025

Abyud Shonga is new LAZ President


Former Attorney General Abyudi Shonga State Counsel has been elected new Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) President.

Mr Shonga was contesting the LAZ presidency against a female competitor Mutumu Nzala Mwape, who was seeking to become the second female LAZ President after Linda Kasonde.

Mr Shonga becomes the first State Counsel to hold the position of LAZ President.

Mr. Mwitwa did not re-contest the seat after serving one two-year term, leaving room for Shonga to win a tightly contested race at the LAZ elective general assembly in Livingstone on Saturday.


  1. Rest in misery corrupt Mwitwa.
    We won’t miss you and your politically biased disposition in LAZ.
    At last lawless LaZ has a chance of becoming Lawful, advisory and articulate.
    What wasted years of laz under upndead Mwitwa.
    Days are numbered, ain’t they?

  2. Hopefully, he will take LAZ away from the partisanship it had gone to from the times of Linda Kasonde. We hope LAZ will now command mutual respect from both the opposition and ruling party.

  3. Mwitwa would have been defeated. The lawyers had ganged up for him to give him a red card. Its good he saw it and saved his face.

  4. I hope he has changed, I wasn’t impressed with the way he served as Attorney General under Harabee. Anyway I wish him well

  5. He LAZ need some decency. Mwitwa was a mess. Linda Kasonde was good, she even rewarded herself with an NGO.

  6. Good Riddance to bad rubbish in the herder masquerading as a lawyer. Indeed LAZ became moribund due to its rotten head.

  7. Only in Zed does a body that is supposed to promote a profession behave like a political party. We don’t see similar misbehaviour from other profession-promoting bodies like Surveyors, Engineers, etc etc. Zambians have allowed this rubbish & they cheer them on.

  8. Linda and Mwitwa sold LAZ into partisan politics. Reason we waited to have the AGM to teach Mwitwa a lesson. Now he is free, he can freely exercise his right to belong and speak same language as his party of choice. Using our Association is unforgivable sin Mwitwa committed.

  9. With State Counsel at helm of LAZ, we hope to see real change. LAZ was used by Linda to propel her to NGO politics so she could be getting donor support. She succeeded but left a big dent on professional standing of LAZ. Now we hope LAZ will behave like many of these other bodies such as ZICA who keep politics away from them. LAZ is supposed to contribute towards law development and not seen as an Opposition party

  10. Like economic tragedies resulting from fiscal incompetence law can hit constitutional icebergs. The poor reading culture in Zambia results in looking at the wrong place when there is suspicion of partisanship. Soon Abyud will be lumped with either side of the political divide. I like one citizen Godfrey Miyanda who is able to see through mediocrity to the conduct of lack thereof of the constitution as it interacts with laws. Congrats Abyud my friend.

  11. Congratulations Mr Shonga. WE now have an experienced lawyer back at the helm of LAZ since Elijah Banda. The amateurs have been vocal, yes, but they lacked the legal knowledge base to put words into action. LAZ has not won a single case at law but has made a lot of noise, pandering to the public gallery. Hopefully, this will end.

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    Hope he is not a PF stooge.

    With every facet of the Judiciary under the PF and Lungu’s pocket, LAZ was the only legal entity left to challenge the abuse of the legal system by the PF. Time will tell!

  13. @Bongo Bongo , you deliberately forgot the Economic Association of Zambia. What is your opinion about their conduct?

  14. Mwitwa knows that 2021 will be a busy year with the blatant abuse and disregard of the constitution by the failed lawyer in State House …he thought it was wise to re-contest

  15. LAZ is LAZ. Any effort to make it an appendage of any political party, whether governing or opposition, will always fail. After all governing parties do change.

  16. Under the leadership of Rodger Chongwe and vice-presidency of Levy Mwanawasa, LAZ was LAZ. It probably attained the kind of esteem that it has yet to recapture. It remains to be seen if Abyud Shonga will be up to the task. Yes he has been attorney general and those sufficiently informed know wht his time as attorney general was associated with.

  17. Good riddance to the ever pouting and very annoying, former LAZ President Linda Kasonde.

    It should be good riddance to LAZ too, as it has proven to be ineffective due to its penchant for party politics.

    Don’t let the door hit you on the butt as you exit Kasonde, and oh, please can you turn the lights out as you leave your office. Thanks.

  18. Abyudi Shonga was dropped by Micheal Sata because he was part and parcel of the corrupt Rupiah Banda gang.
    Rupiah Banda prematurely terminated Mumba Malila’s contract as Attorney General and replaced him with Abyudi Shonga.
    But the late Sata dropped Abyudi Shonga and reappointed Mumba Malila(now supreme court judge) as as Attorney General
    So expect the new LAZ to be supporting ECL and the Ex RB supporters who are now in PF.

  19. Linda Kasonde is not the immediate past president of LAZ. Why’s she being attacked? Is this fair comment? I’m no lawyer but I know how dangerous lawyers who don’t know that the state ought to be held in check can be. The process of making USA a better societyfor example, started with brave lawyers like Thurgood Marshall in 1954 whn he argued the landmark case of BROWN vs BOARD OF EDUCATION. It was extremely risky for Marshall to take that case to the Supreme Court as a black lawyer in the USA of 1954. In Zambia we hv many lawyers who hv no problem living and practising law and making lots of money even as the wider society is decaying due to rampant misapplication of public resources by the powerful. But the decay eventually affects them because even lawyers need good quality public…

  20. services. You can be driving on the highway with your fancy toy and get involved in an accident. If the nearest hospital lacks emergency life-saving equipment, even a top lawyer can breath their last in the hospital that the government they had defended had underfunded.

  21. Linda Kasonde is already a brand-name lawyer. Her success doesn’t depend on being LAZ president. No amount of cheap attacks will affect her in any way. She knows wht she wants in Zambia, she knows wht good governance is and below-the-belt blows at her don’t bother her. She knows how some African countries hv descended into chaos due to lawyers who fail to stand up for the law.

  22. Linda is being attacked, even though she is not the immediate past president. This tells you just how much damage she inflicted on the association because of political leanings.
    We had the association inserting itself in completely political cases to join proceedings as “friend of the court”.
    By attacking Linda, people are simply say that they do not want to get back to these shambles.
    This is a lesson to others like Economic Association of Zambia, people can smell the stench of of on habaazoka. Be professional.

  23. Whn the law is being raped, it’s Law Association of Zambia business to rise its head above the parapet. This is in fact in the LAZ constitution, that is, to contribute to law development in the Republic of Zambia. Law development is not just served whn u win a case. It happens even whn a case is lost.

  24. This is sad news for LAZ because this man is bone and fresh of Lupiya Banda’s MMD .This is what has transformed into the new PF of today who are a pack of thugs . Scumbags who can even sink so low and use fake pictures to cheat Zambians that the roads they are building is value for money when in actual fact the money is ending up on building sites in Swaziland and around Mansions in Lusaka .This government is worse than covid 19 and cholera put together .

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