Friday, March 21, 2025

Dad, Who is a Hero and who are Zambia’s Heroes?


By Parkie Mbozi

During this time of lockdown, with no idea whatsoever when non-examination classes will re-open, I have been turned into dad-cum teacher for our Grade 9 son Hamwenda. So, on Heroes day, Monday 6 July, during our civics session Hamweda asked, “Dad, who is a hero and who are Zambia’s Heroes?

To make sure I was crystal clear I took a dictionary and read this definition: “A hero is someone who gives of himself, often putting his own life at great risk, for the greater good of others.” I further read a wiki definition that, “a hero is a real person or a main fictional character who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, courage or strength.”

At this point my son prodded me to explain the significance of the two-day holiday and who we should have in mind when celebrating heroism in Zambia. So, I went on to explain that Government set aside the first weekend of July every year to remember and celebrate the achievements of our heroes. The country has produced heroes in almost every facet of life: sports, art, trade unionism, business, religion, farming, health, defense and security and several other sectors. All these deserve recognition and have a place in Zambia’s history.

My son and I agreed that while there are many heroes in other facets of Zambia’s life and history, my answer to his second question should focus on heroes of the country’s liberation struggle. We often refer to the men and women who worked hard to not only free the country from colonial bondage but also set the model of moral and ethical leadership as the Founding Fathers of our country. So, I went on to explain to my son why these gallant Zambians are not only revered but also commemorated to-date, almost three decades since they left office. And below is what I said about their qualities.

Were Brave Pioneers, Innovators and Pacesetters: the heroes initiated the liberation struggle in the 1930s. The initial goals of the campaign were to prevent the amalgamation of Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, and Nyasaland to form the British-controlled Central African Federation. They also called for an end to racist discrimination against the black majority within the political, economic, and social spheres of Northern Rhodesia. However, towards the end of the 1950s, radical campaigners began expanding their vision for a more democratic and just future. They called not only for the disbanding of the Federation, but also for the formation of an independent state (Zambia) that would be free from European colonial domination.

They used various innovate strategies to fight for freedom. For instance, in 1957 young Sikota Wina began publishing African Life, the first ever newspaper by an African for Africans. They faced numerous atrocities, including arrests and imprisonment, but they fought on even amid the infamous Public Order Act. They did not have constitutional rights and liberties as we have today but that did not deter them from waging mass protests, strikes, boycott and pickets.

Young but focused and consistent: the heroes did not wait to get ‘old’ before they could confront the dreadful colonial power and to take up the mantle of taking up leadership positions. They were young/youths, in their teens, early 20s and 30s. Some of them were forced out of school to fight for the liberation of the country. As a matter fact, it was the sole-called young Turks that broke away from ANC to former ZANC, the forerunner of UNIP, in 1959, and are credited for accelerating the independence victory. Their leader – Kenneth Kaunda – was only 40 years old when he became President of Zambia. Vernon Mwaanga, for instance, was 24 in October 1964 when he became Zambia’s first diplomat, as deputy high commissioner in London and 26 in 1966 when he was appointed Zambia’s ambassador to the United Nations. The heroes were also consistent and resisted all forms of infiltration or manipulation.

They United When it matters Most: the heroes faced numerous and enormous forces that threatened their unity of purpose and did differ often over strategies to liberate the country. For instance, in 1959 the more vibrant young Turks, as the called themselves, broke away from the African National Congress (ANC) and formed the Zambian African National Congress (ZANC), the forerunner of the United National Independence Party (UNIP). However, they were able to unite for a common good. For instance, the country’s first African government, formed in 1962, was a coalition of UNIP and the ANC, without which the colonial government would have won the election. Likewise, in 1972 the ANC and UNIP signed the Unity Accord, commonly known as the Choma Declaration, that ushered in a one-party state and an end seven years of vitriols tribal politics.

When ordained to rule they did with honesty: The heroes served government with honesty, integrity and honour. Despite absence of opposition parties between 1972 and 1991, they served public office without seeking to enrich themselves, their families and friends or becoming tenderpreneurs of government contracts. Neither did they use public office for designer shoes and suits or to out-compete their political rivals in wealth. They wore safari suits made locally. Their children went to the same schools that we, the ordinary people, went to. They went, and still go, to the same local hospitals that we the ordinary people go to. Without exception they used commercial flights and Zambia Airways when air travel was necessary.
To demonstrate their resolve to protect public resources, they enacted the famous Leadership Code (for Public and civil servants) through Statutory Instrument, 1974, No. 108, Corrupt Practices Act (1980) and formed SITET.

On Dr Kaunda’s 96th birthday, on April 30, 2020, Enock Kavindele, a former UNIP MCC said: “To be honest with you, I miss the Leadership Code. I wish the leadership code would still be there. What that would have meant would be [that] leaders would not be in businesses competing with real business people, because as it is now if you were to tender for anything, for any work, amongst the people you would be competing with will be leaders who will sit on that committee adjudicating the fate of what you would have put in; so totally unfair.” So well summarized.
Little wonder despite the hullabaloo peddled by then opposition MMD that UNIP leaders stole $6 billion, not a single former public official was convicted let alone accused of embezzlement of public funds. At the time of leaving office in 1991, Dr Kaunda had no house other than an incomplete structure at his Chinsali farm. For many years he lived in Kalundu in one provided by a good Samaritan.

United the Tribes Through Appointments: the heroes were self-aware about and appreciative of the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country. They exercised love and ingenuity by ensuring that all the tribal groupings and provinces of the country were represented in cabinet and senior government posts like permanent secretaries, ambassadorial and in parastatals. It was called ‘tribal balancing’. Likewise, they did not call others ‘tribal’ simply as a smokescreen for their own ‘white-collar’ tribalism. They used the eight slots for nominated MPs to coopt ethnic and special interest groups that were not represented in cabinet and not political cadres.

Ceded Power without any attempt to Rig the Election: The heroes faced two tests of character before they existed office after 27 years. The first was the strong wind of change for multiparty or liberal democracy, which began with the fall of eastern Europe and the entire communist/socialist bloc. In late 1990 they ceded to the demands for a return to multiparty politics and released all political prisoners. They called off the planned referendum and announced dates for multiparty elections in 1991, with two years left to their term.
As for the second test, holding of the elections, all international observers hailed them for allowing for free elections that ushered in the MMD. Two observer groups – the Carter Centre and NDI – for instance reported, “In contrast to its counterparts in Zimbabwe and Kenya, the Zambian ruling party did not take advantage of incumbency to subvert election results.” The Carter report adds, “Vote rigging and violent displacement were not used to remake electoral geography.” The observers further noted that civil servants were sternly warned against interference in the elections (Bratton, 1992) and hailed Dr Kaunda for having “graciously accepted the will of the people”. Contrast with the what was written about the 2016 election, “The violence witnessed in 2016 included molestation and intimidation, seizure of public property, public disorder, vandalising of party property, lawlessness and aggressive rhetoric” (Mukunto, 2019).

For years UNIP maintained a powerful youth wing also known as ‘vigilante’. However, these were never armed with pangas, machetes and guns and were restrained from tampering with the electoral process (ZIMT, 1992). Nor were cadres ever used to camp at courts to intimidate judges.
And when UNIP and Dr Kaunda lost the 1991 elections, he quoted 1 Kings 3:16-28 –
King Solomon and the two women who went to him both claiming to be the mother of the baby. “Please don’t kill my son,” the baby’s mother screamed, “give it to the other woman”.

They Made Honest Mistakes: the heroes were not saints or angels. They were human like us. They made mistakes but not out of dishonesty but rather (mis)judgment. Some made personal mistakes long after office, such as involvement in illicit drugs or reluctance to hand over power to a new generation within their party. However, we can safely say these errors of judgment had nothing to do with the governance, let alone resources, of the country.

Thank You Dad, said Hamwenda. Now I understand and see the difference. We parked our books and headed for lunch.

The author is a media, governance and health communication researcher and scholar with the Institute of Economic and Social Research, University of Zambia. He is reachable on pmbozi5ATyahooDOTcom.


  1. May God have mercy on all the blessed souls who sacrificed everything for our freedom. They were selfless. They knew they would die one day but thought of future generations. Nowadays people purporting to lead the nation are selfish and care only about amassing riches for themselves. They don’t care what happens to the country and the future generations. Their thinking is, “After all, we won’t be there.” UNIP under KK had foresight and vision. They were passionate and loved the country and the people. Unfortunately as happens to all great minds when Power corrupts totally, KK lost the plot. I wish he hadn’t. I wish he had continued to believe in God’s plan for the nation but he fell by the wayside and crooks and criminals emerged to exploit us. MMD, PF..same..same!!
    “Who let…

  2. Miles Sampa is an active hero you can use as example. He is most loved Zambian in 2020, full of fun and the ending results are always positive.
    Compare how Sampa peacefully closed bar in Matero to violent Lusambo actions.

  3. Very honest and fair recollection of the illustrious political history of Zambia’s heroes. Now we have something completely different and tottering on the borders of a civil war or a genocide. Could this be because we are not led by true Zambians?

  4. Lusaka times your website leaves alot to be desired. Are you failing to manage a simple platform? In as much as I appreciate this history lesson, if you may call it, I believe the solutions for our country are not in the past. Rather we need progressive contributions about how we can make things better. What one did in 1950 chakuti cannot help anyone in 2020 and beyond. We in Pf want constructive progressive contributions rather than history lessons

  5. A U.K troll, who loves attention, threatening to leave L.T & sit in his council flat twiddling his fingers & thumbs whilst concentrating on taking his (free) prescription meds?
    All that will happen is the sick troll will change identity probably back to Mus0t@ or N3.z, reboot to factory settings & go again. Unfortunately attention is sweet addiction for a sad lonely professional troll.

  6. Compare and contrast independence heroes with Thugs of Poo Foo.

    Kavinfele us a crook and should have been avoided in the whole article. He is a bitter taste in the whole memory lane.

  7. Kaizer Zulu has left LT?
    When is he leaving Zambia with his robbers party’s 40 thieves led by ECL, Chilufya, Kampyongo, Mwila & co.

  8. This is the most sensible and factual write up I have read in such a long time. Keep up the good work.

  9. I like the way Parkie Mbozi writes. But I pity his fictitious son, Hamwemba, who was overload with a mountain of information.
    One point, however, stands out. Lets not only celebrate political achievements. Just like we have soccer heroes (Heroes Stadium), there are other areas that require heroic recognition as well.

  10. I find this a very fair comment. The author recognises that they were all very human who errors of judgement. He was looking into the past and not the future. He has done it in a stellar way.

  11. I agree that Enock Kavindele should not hv been mentioned. This man has no idea wht he wants in life and wht Zambia should be.

  12. RSM George Bridges(deceased)my late father was a hero of Zambia, in 1967 at Kalewa Barracks,Ndola there was dynamite in the armoury it was classed as highly dangerous and would not be moved by the Engineers. On this my father took control and loaded up the 250lbs of dynamite onto a Landrover, drove it off the barracks to a quarry where he safely detonated it away from all civilian and military personnel working and living at Kalewa Barracks.Somewhat 45 yrs later he was awarded the Meritorious Medal 2012 in London. He was overlooked and should have been awarded The Eagle of Zambia Presidential award for this totally Heroic deed, saving Thousands of lives and a military barracks which is still functional to this day2020. A Zambian Hero??????

  13. These people living in the past, if KK loved this country why is he not being vocal to whats happening today, to be honest we talk about the the freedom from colonial control, well what have we done in the last 56 yrs to build Zambia and the last 5 years where we have allowed the PF to sell our country to the Chinese. i was shocked yesterday when i went to Govt web site Zambian Development Agency google it and it came up in Chinese then there is a icon that allows it to be changed to English. Only weeks ago there was a up roar over Chinese signs now the govt websites use it.

  14. 72 tribes 72 languages and a lovely country diamonds copper gold maize farming land? What are you all doing? The Chinese are robbing you blind!! It was said of colonialism but at least the country was profitable and English was understood by the vast majority and Zambia is still within the Commonwealth. To have Chinese signs etc is truly unheard of forget the in house tribal fighting One Zambia One Nation ??Be proud stand together as ONE I lived in Ndola 65-69 went to school there they were great times I even sang the National Anthem at my school I was proud of it. A Mzungu but loved Zambia.

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