Friday, March 14, 2025

Modify Kafue and Kabwe Roundabouts to Decongest Lusaka CBDs!


The Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG) is calling for the modification of the Kafue and Kabwe Roundabouts in Lusaka to help decongest traffic in the Central Business District (CBD) of Lusaka.

The Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group has noted that traffic at these two roundabouts gets entangled and come to a standstill during every rush hour and has to rely on the presence of traffic police for the traffic to move.

The Group also notes with sadness that the many road works taking place in and around the Lusaka CBD area has not resulted in reduced traffic jams as most of the traffic gets stuck around these traffic circles and on Cairo Road.

The Group therefore proposes that the two traffic circles namely Kafue Roundabout and Kabwe Roundabout be modified to direct traffic away from trouble spot and enable traffic to flow smoothly.

On Kafue Traffic Circle, the Group proposes that traffic from the East on Independence Avenue be directed to turn left into Kafue Road only while those from Cairo Road be allowed to turn left into Independence Avenue or go straight into Kafue Road. Traffic from the South on Kafue Road be allowed to turn left into Ben Bell Road or go straight into Cairo Road. This will stop the bottle neck on this traffic circle.

On Kabwe Roundabout a similar arrangement can be made where traffic from the North into Lusaka on Great North be allowed to turn left into Great East Road or go straight into Cairo Road while traffic from the South on Cairo Road be only allowed to turn left into Kalambo Road or go straight into Great North Road.

The Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group proposes that two new traffic circles be created on Lumumba road at the junctions of Ben Bella Road and Kalambo Road to re-direct traffic that would have been affected by the proposed changes at Kabwe and Kafue Roundabouts.
The Group proposes a close of all right turns on Kalambo Road so all traffic turns at the newly created roundabouts.

The Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group hopes the Government through the Roads Development Agency (RDA) and Lusaka City Council will take advantage of the current road works taking place around these areas to implement these changes to help decongest the CDB and allow for the smooth flow of traffic.

By Mthoniswa Banda


  1. Mthoniswa Banda have you just awoke from a coma? …surely you do understand that the Indians are undertaking works funded by Indian Exim Bank via a $250 million loan which our useless govt has contributed only 15 million.

  2. Zambian city planners a k a city engineers a k a as Mayor’s civic fathers etc.
    You had 40 years to plan for this but just watched with a Fikaisova mentality. Now you are fighting to put out a fire that you could have prevented.

  3. Oh look, CBD, stands for Central business district?!!!

    I thought, in no…Zambians in cars driving around rounds outs high on Cannabidiol (CBD) cannabis edibles……..!

    Even without drugs Zambians are the worst worldwide.

  4. Good idea. What would ease things even further would be to divert to Lumumba road, all traffic approaching from Kafue intending to go beyond Lusaka. If final destination is Lusaka, this traffic could turn right – way before the Lumumba Road divertion junction, or at the Lumumba Road junction itself, avoiding Kafue roundabout altògether.

    All traffic approaching Kafue roundabout on Independence Ave., Road, to keep left, or proceed straight but no right turning into Cairo Road. Therefore, the road commencing at Kafue roundabout heading out to Kafue, would be one way up to the Lumumba Road junction point. Do the same for Kabwe roundabout.

    Remove all traffic from Cairo Road – Make Cairo Road a ‘pedestrian only’ promenade in brick paving with current trees retained. Add box plants…

  5. Good idea. What would ease things even further would be to divert to Lumumba road, all traffic approaching from Kafue intending to go beyond Lusaka. If final destination is Lusaka, this traffic could turn right – way before the Lumumba Road divertion junction, or at the Lumumba Road junction itself, avoiding Kafue roundabout altògether.

    All traffic approaching Kafue roundabout on Independence Road, to keep left, or proceed straight but no right turning into Cairo Road. Therefore the road commencing at Kafue roundabout heading out to Kafue, would be one way to the Lumumba Road junction point.

    Remove all traffic from Cairo Road – Make Cairo Road a ‘pedestrian only’ promenade in brick paving with current trees retained. Add box plants for aesthetics, and dot benches here and…

  6. continued…

    …and there for people to sit on. It will take clever planning but this would decongest the high street of unwarranted traffic and reduce air pollution created by car fumes.

  7. Lane discipline and keeping to the rules of driving on public roads helps move vehicles along to their destinations.

    This is definitely usually lacking in Lusaka and Kitwe, not knowing how it is in other towns.

  8. Too late.
    Ndalama Zasila!
    Some of the works will end up like Lewanika University somewhere where someone has gone to buy some weak souls … Kikikiki
    Meanwhile, some people attacked a funeral procession at Mutumbi Cemetery breaking people’s cars and inflicting grievous body harm on some. I was shocked to witness this unruly behavior. While the road works are welcome, no one will live to enjoy these if some think they have the license to beat others. The next terrible thing you don’t want to see is citizens taking the law into their hands and burning unruly PF cadres the way they did with suspected gassers! Please can the leaders in PF show leadership for once and understand that if violence is the route they want to take, they will be the biggest losers! Don’t push your luck too…

  9. Instead of coming up with such progressive ideas as how to improve traffic flow in lusaka the mayor is busy renaming roads.

  10. Indeed Kaiser, we have many sadists in Zambia! Those who were there at independence will totally agree with me that the development we have seen under apf was supposed to have taken place under unip between 1964 and 1990/91!The other favourite of the sadists is that they hate history.These armchair critics ignore the economic level at which apf took over the government.It was completely at zero! He took the strategist MCS to ignite what we are seeing,sadly the sadists condemned the infrastructure development and publicly asked apf if people will be eating roads!But today they are now inspectors of roads being constructed! The new roads have even made their campaign trails easier but have expressed appreciation so far but incito kulandafye ifya corruption! Shameful morons

  11. Let us just get a policy where commutting people , whether private or public will park in outskirts of town then we have some sort of city shuttle, that will limit traffic inflow especially in CBD ,some can walk it’s exercise, this will also resuscitate the downtown /second class* areas .

  12. I don’t think this will solve the problem. Forcing traffic that wants to go one way to turn another will force drivers to U-turn thereby creating more congestion somewhere else. Rather keep it simple. Roundabouts are only good to a certain volume of traffic after which they need to be replaced with a conventional junction and traffic lights. Look at Independence Ave and Church Road. It’s busy but not a nightmare. Even more ideally there could be slip roads for motorists to turn left. Gaborone removed many of its roundabouts years ago as the city grew. Lusaka should do the same.

  13. To decongest lusaka roads is simple. First stop all the traffic police to be putting road blocks all over the city and just control traffic where necessary. This will first allow the traffic to move smoothly and second people will have more money in their pockets. 50 % of self inflicted traffic jams will disappear.

  14. Spuds roundabouts are only good for slowing down a fast road. Cairo Road doesn’t need roundabouts. Its got traffic lights or robots that serve the purpose.

  15. You have to build the biggest flyover bridge over cairo road over both lanes from North to South. If you’re driving from North end and want to go downtown, you should just go kulula straight over the bridge to the south end of cairo road.

  16. Building tunnels is another option. We have experience in digging, we have been digging in CB for over a century.

  17. Total failure in all sectors actually but very competent at arguments like that former Political adviser chap

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